Page 17

Burning Up Flint Page 17

by Laurann Dohner

Flint cursed softly, storming out onto the balcony. He grabbed Mira around her waist and hauled her into his arms and walked into the living room carrying her. Fury radiated off him as he set her on the couch. He spun away to shut the doors firmly. He glared at her as he slowly turned to face her again.

“If you ever pull another stunt like that I’ll chain you to my damn bed for six months.”

“He can get you out of your stupid breeding pact, Flint.” Mira stared up at him. “Please accept the job for me? For us?”

Flint shut his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. His eyes opened and he nodded. “For you.” He glared at Cal. “That was low. You used her to get me to agree to the mission.”

Cal grinned. “And it worked. I’m happy, she is happy, and it all works out well.”

“I’m not happy. I just returned home and the last thing I want is to return to the Star. When would I report for duty?”

“I want you to report on board in an hour. Iron is waiting for your return. I thought I would have to hold up your family unit request to force you to accept command of the Star. I thought we’d have to yell and bargain.” The man chuckled. “I had no idea it would only take getting you out of a breeding pact.”

“I still want my request to make a family unit with her approved immediately and I want my sperm activated. I have an appointment tomorrow with medical, Cal.”

Cal chuckled. “Are you sure you want her in that capacity? She looks like a handful for something so small and helpless looking. With the new women coming to our planet you will have the opportunity to only share a cyborg female with another male. You could form a family unit with one who picks an ambassador. Those males are gone for most of the year.”

Fear hit Mira. Would Flint not want her after the stunt she’d pulled? She met Flint’s dark blue gaze. He still looked pissed but as she watched, his eyes softened.

“She’s mine, Cal, and I only want her. Make sure you don’t forget to remove me from the breeding pact. I’ll be on board the Star within the hour with the other half of my family unit, which you will approve immediately.”

“Excellent. I’ll call medical on my way and have a kit sent to the Star. Doc can handle activating your sperm on board. Breeding her will give you something enjoyable to do for the next few months while you’re off Garden.” Cal walked to the door and left without another word.

“Are you mad at me?” Mira stood, walking slowly to Flint.

He shook his head. “I don’t care where we are as long as we are together. Now will you swear to never run away from me or try to harm yourself again? I can give you my word I will never touch another woman and I swear to you that I will never allow another man to take what is mine. You are mine, Mira.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist, staring up at him. “I swear.”

Flint’s hands slid around her as he hugged her. “It’s a good thing that we didn’t have time to unpack yet and that your new clothes haven’t been unboxed. We need to leave. You heard Cal. He wants us on board within the hour.”

“I’ll finish getting ready.”

He chuckled. “Me too.”

Ten minutes later, all arrangements were dealt with, and they left Flint’s twentieth-floor home. She transferred her new clothing into a backpack Flint had given her. They had to rush to a transport heading for the edge of the city and then climb aboard the vehicle that had brought them inside the cyborg city. Flint held her hand while they watched the security gate open enough to let them outside. When they reached the landing site was, the Rally stood waiting for them.

“I miss the fresh air already,” Flint said softly.

Mira turned into his body. Two cyborg males were loading supplies onto the Rally, which would fly them up to the Star. She sensed both men watching her and Flint but she ignored them. Her gaze locked with Flint’s.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

His eyebrows rose as his lips spread into a sexy grin. “I really like fresh air. How are you going to make that up to me?”

“I feel pretty confident that I can think of a few things to do to you that will make you forget you’re even breathing. It will be better than fresh air.”

Flint’s body responded since she was pressed up against the front of him. The hard bulge in his pants pushed against her stomach. She grinned up at him and winked.

“I can’t wait until we’re alone.” His voice had turned husky. “You will show me what is better than fresh air.”

They boarded the Rally and this time Flint sat on the cargo floor, pulled her into his lap and leaned his back against the bulkhead wall.

“Leaving the surface isn’t as rough as dropping down was.”

The flight wasn’t bad at all. She was shocked at how smoothly and quickly they were docked to the Star when Flint announced they had arrived. Climbing to her feet, she yanked up her backpack. Surprise filled her when Flint held out his hand to her.

“I thought you said to not hold your hand around other cyborgs.” She jerked her head toward the men in the cargo area waiting to board the Star.

“We’re a family unit now.” He winked. “And besides, you made it clear you’re planning on being in my bed while we were on the transport.” He laughed. “And I want to hold your hand. I don’t give a damn if they are stunned by the sight.”

Iron was waiting when they stepped into the Star. He was wearing his uniform again, his long hair braided. When he noticed them holding hands, he lifted a red eyebrow.

Flint sighed. “Sorry to take your command. I was blackmailed into accepting the mission.”

Iron grinned. “I like it when you’re in charge. That means you get to deal with the problems. You are on board so I officially am handing over command to you. I’m going to my room, to my human.”

Flint sighed as he and Mira watched Iron stride quickly away from them and out of sight. “I guess I’m going to have to go to Control for a few hours while I get us underway. It’s my duty to go over our mission with the crew.” He gazed at her. “I’ll be in our room as soon as I’m done.”

