Page 21

Buck Naked Page 21

by Evangeline Anderson

“God, Sadie!” Mathis crushed her to him and gave her a deep, searching kiss. Sadie opened to him at once, parting her lips to welcome him in as she wove her fingers through his thick, wild black hair.

The kiss was sweet—sweeter than anything she’d ever felt before—but somehow it seemed to make her problem much, much worse.

Sadie tore herself away from his mouth, moaning. She was so hot she could barely breathe—the jeans and sweater she had on felt like they were suffocating her.

“What? What is it, sweetheart?” Mathis looked at her anxiously.

“Can’t . . . breathe,” Sadie gasped. She tore at her clothes but all the strength seemed to have run out of her arms and legs. “Please,” she begged. “Help!”

Mathis must have seen the desperation in her eyes because he grabbed the hem of her sweater and tugged it quickly over her head. Then he unbuttoned her jeans and yanked them down along with her boots. Finally Sadie was left in her bra and panties but even they were too much.

“More,” she begged Mathis. “Take it all off. Please.”

He nodded. “All right.” With quick, economical motions, he stripped her out of her bra and panties. Panting, Sadie lay in the cool moss under the full moon, trying to catch her breath.

“You okay?” Mathis leaned over, looked down at her anxiously.

“I don’t know,” she whispered honestly. She felt a little cooler now, thanks to the lovely soft moss. But the sensitivity and heat in her nipples and pussy hadn’t diminished a bit—in fact, if anything, the distressing sensations had grown. Even worse, the empty pain inside her was getting stronger all the time. “I feel so . . . so strange,” she whispered to Mathis. “So wrong inside.”

“Wrong how, sweetheart?” he asked softly, stroking her cheek gently. “Tell me what I can do to help you.”

“I . . . I think it’s the breeding heat,” Sadie admitted. “I feel so hot here”—she touched her nipples lightly—“and here.” She put a hand on her mound. “And I feel so empty inside. Is that what it feels like?” she asked Mathis. “Or is it something else?

“I don’t know.” He frowned. “Never had the breeding heat myself, of course, and I’ve never been with a Juvie either. But I don’t know what else it could be.”

“Can . . . can you help me?” Sadie asked him urgently. “Touch me? Taste me? Do something, Mathis—I can’t stand this!”

Part of her couldn’t believe the demands she was making—was this really mousy little Sadie who had meekly agreed to leave the lights off every single time she made love for twenty years of marriage? Was this the woman who had kept her desires so tightly under wraps she could scarcely admit them, even to herself? The woman who did fund-raisers and bake sales and played the dutiful wife so well she never once complained about the lack of variety in her sex life or asked her husband if just once they could try something new?

No, she thought, suddenly. That’s not me anymore.

“Mathis,” she demanded again, opening her arms to him, putting herself on display. “Help me!”

“I’ll try, sweetheart,” he growled softly. Bending down, he lapped gently around one stiff peak before sucking her nipple completely into his hot mouth.

Sadie moaned at the delicious sensation and arched up, pressing her breasts up to meet him, begging for more. This was what she needed—she knew that now. This but more . . . so much more.

“Please,” she whispered as Mathis switched sides and sucked her other tender bud between his lips. His close-cropped black beard scratched gently against her breast as he took her nipple deep, drawing on it hard until she moaned with pleasure. “Mathis!” she moaned, pressing up to meet him. “Mathis, please—that feels so good but I need more.”

He let her nipple slip from between his lips and looked at her. “How much more do you need, sweetheart? God knows I’ll give you as much as I can.”

“I need . . .” Sadie bit her lip, unsure how to proceed. “Well, Fiona said the only way to cure it—the breeding fever I mean—was to have a male, um, breed me.”

“God, sweetheart, you don’t know how much I want to breed you.” Mathis’s voice was a low, hoarse growl. “But if I do that—if I breed you—my body will try to form a life-bond with you. And you know I can’t do that.”

