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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3) Page 30

by Red Phoenix

“Will we be scening tonight, Sir?”

“Yes,” he said with a smirk, “I thought a little violet wand might add some spark to the evening.”

She grinned. “Not only are you a talented Master, but a skilled comedian as well.”

He swatted her butt. “Sarcasm will only get you in trouble, my dear. Expect to pay for that.”

“I’m unsure whether to be excited or frightened.”

The lack of amusement on his face made her heart skip a beat. Maybe she would pay dearly for her jest… It was the not knowing that thrilled her. Oh, how she loved his devilish humor!

Sir seemed to be in a particularly playful mood, and drove the car with gusto, taking sharp corners and punching the gas so that she was thrown back in her seat. Brie giggled for the entire ride, enjoying his expertise behind the wheel. She caressed the dashboard lovingly after he screeched to a halt once they reached The Haven’s parking lot, appreciating the wildness the car brought out in him.

Brie waited for him to help her out of the car once he’d grabbed the duffel bag from the back. She walked confidently beside him, grateful that The Haven was nothing like Rytsar’s club. She didn’t have to worry about breaking some simple protocol and suffering punishment in front of everyone. Although Sir would certainly call her on a breach of protocol, no one would ever be allowed to touch her, much less punish her, without his permission.

She was surprised at the long line to get into the club, and stunned by the sheer number of people once they finally made their way in. The middle area was standing room only. It had the feel of a concert venue rather than a kinkster gathering.

Trying to make it to one of the alcoves proved challenging as Sir forced his way through the crowded room. Instead of taking Brie to watch a scene, he went directly to the club’s owner.

“Is it normally like this, these days?” Sir asked.

“Fridays and Saturdays are the worst. If you want a less crowded evening, I suggest coming Tuesday or Wednesday.”

“I’ll keep that in mind in the future. Do you still have us down for tonight?”

The owner looked over his sheet. “Yes, I have you down for eight, Sir Davis. Try to make it there at least fifteen minutes early. It gets a little crazy whenever a scene ends and the crowd starts moving.”

Sir glanced around at the sea of people. “Looks like you might want to expand.”

“Funny you should say that. We are opening up another club north of here in a few months.”

“A wise move. I’d be willing to drive farther to avoid the crowds.”

“You’ll find everyone is respectful of making room for the scenes. We added extra staff, so there’s someone stationed between every adjacent alcove. Even I find this level of activity uncomfortable, although the profits have been staggering. I have you and your sub to thank for that.”

Brie blushed, pleased that her film had had a positive impact on the club.

Sir put his hand on the small of Brie’s back. “All the credit goes to Miss Bennett, but I’m sure we’re both glad to hear The Haven is seeing a positive benefit from the film. Can you tell me if Mistress Luo is scening tonight?”

“As a matter of fact, she’s up now at the same alcove you’ll be scening at. You should still be able to catch her.”

Sir guided Brie through the mass of people, ignoring the number of subs who bowed as he passed. He might not have noticed, but Brie sure did. It only helped to highlight the influence Sir still had in the community, despite having stepped down from his position at the school. It made Brie feel proud—and a little remorseful.

He found a spot where Brie could easily observe the scene, and they were treated to the sight of Boa naked and bound in rope. Brie purred to herself, aroused by the vision of the man kneeling, his arms bound together from the forearms down to his wrists with his palms facing upwards in a sign of surrender. Mistress Luo had bound his arms to his thighs and was finishing it off by wrapping the rope around the back of his neck so that, as she tightened the rope, his head was pulled down into a bowing position.

Because Boa had such a strong, masculine body, Brie found it particularly sensual to see him subdued in rope. His Mistress picked up a candle burning on an elegant metal stand and poured wax over his shoulders and down his back.

He visibly shuddered and let out a low grunt.

“You like that, don’t you, Boa?”

“I do, Mistress.”

She picked up another candle and proceeded to pour more wax over his back. He groaned even louder.

“This one burns a little hotter.”

“It does, Mistress.”

“Would you like to try another?”


A mischievous smile played on her lips as she poured the third candle’s wax onto his shoulders, letting it slowly drip down his back. He let out a low, tortured groan.

“Challenging?” she asked sweetly.

“It is,” he answered, his head still bowed.

“One more?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She picked up the fourth candle and held it higher above him. Brie understood that it would help to control the temperature of the wax as it fell. He said nothing when the first drop hit his skin, but as she lowered the candle, he began to shift in his bonds, then let out a deep, masculine moan.

She was certain he must be fully erect, but his impressive shaft was hidden by the placement of his arms. Such a shame, she mused. It was crafty of Mistress Luo to tease not only Boa, but the entire audience with her choice of body position. Such a cruelly gifted Domme.

Mistress Luo set down the candle, and knelt beside Boa, whispering something. Brie saw a slight nod from him. Mistress Luo kissed him with her ruby lips, leaving her mark on his cheek, then stood, motioning over one of her other subs. A female sub came up and held her ruby-red cat o’ nines out with both hands.

Brie shivered, looking at its wicked knots. Poor Boa!

