Chapter 24: Goodbye

That evening
Harper wore a black dress that was off the shoulders and fit her body nicely. She paired that will some black 4-inch heels and a clutch. “Somebody’s going out,” Paige said. Harper grinned, “Cole’s taking me to dinner. How do I look?” “Edible.” “Paige!” “Seriously. If you weren’t so very clearly taken, I would’ve made a move.” Harper waved her off, “Yeah, yeah.” “There’s also the fact that you’re straight but I’m sure I could convert you.” Harper rolled her eyes, “Not likely. I like my men.” Paige laughed, “I’ve noticed. You look great. You might have to skip dinner and go straight for dessert.” “Flattered.” Cole popped his head in, “Ready to go, love?” She nodded, “Ready. Take care of Em, Paige.” Paige waved them off, “I will. Have fun.” Harper followed Cole outside. They went to a fancy restaurant in the upscale part of the city. There was a stunning view of the ocean. Harper couldn’t remember the last time she just enjoyed herself like this without Emerald around. After dinner, he took her down to the beach. She took her heels off and walked barefoot. “This sand feels so good,” she murmured. “That’s good. Those heels look painful to walk in,” Cole said, threading his fingers through hers. “They’re not that bad,” she said. They came up to a tent on the beach, “Here we are,” Cole said. They went inside. There were blankets and pillows on the ground. The roof was sheer so she could see the stars. “Wow!” she said.
That was just the reaction Cole was hoping for. He and Harper got comfortable on the blankets. She snuggled in his embrace. In these moments, his love for her wanted to bubble over. She was perfect. “I love you,” he said into her hair. She smiled, “I love you too.” A shooting star sped over them. “Make a wish,” she said. “I’m too old for that,” he said. But secretly, he did wish that they’d be able to spend many more days like this once he got back. “Fine, I’ll make a wish.” She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds then opened them, “Done.” They spent the next hour talking about their future and what they wanted to do. Harper wanted to get her Masters and this time, he supported her. Last time he hadn’t, and he’d lost two years with the woman he loved. He knew he told Mr.Turner it was his fault, but in actuality, it was his own fault. He was the one who drove her away, and he wasn’t going to let that happen ever again. She also wanted to have at least two more children. He chuckled, “Well, we can start on that now.” “On the beach?! Anybody could walk by!” she shrieked. “Don’t be such a prude,” he said, flipping her onto her back. He rubbed himself against her, “Ready to go.” Her breath came in short pants; she was just as ready as he was. “Tell me no and I’ll stop,” he said, slipping his hands beneath her shirt. Of course, she didn’t stop him. He’d never planned for them to do this (okay, he’d hoped) but it felt good: the cold night air against their sweaty, hot bodies. He collapsed beside her when they were done, “Wow. We need to do that again.” “We do,” she agreed. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be ready,” he said. She slapped his arm, “Cole!” He laughed, “I’m joking.” “We can do it when you get back.” “....Yeah.”
After another hour or so, they left. Cole would pay someone to break the tent down. When they got home, the happiness bubble he and Harper had been in burst as reality came crashing down. He went to Em’s room. Paige had put her to bed. “Princess,” he said, gently shaking her. She woke up, “Daddy?” “Yeah. I’m leaving now, okay?” “You’ll be back?” “Of course. Before you know it.” She smiled sleepily, “Okay.” He kissed her forehead, “Goodnight.” “Night.” He slipped out of her room and found Harper in the doorway. He pulled her into his arms and just held her. Her body shook and he knew she was crying. God, he hated it when she cried. Whispering into her ear, she calmed down. “I’ll be back Harper. And we’ll have that beach sex.” He tried to lighten the mood. It worked; she smiled. “Okay.” He kissed her long and hard, “I love you.” “I love you more.” “I doubt that.” She grinned. He kissed her once more then grabbed his backpack. She followed him down the stairs and watched as he drove away. He hated leaving her and their daughter even though he knew they’d be fine without him. He sighed; this was his last deployment.
One month later
Ding dong. Harper put Emerald down onto the carpet, “Keep playing with your dolls; I’ll be right back.” She went and opened the door: a man in uniform. She got a sinking feeling in her gut. Quickly, she pushed it away and smiled, “How can I help you?” “Are you Harper Turner, Cole Martinson’s fiance?” She gulped, “Yes.” He looked remorseful, “I’m sorry ma’am but Mr.Martinson is no longer with us.” Everything went black.
She came to lying on the couch. Emerald was still on the floor and she looked lost. The man in the uniform was sitting on a chair, watching her. When he noticed she was up, he stood, “You’re back.” “What happened?” “You passed out, ma’am.” Then the earlier conversation came flooding back. Cole was gone. Dead. She’d never see him again. She’d never get to hug him. She’d wake up in the morning alone. Emerald wouldn’t have a father. She hadn’t realized she was crying until Emerald joined her. The man looked uncomfortable, “I’m very sorry.” “How?” was all she could ask. “The building he was clearing blew up. It’d been a trap.” “You sent him into a trap!?” she screeched. “....We didn’t know-” “It’s your damn job to know these things! Now he’s dead! Now I’ll never get to marry him! Our daughter will hardly know her father when she grows up!” She drew her legs up to her chest and hugged herself. Her heart was beating so fast she could barely hear. She rocked back and forth as her world crumbled around her. Nothing would ever be the same again. With shaky fingers, she called Harvey. “Hey sis, what’s up?” “Hi, Harper!” Kira said from the background. Harper looked at the man standing there, then cleared her throat, “Cole…..” She couldn’t bring herself to say it. That would make it real. “Harper? Hold tight, I’m coming over,” Harvey said. Harper didn’t answer. She couldn’t; her voice wouldn’t work.
Harvey arrived a few minutes later and as soon as he saw the man, he froze. “Jacobs….? What’s going on?” He looked at Harper; she was crying and her eyes looked hysterical like she was losing her mind. He picked up Emerald to calm her down. “Mr.Martinson is no longer with us,” Jacobs said. Harvey felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He felt tears prick the back of his eyes. Jacobs had warned them that this mission was dangerous, so Harvey had opted out. But Cole was fearless with a sense of duty. And now he was dead, leaving a fiance and daughter behind. Damn him! Harvey nodded to Jacobs, signaling he could leave. The man nodded and left. Harvey texted Kira and told her to come pick up Emerald. Harper was in no condition to take care of her.
Kira came over as soon as she could. Harvey didn’t say anything except three words: “Cole is dead.” Pain was laced in his voice and eyes. His hands were trembling. She kissed him then took Emerald upstairs to pack her some stuff. She knew Harvey and Harper needed time to process this and grieve. She didn’t know Cole too well but from when she did, she knew he was a good man.
Two weeks later
Harper had been going through the motions. She got up, showered, dressed, made breakfast for Emerald, played with Emerald, studied, made dinner, put Emerald to bed, studied some more, then went to bed. Nothing changed since she’d gotten the news. And because the building had blown up, there was no body to bring back. She was heartbroken, angry, and hurting. Harvey understood her pain like no one else. He’d been Cole’s best friend after all. But she still felt alone. She knew Cole did what he did because he loved his job, so she’d never resent that. But he was gone now. She wasn’t sure if she could move on with her life. But Emerald gave her hope. Emerald was the miracle she and Cole had together, and even though he was gone, she had her. That was her lifeline, otherwise, what reason did she have to live?
She got out of bed and went into Emerald’s room. She was asleep. Harper slid into the bed beside her and cuddled her small form. This was all the consolation she had: that Cole was living through Emerald. She silently cried herself to sleep.