“I know you think you can’t,” Sadie countered. “But Fiona seemed to think you can. Please, Mathis—can’t you at least try? I’m in so much trouble here. I need you.” Indeed, though her nipples felt better, it felt like the tension that had eased in her breasts had been transferred to her pussy. She felt swollen and hot between her legs—desperate for his touch, nearly climbing out of her skin with desire.

But Mathis was shaking his head.

“You need a male who can bond you! I should Shift back to my Buck form and carry you back to town—find you an Alpha who can actually help you.”

“I don’t want any other man,” Sadie protested. “And I won’t accept one.”

He glared at her. “You’re damn stubborn, aren’t you? And here I thought your sister was the sassy one.”

“Sammie has her moments.” Sadie gave him a fleeting smile. “But I can be just as stubborn as her. Please, Mathis . . .” She looked at him pleadingly. “I’m desperate—please don’t make me beg.”

He shook his head indecisively. “I don’t want to do that to you—to breed you—except as a last resort.”

“A last resort? What do you mean?”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I mean . . . I think we should try to back the breeding fever down some first. Maybe your first Shift can be put off until the next full moon if you just come now.”

“I don’t know,” Sadie said doubtfully. The pulling, drawing sensation between her thighs dragged at her—a void that needed desperately to be filled. “Mathis, I feel so empty inside.”

“Let me just try, sweetheart,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “I swear if coming on my tongue doesn’t help you, I’ll let you come on my cock.”

His hot words sent a shiver of pure lust down Sadie’s spine.

“You promise?” she whispered, looking up at him.

Mathis growled softly. “I shouldn’t but . . . yeah, I give you my word. Only let me try making you come with my mouth first.”

Sadie wasn’t about to deny him that pleasure. She still had vivid memories of his mouth on her the night before—she was certainly willing to repeat the experience.

She started to spread her legs for him but Mathis stopped her.

“No, baby.” His eyes were wide and wild in the moonlight. “No, get up on your hands and knees—I want to taste you from behind.”

“From . . . from behind?” Sadie bit her lip, feeling suddenly nervous. Here was another position she’d never used much, again because Jeff had preferred missionary in the dark to almost anything else. If she hadn’t been so nervous she would have been irritated that twenty years of married sex hadn’t prepared her a bit for anything even remotely sensual or different.

“Yeah, from behind. That’s breeding position,” Mathis murmured, his eyes half-lidded with lust. “That way if licking you doesn’t help, I can slide my cock right into your open pussy.”

“God, Mathis!” His words sent a hot shiver of desire straight through her. Sadie had never realized how much she liked dirty talk before, but she was certainly finding out now. When the big Shifter told her what he wanted to do to her it seemed to light a fire inside her—one that only he could quench.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” he growled as he got her into position, her hands and knees resting on the cool springy moss. “Spread your thighs wide for me. I need to get in there and lick your little pussy deep. Need to try and satisfy that breeding fever of yours with my tongue so you don’t have to take my cock.”

“But . . . but I want to do that,” Sadie protested breathlessly. “I want you inside me, Mathis—filling me up.”

“I will be, if there’s no other way,” he promised. “Now get down low,
baby and raise your ass up in the air. Let me really get into that sweet, wet pussy.”

Moaning, Sadie did as she was told. Bending low, she pressed her naked breasts to the cool moss. It tickled her nipples, which were tight with need but then, her whole body felt as tight as a fist—tensed for his touch. She could feel her heart beating in every part of her body and her pussy was so swollen with need she couldn’t have closed her thighs without pain. Thankfully, Mathis appeared to want them wide open.

Turning her head, she watched as the big Shifter’s huge form bent low to reach her. God, had she had never felt so open before, so vulnerable? The answer was an unequivocal no. Yet the heat that pulsed in her pussy wouldn’t let her stop or even slow down. She needed this too much—needed Mathis too much—to end the process now.

In fact, if he didn’t get started soon, she thought she was going to die.

“Mathis,” she started to say but just then she felt the broad pads of his thumbs spreading her pussy lips wide and something hot and wet bathed her inner folds.


