Chapter 23: Mr Turner

Cole pulled up at the apartment complex. It was run-down as hell. Out on a bench in the front sat Mr.Turner. This couldn’t be where he lived, could it? He remembered Harper telling him that they were fairly well-to-do. So what was he doing in a place like this? He got out and walked over to the bench. “I didn’t know if you’d show.” “I owe it to my future father-in-law,” Cole said with a sigh, sitting down. “So I’ve heard.” “Heard what?” “That you plan on marrying my daughter.” “How…?” “Harvey. We keep in touch.” “Right.” “I won’t waste your time so I’ll just come out and say it. … I’m sorry, for everything.” “... You’re sorry?” “Yes. For the lawsuit; I really just wanted some money.” “Do you live here?” “Yup.” “I remember Harper saying you had some money.” He shook his head, “My ex-wife left a trust fund for Harvey and Harper that they could access when they turned 15. It was all their money.” Cole nodded, “I see.” Mr.Turner scuffed his shoe in the dirt, “Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you, that I truly and sorry for what I put you through. I’ve seen the way Harper looks at you. Heck, Harvey worships you. All I want is for my daughter to be happy. So you have my full blessing.” Cole hadn’t realized he wanted her dad’s blessing despite everything until he gave it to him. He smiled, “Thank you, sir.” Mr.Turner looked surprised, “No need to thank me.” “It’s been years Mr.Turner; I think it’s time we start over.” “Really?” “Yes. Besides, I don’t want to be the wedge between you and your daughter.” “Trust me, you’re not. Harper and I always had a strained relationship. Harvey practically raised her.” Cole nodded, “Harvey told me. Regardless, I think she would still want you to be in our daughter’s life.” “You think so?” “I do. I’ll text you our address so you can come visit when you’re up to it.” Mr.Turner nodded, “Thank you.” “Of course. I’ll see you around.” When Cole got back to his car, he texted him the address then pulled off. He sighed, things were working out.
When he got back home, Emerald was playing with Paige, and Harper was doing some college work. Paige was their unofficial nanny when he wasn’t around and Harper was doing school work. He went to the office where Harper was working. She looked up when he stepped in. Her smile made his heart stutter, still. “Babe,” she said. He walked over and pressed a kiss to her lips, “Hey. Are you busy?” “Just going over some notes. What’s up?” “I spoke with your dad.” “My dad?!” “Yeah. We had a good talk.” She slowly nodded, “That’s good.” “So if he pops over here one day, don’t be surprised. I think you two should work on your relationship.” She sighed, “I guess. He was never a father to me.” “I know. Also, I have duty.” She frowned, “Cole….” “I know, I know. You don’t like me doing it. Well, this will be my last tour then I’ll retire.” “You’re not old.” “Quit, whatever you call it.” “Promise?” “Yes. I’ll get another job here on US soil. Happy?” She smiled, “Very.” “That’s what I was aiming for.” “When do you leave?” “...Tonight.” “WHAT?! And you just now thought to tell me?” He winced, “I’m sorry. I just wanted us to enjoy the last days together without you worrying about me.” “Cole!” “Relax baby, I’ll be back. I promise.” “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” “Oh, I’ll keep it alright.” She sighed, “Okay.” “So...I was thinking-we go out to dinner. Just the two of us.” She smiled, “That sounds nice. I’m sure Paige can keep Em tonight.” He nodded, “Wear something sexy so when we’re done eating, I can have dessert.” She rolled her eyes. He kissed her once more before leaving her to do her work. The truth was, he wasn’t so sure he would return this time and wanted to make the most of the time they had together.