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Burning Up Flint Page 3

by Laurann Dohner

“You do not have pubic hair.”

“I had it permanently removed when I hit adulthood after I got tired of having to shave it off. I also had the hair that grew under my arms removed so it doesn’t grow back. Can I get dressed now?”

“Turn around.”

With dread and embarrassment, she turned around to present her ass for his inspection. She was tense, feeling vulnerable and exposed. She turned her head, looking over her shoulder at him, to watch as he carefully examined every inch of her with his unblinking gaze. Their eyes met when he looked up.

“Lie on my bed and expose yourself to me.”

Chapter Three

Mira’s mouth dropped open again instantly, knowing what he was implying, but decided to play dumb. Maybe she was wrong and he didn’t mean he wanted to see more of her.

“You’re seeing me exposed.”

“Do it now. I can tell by your accelerated heart rate and increased breathing patterns that you know exactly what I want. Lie flat on my bed on your back and expose your vagina to me.”

She spun around to gape at him. “Why? That’s just not…proper.”

He actually smiled at her, his dark blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “I’m a cyborg. What would I know about manners? Are you going to do it or do I have to restrain you to position you on the bed the way I want to see you?”

She had to think about that one a few seconds, finally shaking her head. “I won’t do it. I’m not some show-and-tell for your curiosity about female human anatomy.”

He moved so fast Mira didn’t even have time to gasp. She was shoved onto his bed as the man came down on her. He grabbed her flailing arms, restraining them as his weight pinned her legs. His face was inches above her.

“You can’t win in a physical contest, Mirasia Carver.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“You said it was your name.”

“It is, but I don’t call you Flint Cyborg.”

“What are you called?”

“If you get off me, I’ll tell you.” She figured it was worth a shot since he seemed all about curiosity.

“You’ll tell me anything I want to know. Stay still and don’t move at all or I promise you that you will not like my teaching techniques for you to learn to obey me.”

That didn’t sound good. Mira experienced a little fear as she stared into his serious eyes.

“You’ll hurt me?”

“I’ll train you. You belong to me now that I took you off the shuttle. On Earth cyborgs were properties of humans and you aren’t on Earth anymore, Mirasia Carver. You are now mine. You will follow my orders or I will train you to do as I tell you. I would not enjoy enforcing any form of punishment on you but I would mete it out. Do you understand?”

She nodded, feeling fear. “Yes.”

He released her wrists and pushed off her, getting off the bed to face away as he stood. He paused and she saw him bend at his waist. She stared at the man’s ass, encased in his black leather pants—pants that molded his body like a second skin. He had a nice ass and muscular thighs. She shut her eyes, not wanting to stare. She heard something thump on the floor that caused her eyes fly back open. She watched him walk over to the storage wall and that’s when she saw that he’d removed his boots and socks since he was barefoot now.

He removed something from one of the drawers and turned, holding two belts in his fisted hand. Fear flooded her instantly.

“I’ll do whatever you want. Pleases don’t whip me.”

He stopped, his eyes darted to the two belts in his hand and then narrowed and fixed on her as he nodded at her. “Good. Then do as you are told.”

He sat on the bed. Flint’s mattress was longer and wider than standard but then cyborgs were big males. He probably took up most of the bed when he was lying flat.

“Raise your arms, grip the metal bars, and hold still. Do not move.”

She hesitated before lifting her arms, doing what he said, not wanting to be whipped. She wondered if that’s what had been done to them in the old days on Earth when they were punished and if that’s where he’d learned that barbaric method of training someone to do as they were told.

She was frightened as he used the thin belts to fasten her wrists to his headboard, binding each firmly but making sure they didn’t tighten painfully around her skin. When he was done he inched down the bed to study her body.

“Now lift your legs and spread your thighs wide so I may examine you.” His voice was husky.

It shocked her a little that his aloof tone of voice was gone. Mira’s gaze flew to his face but he refused to meet her eyes, instead watching her legs, waiting for her to comply. She shut her eyes and did as she was told, lifting her knees up and spreading her thighs. When she brushed the cyborg’s body with her foot her eyes opened. She watched him scoot over on the bed to sit between her feet. His full attention locked on her pussy.

She was breathing fast, a little afraid, and a lot embarrassed as the cyborg removed his remaining glove. She wondered if he was going to hurt her. She’d gotten plenty of physical exams in her life by doctors but she tensed when she saw him slowly reach for her.

“Please,” she gasped.

The cyborg froze as he looked up at her. “Please what?”

“Don’t hurt me.” She nervously chewed her lower lip for a few seconds, staring into his beautiful eyes. “Women are very sensitive in that area and you could hurt me really easily, Flint.”

She saw his lips twitch, amusement flicked in his eyes. “I won’t hurt you.”

“This is amusing to you?” Anger overrode her embarrassment. “I’m in hell and you’re enjoying this?”

His smile died. “I am sorry you think this is hell.”