Sadie moaned and bucked back to meet him as Mathis licked her sweet, open sex. God, the sounds she was making were driving him crazy! The way she arched her back and pushed her pink little pussy up to meet his tongue . . . the sweet, slippery taste of her . . . the intoxicating scent of a Juvie in heat . . . all of it worked together to make him so hard he couldn’t wait to take her.

No, he told himself sternly as she moaned and begged for more. No, shouldn’t do that! It won’t end well—she could become one of the Unformed.

As much as he loved Sadie, he didn’t want to breed her and have a failed bonding—didn’t want to do anything to hurt her. But he also knew that if they couldn’t back down her heat and she didn’t get bred, her own needs could kill her. The breeding fever was nothing to mess around with.

Ought to take her back to town . . . find another Alpha. There are plenty of decent guys who could bond her.

But none that Sadie wanted—she only wanted him. And Mathis only wanted her. For ten long years he’d been without a female to love and take care of and protect, a female to take to his bed and worship with his tongue and fingers and cock. He missed that—it was a pleasure he had almost forgotten. But should he let himself remember it now? Should he take a risk and bet Sadie’s life?

Hell no, I shouldn’t, he told himself angrily.

But she wants you—she said she’d refuse any other Alpha, a little voice in his head reminded him.

Well, maybe Mathis could change her mind about that. But only if he could back her heat down a notch or two. If only he could give her enough pleasure to take the edge off . . .

Bending lower, he licked her again, dragging his tongue up over the tender bump of her clit as Sadie moaned and pressed back to meet him.

“Mathis!” she moaned. “God, Mathis—I’m so close! So close.”

Already? Damn, she needs this bad.

Losing himself in her heat, Mathis wrapped his arms around her thighs and pressed his face hard to her sweet little pussy. Lapping her open folds, he felt her spasm against his tongue, her sex gushing honey as he pushed her over the edge.

God, how he wanted her! As she cried his name and came against his mouth, Mathis’s cock was so hard it felt like he could fuck through a steel wall. But he still didn’t think he should breed her, no matter how badly he wanted to.

I won’t if I can help it, he told himself fiercely. Maybe this orgasm is what she needed—maybe it will back down the heat.

He would just have to see how she reacted.

“Mathis!” Sadie moaned, pressing back to meet him. His mouth on her felt so good, so right, and yet she knew she needed more. Though some of the burning need between her legs had been alleviated, the empty feeling had actually grown. She ached to have something inside her, filling her up.

No, not something—someone, Sadie thought deliriously. Mathis, I need Mathis inside me or I’m going to go crazy!

The empty ache inside her grew until it became her whole world—the only thing she could think of. And Mathis was the only one she craved. Like a junkie desperate for a fix, she writhed beneath him, sounds of need and pleading falling from her lips.

“I need you,” she heard herself begging. “Please Mathis, please!”

“Take it easy, sweetheart.” He stroked her trembling back with large, warm hands. “Didn’t coming help at all?”

Sadie turned to look at him and shook her head in desperate negation.

“It helped a little with the burning but it only made the emptiness worse. I . . . I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t have you!” The words burst from her lips and she knew they were true—she could actually die of this. The aching void would overwhelm her if it wasn’t filled soon. It felt like a black hole had opened inside her—a ravenous beast that refused to be denied.

“Don’t say that, sweetheart,” Mathis said frowning worriedly. “You won’t die.”

“Fiona said I would—so did Keller. They said if the breeding fever wasn’t satisfied it could kill me. Please, Mathis . . .” She backed against him, pressing her naked ass to his groin shamelessly. “I know you’re afraid of what might happen but I can’t hold off any longer. This is happening now and I need you inside me—I need you to fill me up. To fuck me—to breed me. Please!”

God, was it really her uttering such desperate pleas, making such needy sounds, begging for his thick shaft to fill her? Sadie knew that it was and yet she couldn’t seem to help herself. She was as frantic as a female animal in heat, crying in the night to be filled by her male.

“God, sweetheart . . .” Mathis’s deep voice in her ear was hoarse and hungry. “I know you need it but damn it, I don’t want to hurt you!”