“Okay. I understand.” Mira smiled at him.

Ever so slowly his eyes lowered, passion showing as he took in every inch of her. “I want you naked and in our bed when I get there. I’ll escort you there now and drop off my bag.”

“Lead the way.”

Minutes later they entered Flint’s quarters, which Mira was happy to see again. Flint dropped the bag and gave her a smile. “I will be back as soon as I’m able.”

Mira reached out for him quickly and gripped his shirt. “Not so fast.” A smile curved her lips. “I remember something about saying I’d show you how I can make you forget about the artificial air we breathe and right now seems like a damn good time to start.”

His eyebrows rose. “I must report now, Mira.”

She knelt before him, reached for the front of his pants, and unfastened them quickly, staring up at Flint with a teasing grin. “I have a feeling this won’t take long. I want to give you something to look forward to while we’re aboard the Star.” She freed his thickening cock.

“We don’t have time right now as much as I wish we did.”

Her gaze fixed on his aroused flesh as she ignored his words. One of her hands cupped his scrotum while her other hand wrapped around Flint’s shaft. For a guy saying he can’t, his body is saying a big hell yes, she thought. He was getting harder by the second as blood rushed to his lower half, where she was kneeling. She knew he was watching her so she made a show of it as she licked her lips, wet them, and inched closer to the tip of his sex.

Without hesitation she took Flint’s cock between her parted lips, her tongue swirled around the crown before she took him deeper, toward the back of her throat, firmly wrapping her lips around his shaft. A groan came from Flint as his fingers brushed through her hair.

“Mira,” his voice had gone husky and low. “That feels incredible.”

You haven’t felt anything yet, she thou
ght smugly, while she moved her mouth on him faster, sucked on him and licked the underside of his shaft with enough pressure that she knew he’d love it. His breathing turned louder and ragged as she turned her head at different angles, fucking him with her mouth.

“Mira,” he growled as he tried to pull back from her.

She removed her hand from massaging his balls to slide it between his legs to reach up to grab hold of his ass, clutching him to hold him steady so he couldn’t get away while she continued to suck and lick his cock. Judging by how hard he grew from her ministrations, he was close to coming.

“Mira,” Flint rasped. “Unless you want me to shoot my cum in your mouth, pull back now.”

Mira wanted all of Flint, her hand tightened on his ass, refusing to let him back away as she milked his cock, teasing and sucking on him until his body tensed, his legs shook a little, and he started to come.

A moan came from her as his release spread on her tongue—a sweet, rich taste that she swallowed over and over until she knew he’d given her all he had. She eased her grip on him and slowly eased his cock from between her lips. She licked them clean when he was free from her.

Her chin rose and she stared up into his sexually satisfied gaze, loving the smile he gave her as he held out his hand to help her up. She placed her hand in his and allowed him to gently tug her to her feet. He released her to close his pants, his attention never straying from her eyes.

“So, when you were panting, did you notice it wasn’t fresh air you were breathing?”

Flint chuckled as he shook his head and reached to brush his knuckles over her cheek in a caress. “I will hurry back to you but you will occupy my thoughts the entire time.”

Grinning at him, Mira nodded, taking a few steps back, knowing he had to get to work. “I’ll be waiting right here for you.”

He hesitated and then nodded, turned his back to her and strode out of their quarters. As soon as the doors slid closed, Mira laughed out loud.

Oh yeah, I’m totally better than fresh damn air, she thought with amusement.

Chapter Fifteen

The feel of the bed dipping from a heavy weight on the mattress woke Mira instantly. Flint had turned the lights on low. She turned, opening her eyes, to smile at a naked Flint as he lifted the covers to get under them with her.

“That was more than a few hours.”

He chuckled. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you for sending me food. I was starving.”

“I figured. We missed lunch.”

“What was the holdup?”

“We had some cargo issues. We are supplied with spare parts for the Vontage and the Moonslip but unfortunately our food supplies were loaded in the wrong cargo area so we had to sort it out. Then I had to have a vid meeting with the Cyborg Council. They are very excited about the discovery of the survivors of the Moonslip. As we were conferencing they got an incoming message from the Vontage. We were able to communicate with her commander by vid for the first time since it went missing. They were able to fix it since their last communication with our council. Steel is the Vontage’s commander. He was relieved we got his message and he’s returning to the planet to prepare the survivors to abandon the planet.”

“How long will it take to reach them?”

“It will take a good week but we are looking at three weeks minimum for repairs on the damaged ships when we arrive. No one knows why the Moonslip was so far out. It had been heading for Garden but it must have gone off course. I was able to get more details so I know what I’m facing. The Moonslip suffered damage from an asteroid hit. They were able to set it down on the planet’s moon and then shuttle everyone to the habitable planet nearby. It will make it easier to lift the Moonslip from a dead moon with hardly any gravity than to try to lift her off from the planet’s surface. That makes my job a lot easier. We could have transported all the survivors on the Vontage, the Star, and the Rally but we would have been really packed on all three ships. The Vontage was damaged by pirates but it was a lucky break since they found the survivors of the other ship. We’ll have both ships running as quickly as possible.”