“I’m tied down naked on your bed and you’re treating me like I’m some kind of specimen instead of a person with feelings and modesty. I’m frightened because I don’t know what you are going to do to me. An hour ago I was just on my way home from a job and now my entire life is gone. You threatened me with punishment and I don’t even know what that entails. I…do you feel fear? I do. Do you feel compassion? Pity? Anything? How would you feel right now if you were in my position and someone you didn’t know was about to do God knows what to your penis?”

Flint stared at her. She saw something flicker in his eyes but she couldn’t identify what emotion it was because he was hard to read. Did cyborgs have emotions? She had thought so from observing the cyborgs’ interaction on the shuttle. They’d had a sense of humor and they’d laughed. If Flint and his men could feel amusement they had to feel other things. She knew they could feel anger since she’d seen that in the control room when her shuttle had blown up. She stared back at Flint.

He took a deep breath. “I will not hurt you as long as you do what I say. I have no intention of causing you pain or harming you in any way. I promise you this. Don’t fight me.”

“Like I could.”

He stepped back. She saw him reach for the front of his shirt and stared in open-mouthed shock, unable to look away as he removed it. The man was as muscular as hell, not showing an ounce of fat. His arms and chest were thick and well-defined muscles ran down his stomach. He had designs tattooed in black over both shoulders that disappeared out of sight toward his back. They were thick markings and like nothing she’d ever seen before, like strange writing, but it was a language she didn’t know. The design started just under his collarbone and rose up over the top curve of his shoulders. The black markings looked beautiful on his gray-toned skin.

He eyed his markings and looked back at her. “I thought you might be curious about me.”

“What do your tattoos mean?”

He glanced at the markings again. His finger rose as he traced a wiggly pattern before his gaze returned to her. “We created our own written language. These represent my name and who I am.”

He tossed the shirt toward the floor before getting to his feet, reaching for the front of his pants and slowly open
ing them. Mira’s mouth started to drop open but when she realized it, she slammed it shut. She knew she should look away but there was no way in hell she was going to when she was curious about his body and if he were willing to show her what was under his clothes, she was more than willing to look her fill.

She wondered if he was anatomically correct. When he lowered the front of his pants she let her legs drop as every inch of Flint was revealed. Her heels lowered against the bed as she slammed her thighs shut. She stared in fascination, and partly in fear, as the man stripped completely naked. As he turned sideways to step out of his pants, she got an even better view of cyborg Flint. Her heart pounded and the reason he wanted her naked on his bed was hugely evident.

“Oh shit,” she whispered.

Flint turned to face her, his gaze meeting hers, and then looked down his body. She saw his head tilt slightly as his dark blue gaze rose to meet hers again.

“Spread your thighs now,” he said softly.

Her eyes flew down his body to the biggest hard-on she’d ever seen. When he’d been designed in the lab they’d made everything big on the man. She shook her head frantically as her wide gaze flew up to his.

“You can’t have sex with me.”

Flint chuckled. “Watch me.”

Mira whimpered as she tried to roll away when he slowly climbed on the bed. She twisted to her side but a large, warm hand curled around her hip, pulling her flat again. He sighed loudly.

“Don’t fight me. Spread your thighs and lift them up again.”

She didn’t fight but she pleaded with him silently as she stared into his eyes. “You think this isn’t going to hurt? Have you ever had sex? I’m not prepared. You’re…” Her gaze flew down to that massive erection then flew back up. “You’re too big and that’s not going fit without pain. You’re too thick.”

He laughed. His eyes sparkled. “I’m not that big but thank you for attempting to boost my ego. If I had one, I’d appreciate it.”

“You’re bigger and thicker than any guy I’ve ever been with and I haven’t had sex in almost a year. I broke up with the man I was seeing and then I got a promotion at work so I’ve been traveling between Earth and the space stations. I haven’t had time to date or meet men unless you count men like the general and no way in hell I was interested in someone like him.”

“I understand. Do you pleasure yourself then? How do you do this? Do you use toys?”

She was amazed by the fact that he asked her that kind of personal question and that he even knew about sex toys. She opened her mouth and then slammed it shut. “I’m not answering.”

He grinned. “I’ll figure it out. Spread open now, Mirasia Carver. Resisting is a waste of time.”

Gritting her teeth, she spread her legs, letting anger override her fear. He was going to do this whether she wanted it or not. She wasn’t afraid of him exactly since he hadn’t hurt her so far. He just had no idea how uncomfortable sex between them was going to be but she did. She’d kept telling herself over the past year that she really needed to get laid but this wasn’t what she’d had in mind.

She glared at him. “I can’t stop you but please don’t hurt me.”

She shut her eyes and tensed, expecting him to just mount her and force his way into her body. Tears filled her eyes that she tried to blink back, knowing it was going to hurt, knowing there was no way it couldn’t hurt. The cyborg was large and really strong and well hung. Something that big being forced into something smaller was going to be painful.

She started a little when his hands gripped her inner thighs to spread them wider. She glanced at him and was shocked to find him crouched on his knees facing her with his face hovering inches over her pussy. She wondered if he was examining her visually before he started whatever he was going to do to her. She jumped when his hot breath teased her exposed slit. She stared down at him. Flint looked up at her over her stomach. He chuckled and did the last thing she expected. The cyborg winked at her.