Mistress Luo positioned herself behind him. The first swing from the whip released a cascade of hard wax from his skin. With precision, she lashed his back with enough force that she soon had all of the wax covering the floor.

His Mistress nodded to her waiting sub, who brought rubbing alcohol and a towel. It was then that Brie understood the whipping had only just begun. Boa’s Mistress carefully cleaned off his back and dried it before handing the towel back to the female.

Brie watched with trepidation as Mistress Luo positioned herself again, stating, “I am going to count down from five. When the last number leaves your Mistress’ lips, your rapture will begin.”

Brie’s stomach churned when Boa answered, “Thank you, Mistress.”

The Asian Domme might have been small in stature, but she was an expert at playing the audience. Everyone watched with bated breath as she cocked back her arm and counted down slowly in her seductive voice.

Brie could barely watch when Mistress Luo finished her countdown and took the first swing. Boa’s whole body stiffened upon impact. His Mistress continued to stroke his back hard with the cruel instrument, her rhythm consistent and even.

Instead of focusing on Boa, Brie kept her eyes on Mistress Luo, studying her expression as the Domme released a torrent of lashes. There was a look of deep concentration and affection on her face. This wasn’t simply a BDSM scene for all to see, but a chance to witness the deep connection between the Dominant and sub.

It was a powerful exchange; one Brie would not have been able to appreciate before her recent encounter with Rytsar.

By the end of it, Boa was panting with low grunts from the intense character of the instrument.

Mistress Luo stepped back to admire her work before handing the cat o’ nines to her attending sub and returning to Boa. The Domme gently ran her hands over Boa’s sweaty shoulders and arms, humming softly as she caressed him with her skillful fingers.

“The marks suit your level of submission,” she complimented him, loosening the rope around hi
s neck. She lifted his head to kiss him deeply.

“Thank you, Mistress,” he replied in a hoarse voice. Brie didn’t miss the lowered lids as he looked at his Domme, an indication of a good sub high.

Mistress Luo knelt beside him, and with sensual movements, slowly released Boa from the rope. Her light touches, along with the erotic way she slid the rope over his skin, were arousing to watch. Brie appreciated that the Mistress treated the end of the scene as skillfully as the beginning.

For the sub who was still flying, such treatment accentuated the entire experience. It was the loving actions after a scene that made a submissive feel cared for and cherished.

Sir wrapped his arm around Brie’s waist and pressed her against him. It seemed her Master also appreciated Mistress Luo’s work.

One of the staff members walked over to the Mistress and announced their time was up. While the female sub quickly cleaned up the alcove, the tiny Domme helped Boa to his feet and walked him out of the alcove, heading towards the back of the club, presumably for extended aftercare.

Brie glanced at Boa as they passed by, and shuddered when she saw the numerous slashes covering his upper back. No blood had been drawn, but the marks were angry and red, attesting to the onslaught he had endured.

The next couple had already started setting up their scene. Sir leaned down and whispered in Brie’s ear, “We’re after this.”

She nodded, curious what this scene would consist of. She was not familiar with either the Dom or sub, but figured their scene would be a messy one because of the large plastic tarp that had been placed on the floor. The young female placed a chair in the middle of it and stood by as she waited patiently for her next command.

Her Dom was an impressive male with skin like dark chocolate, something Brie found particularly attractive. She watched with fascination as he laid out tiny instruments on a pedestal with his large hands. Although she couldn’t see what the objects were, she was excited to find out. It wasn’t often she got to observe something new.

Once he was ready, the Master told his slave to undress and straddle the stool, facing the wall so her back was to the audience. She did so, exposing the beautiful complexion of her dark skin. The girl rested her hands against the seat, spreading her legs apart and arching her back so that her round buttocks were displayed beautifully for the crowd. Her pose alone was art.

Brie watched with growing interest as the Dom cleaned off her entire back, from her shoulders all the way down to her shapely ass, swiping it once with a cloth to make sure it was completely dry. It wasn’t until he put on surgical gloves that Brie was first alerted to the nature of the scene.

Her heart rate increased when he picked up a long, golden needle.

“Sir, I thought they didn’t do blood play here,” she said in a worried tone.

Sir looked over at the waiting staff member, who seemed unconcerned. “It appears their policies have changed.”

The Dom approached the slave, making sure she saw the needle before he moved to her back. He lightly patted her right ass-cheek with his free hand, letting his slave know the first area of play.

Brie started hyperventilating, visions of Darius holding her down as a child springing to mind.

“What’s wrong, Brie?” Sir asked.

“Oh nothing,” she said, giggling to hide her apprehension.

When the Master pinched the flesh of his slave and started inserting the long needle into her skin, Brie stopped breathing but failed to notice.

“You’re shaking like a leaf,” Sir said with concern.

Brie heard blood pounding in her ears just before everything went black and she crumpled to the ground.

Sir picked her up and fought the crowd as he carried her to the back of the club. They met Boa and Mistress Luo, who were on their way out. The Domme smiled at them as they passed, but the smile froze on her lips when she noticed the expression on Brie’s face.

Mistress Luo led them to the first open room and quietly shut the door behind them. Sir tried to let her down, but Brie clung to him, whimpering as she pressed her face into his chest—desperate to make the images of Darius go away.