Sadie turned her head to see him, her long hair silky against her bare back. She could feel his thick shaft pressing between her thighs, throbbing and eager.

“You won’t hurt me—you’ll help me. You’ll save me.” Her voice sounded low and throaty in her ears. “Please, Mathis—I can’t stand this emptiness.” She rubbed against him harder, feeling the broad head of his cock slip over her spread pussy lips, trying desperately to get him inside her. “Please.”

He gave a low curse and put his hands on her hips, trying to still her frantic motions.

“All right, sweetheart—all right, I’ll do it. Just hope to God you don’t regret it when this is over.”

“I won’t,” Sadie promised. She was still on her hands and knees, her fingers digging into the soft, cool moss, her ass raised high to accept him. “I swear I won’t, Mathis—please, just fuck me.”

Her words seemed to push him over the edge. Finally, Sadie felt him fit the blunt, broad head of his cock to her entrance. Then he gripped her hips hard and with one long, rough thrust, entered her completely, penetrating her to the core.

The minute she felt the big Shifter’s thickness filling her completely, Sadie began to come. Her nipples went painfully tight and her sex clenched like a fist, her whole body filled with tension.

“Ahh!” She threw back her head in a wordless cry. The pleasure was as sharp and ruthless as a knife stabbing into her—a level of intensity she’d never felt before. After the first spasm, she expected it to end but it didn’t—Sadie kept coming. And coming and coming and coming . . .

It was the most intense orgasm she’d ever had in her life—and the longest. As Mathis pumped inside her, his thick shaft filling her over and over again, she felt her inner walls contracting, spasming around him as though her body was trying to milk him, urging him to spurt his seed deep inside her.

Hyperfertility—that’s what Fiona said, she thought, trying to make her brain work despite the pleasure that was overloading it. My body is trying to get Mathis’s seed—it wants to have his babies—his Shifter babies.

It was an unexpected thought and yet an incredibly erotic one. After her accidental pregnancy with the twins in college, Sadie had never been careless about birth c
ontrol again. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d thrown caution to the wind and opened herself completely, unafraid of the consequences.

“Take me,” she heard herself moaning as she gripped the cool moss. “God, yes, Mathis—fuck me! Breed me!”

“Breeding you as hard as I can, sweetheart,” Mathis groaned. He must have felt the intense spasming of her sex around him because his fingers tightened on her hips even more and he pumped harder. “God, Sadie—feel you coming. Coming all around me,” he growled hoarsely. “Feels so good—like you’re sucking the come right out of me!”

“Mathis . . . oh, God,” she gasped. “I . . . I can’t stop! It feels good but . . . ah!”

She couldn’t finish; the prolonged pleasure was too intense. Indeed, Sadie was beginning to feel faint with it. Her heart was pounding so hard it seemed to be trying to get out of her chest and her breathing was rapid and light—she was almost hyperventilating. She’d never had an orgasm that lasted so long before, or one that was so powerful. Pleasure battered her body relentlessly and showed no signs of stopping.

There’s such a thing as too much of a good thing, she thought dizzily. And this is it. I’m going to faint if it doesn’t end—but how can I make it stop?

Suddenly she thought she remembered something else Fiona had said—something about only the seed of the male breeding her could satisfy the fever. Was that the answer?

It has to be, Sadie thought as the long, intense orgasm continued to wrack her body. If it isn’t, I’m going to faint or my heart is going to burst.

“Mathis,” she moaned. “Mathis, please. I . . . I need you to come. Come inside me.”

Mathis seemed to understand her need and feel a need of his own.

“All right,” he growled. “Spread your legs wide. I’m going to fuck you deep, sweetheart. Going to come hard inside your sweet little sucking pussy.”

His hot, dirty words drove Sadie even higher. She cried out as he thrust deeper and she felt his broad shaft swell inside her until it was almost twice as thick as it had been. It hurt but it felt good at the same time—a stretching of her inner walls to accommodate his girth, to open her as much as possible and give his essence an unobstructed path to her womb. He’s going to come, she thought. Going to come deep inside me and fill me with his seed. Finally!