“The Rally is traveling with us?”

“They left when we did but they are faster so they have taken the lead. They will arrive before we do. They are going to assess the damage to both ships so that by the time we arrive we can get the repairs immediately underway.”

“That’s good.” Mira was glad that he was opening up to her, talking to her, and it made her happy.

Flint inched closer to Mira. “I was thinking about you.”

She turned, curling against his large, warm body. His hard erection rubbed her bare stomach. “You were? You sounded like you were too busy to give me much thought.”

She raked her fingernails lightly over his nipples, instantly loving the way they immediately pebbled in response. His cock jerked slightly against her, letting her know he was in tune to her slightest touch so she lowered her head to make a pass at his neck. He tilted his head, letting her bury her face between his cheek and his wide shoulder. She opened her mouth to tease his skin with her tongue before she kissed the area she had just wet.

“I was also late because I made Doc activate my sperm.”

She pulled her face away from his neck. Their gazes met. “How long does it take to work?”

He smiled. “By tomorrow my sperm will be viable.”

“So we’re really going for this trying to get pregnant fast, huh?”

He suddenly pushed her on her back, pinning her under his body. She spread her legs so he could fit his hips in the cradle of her thighs. They stared at each other as he settled down on her. She loved the feeling of Flint surrounding her.

“I want everything with you. My request was approved. We are officially a family unit and Cal was nice enough to officially close the application as well.”

“Close the application? I don’t understand.”

“On Garden a family unit isn’t complete until there are three males with the female. Arrion is the female you met. She offered me the third male spot in their family unit. Her application is still open. If I had agreed then the unit would be closed and so would the application process. Cal closed our application so no other person can enter into our family unit.” He smiled.

Mira smiled back at him. “I’m starting to like Cal. I’m almost sorry that I called him a jerk.”

“I don’t like him at the moment for sending me on this mission. We should be celebrating our family unit approval in my large tub together. Instead we’re in this closet of a room on a tiny bed.”

“It’s cozy.”

“It’s tiny.”

Wiggling against him, she arched her back. “Cozy. Look how close we have to get all the time. We can’t sleep together without wrapping around each other. While I wish we had that tub in here if it would fit, which it sure wouldn’t, I can happily live with this. You’re all mine and I’m all yours.”

“You’re more than property to me, Mira.” Flint stared into her eyes. “I have spent hours thinking about you and I realized something I have been struggling with for days.”

Her heart stilled at his serious look. “You haven’t reconsidered being in a family unit with me, have you?”

Flint chuckled, his dark blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “No. I want you to know that I feel more than just possessive of you. When you wanted to die before you were willing to let another man own you I realized how important you are to me and that I was important to you as well. I knew that I valued you more than anything else I possess but I hadn’t realized why. Seeing you on that balcony today I realized that I didn’t want to live without you in my life. I never thought I could feel so much for someone but I feel everything for you.”

Mira grinned at him. “I love you too.”

He cupped her face in his large hand. “Love. Yes. That’s what I feel for you. Your smile makes me happy and your pain makes me hurt with you. Your unhappiness makes me unhappy.
Your body makes me ache and you make me hard with need to be inside you. You are always on my mind and when I am not with you, I want you with me.”

He shifted his hips, his cock slowly filling Mira. She moaned, wrapping her legs tightly around his hips. “I’m so wet for you and you haven’t even tried to turn me on.”

“Just being with you, looking at you, and touching you make me need to be inside you.” Flint brushed a kiss on her lips.

“I’ve been aching just thinking about you coming to bed with me.” Mira raked her fingernails on his skin where she clutched his shoulders.

Flint lowered his face to kiss her. He moved on her, driving deeply into her as his mouth savaged hers. She met his passion, locking her legs tighter around him, her hands gripping his broad shoulders to brace against as she bucked under him in time to each drive of his hips. He shifted his hips to change his angle of entry. It was all it took for the pleasure to become too much. Mira cried out Flint’s name as she exploded in rapture. He groaned, his mouth tearing from hers as he emptied his release into her body that squeezed and gripped him as her muscles held him.

Flint adjusted her legs so that they weren’t hooked together behind his ass, rolling them over so she was sprawled on his wide chest. He cursed and had to lift up, moving them away from the edge of the bed before collapsing in the middle with Mira on top of him.

“This bed is too damn small.”

She laughed at his grumpy tone. “But we’re in it together.”

He relaxed under her. “It’s cozy. I remember you telling me that. I’ll keep repeating that in my head every damn time we end up on the floor.”

“If we fall out I hope you hit first and I land on you.” She lifted her head up, smiling as she gazed at him.

His hand cupped her ass. That hand gave a squeeze and then lifted away from her body. Flint swatted Mira’s ass just enough to make her jump and feel a slight sting. He laughed.

“What was that for?”