“Shh…shh…it’s okay, babygirl.”

The pain and humiliation she’d suffered under the bully’s hand as a child came rushing back in a tidal wave. Even with Sir holding her tight, she couldn’t stop reliving the beatings, the feeling of utter helplessness, and the dread as he’d picked up the needle and started towards her.

“Talk to me.”

Brie forced herself to say his name. “Darius…”

“The boy from elementary school,” Sir stated rather than questioned.

Brie nodded, not understanding why her emotions were raging out of control after so many years. “I thought I was over it, Sir. Baron helped me get over this.”

Sir pressed her against him. “Memories are funny things, babygirl. They can lay dormant for years and then spring up when we least expect it.”

The tears started again as she relived Darius repeatedly stabbing her with the used hypodermic needle.

Sir sat her down, understanding that she was locked in her visions of the past. “Look at me.”

She forced herself to look into his eyes, feeling unbearable shame when she did.

Sir surprised her with his raw anger. “I wish I could go back in time and smash the face of that boy before he ever laid a hand on you, but I can’t. I can’t change the past—nobody can. But you are safe now. No one will hurt you again.”

“I know, Sir,” she choked.

He cradled her face in his hands. “I want to make sure you’re okay. Triggers should never be ignored. They indicate something deeper we must deal with.”

She nodded, leaning in to kiss him on the lips, but an image of Darius forcing her lips apart before spitting into her open mouth made her shudder. She refused to break the embrace, concentrating all her attention on Sir’s firm lips.

Sir gently scolded her when she broke away. “You failed to be honest with me out there.”

Brie slumped in his arms, knowing she had pretended that nothing was wrong—even told him so when he’d specifically asked. “I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered.

“Why did you do that?”

Tears brimmed over as she attempted to explain. “I didn’t want past fears to affect the evening we had planned.”

“In some ways you’re similar to Mary—just as stubborn and foolhardy.”

Oh, the humiliation of being compared to Mary. However, Brie could not deny the comparison and shrugged in resignation, smiling sadly at Sir.

“Babygirl, you can’t move forward unless you confront the past. Weren’t you the one to tell me that not that long ago?”

She sighed, slightly amused her own words were being used against her. “I did say something similar, Sir.”

“Lying to me, and yourself, will only lead to trouble.”

She looked down at her lap. “I’m sorry I lied, Sir. I know I deserve to be punished for putting you in that position.”

Sir lifted her chin. “Tonight you learned something valuable, and I don’t believe punishment will add to that knowledge. Let’s go home.”

“Please, Sir, I still want to scene with you tonight.”

“I don’t think it would be wise.”

“But I need it, Sir. I need to feel your loving dominance over me. It acts like a protective blanket for my soul.”

He stared into her eyes, penetrating her with the intensity of his gaze.

“It’s vitally important to me, Sir.”

He nodded, releasing his hold on her. “I understand the reason for your request.”

Her lips trembled with gratitude. “I’m so grateful you understand.”

He traced his thumb over her bottom lip. “If we do this, you must be completely open with me. No repeating what just happened.”

“It won’t happen again, Sir. I promise.”

“It will be a simple bondage scene, accented with elect

“It sounds perfect.”

“If you are certain you’re ready, then I’ll check to see if the last scene is over. You won’t be allowed to join me until everything has been cleared.”

Brie shivered, hugging herself when Sir left the room. She’d never understood the deep emotional impact a trigger could cause. It had been as if she’d been dragged back in time to a dark place she never wanted to visit again.

It was easy to have more sympathy for Mary now. Yet her own experience left her wondering why Mary was intent on inviting triggers that pushed her into those dark places.

When Sir returned, he graced her with a reassuring smile. “The area is being cleaned as we speak. People were asking about you. Naturally, your friends are concerned.”

“Then it’s good we’re going ahead with the scene, Sir. There’s no reason for them to worry about me.”

“You’re sure about proceeding with this?”

“Absolutely, Master.”

“Then prepare to be shocked.”

She looked up at him in surprise, then giggled to herself. “That’s funny, Sir.”

He chuckled as he opened the door. “At least it made you smile.”

Sir led her to the middle of the alcove and helped her out of her vinyl corset. Brie looked out into the crowd, feeling her confidence grow as she spied familiar faces.

“Stand on the X and put your arms up, téa.”

Brie settled over the large X and put her arms up, looking at the ceiling as the chains were lowered. She appreciated the calming blue hue of the walls and the familiar scent of the ocean breeze floating in the air. Oh, how she loved this particular alcove.

There had been a time in her life when clinking chains would have scared her, but they now brought a welcome thrill. Sir took his time, lavishing her with caresses as he took her wrist and buckled it into the cuff, tightening it until she felt secure. He did the same with the other, leaving trails of ticklish kisses up her arm before buckling it into the cuff. The sensuality of his slow and purposeful movements lured her into his seductive spell.

Sir kissed her on the back of the neck before leaving her side to open the case that held the violet wand. He purposely kept in her line of sight, explaining, “I want you to see what I do. No surprises tonight.”