Surprise hit her at what he’d done but then he did something even more shocking. She gasped as Flint’s tongue started to slide along the line of her cleft, sensitizing the tender flesh. His hands gripped her thighs tighter as his thumbs spread her labia wider, to expose more of her to his mouth. He flicked her clit with his tongue and then skimmed it downward until he pushed inside her pussy. She felt his tongue enter her body—hot, wet, and thick. She arched her back, squirming to get away from the pressure of the sudden entry.

She couldn’t get away from his hands or his mouth. He withdrew his tongue and swiped upward to focus on her clit with his lips and tongue. Her body went rigid at the instant pleasure his licks and gentle sucks created. It spread through her entire body. A moan tore from her as he started to apply just enough pressure and movement against her swelling nerve bundle to heighten the pleasurable sensations to pure ecstasy. She gripped the belts securing her wrists with her fisted hands just for something to hold on to.

The cyborg’s hot tongue teased and taunted her. He sucked on her and let his teeth scrape the sensitive bud he had captured in his mouth. His tongue then pushed at the hood of her clit to torment that tiny spot that drove her wild, pushing just enough against it that she knew she was going to come. She couldn’t hold back.

Her body tensed, growing tighter and tighter inside as her inner muscles clenched and quivered. Moisture flooded her pussy as moans tore from her throat. What Flint was doing to her was beyond anything she’d ever felt before with a man between her thighs. He was better than her vibrator or her own finger pleasuring herself. She bucked her hips, feeling her clit harden even further, wanting to come more than her next breath and knowing she was so damn close she was on the edge. If he stopped she was going to kill him because she would never survive if he left her hanging.

He shifted his hands on her, instantly she worried that he’d stop but that thought turned into a loud moan of sheer rapture as he pushed a thick finger inside her to fill the aching need of wanting him inside her. He curled that finger and rubbed her inner wall at the back of her clit. That was all it took for Mira to come apart under his mouth and around his finger. She screamed out his name as violent spasms seized her. Sharp blasts of pleasure surged inside her as she cried out over and over until she went limp in the aftermath.

Flint’s mouth released her clit as the finger slid out of her. She knew she was soaked as that finger spread her wetness around her sex, coating her labia. She moaned softly as his thumb brushed her oversensitive nub before stroking downward, using her wetness to make sure every part of her was coated with her slick release. She couldn’t move but the bed did though as his weight shifted on the mattress. Her eyes opened so she could stare up in wonder at Flint as he climbed over her to pin her under his body, trapping her between his hands spread on the bed next to her arms. She followed his intense gaze when he looked down their bodies and saw how aroused he was. He didn’t even have to grip his thick, erect cock to guide it into her. He was so hard he just had to adjust the angle of his hips.

The thick head of Flint’s cock pressed against her body as he teased her a little, gliding his incredibly hard blunt tip up and down her slit, spreading more of her fluids so that he was well coated too. He stilled, pressed against the entrance of her pussy, the thick head of his shaft poised there, against her opening. He slowly pushed forward, making her feel pressure before he slid inside her.

She gasped in pleasure at the wonderful sensation of her pussy being penetrated and stretched. He was so thick and she didn’t think she could take him but he didn’t give her a choice as he very slowly pushed in deeper. She shut her eyes, trying to relax. Her muscles were protesting being forced wider than they had ever been. Her pussy was slippery wet from how turned-on she was and from coming. It helped ease him into her without pain. He drove into her deeper still, causing her to suck in air in a loud gasp. Flint froze on her, not moving at all.

“Am I hurting you, Mirasia Carver? You’re so damn tight.” Flin
t’s voice was unusually deep and raggedly harsh. It sounded as if the words had been torn from deep in his throat.

She saw sweat on his brow then looked into a pair of dark eyes that were raw with passion and need. He looked like a man on the edge. His shoulder-length hair fell forward next to her face. His mouth was tense and she could see a muscle jump along his jaw. He looked as if he were torn between pain and passion. She understood.

“You’re stretching me. It burns a little but it doesn’t hurt.”

Relief was obvious in his eyes. “I’m using every ounce of my self-control, Mirasia Carver. I don’t want to hurt you but you feel so damn good. You’re like a fist around me that almost hurts but nothing has ever felt better. Tell me if I injure you. I’ll try to be gentle.”

He pushed in more. She moved her legs, wrapping them around his waist to try to squeeze his hips with her legs and use them as leverage to shove him back a little as he eased deeper into her. She was afraid it would hurt if he pushed inside too far. Flint chuckled, grinning at her, and shook his head as he pushed in deeper. He paused, buried inside her, stretching her.

“I’m in, little one. You can take all of me. I’ll stay right here while you adjust to me, no matter how much you make me ache.”

She heard the groan in his voice as he said the words. She stared into his eyes, seeing so much emotion there that it dazed her just a little. She saw the passion and almost pain but she saw need too. Need that he directed at her. She wished she could touch him, the urge to brush her hands over his body almost unbearable.