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Bound Hearts 01-12 Page 38

by Lora Leigh

“Please, Sax,” she screamed as she fought the bonds. “Let me go. I can’t come like this. Please.”

Dark male flesh glistened with sweat as the hard thrusts increased, the bronzed length of his cock powered up the snug little channel in driving strokes, parting the exquisite curves of her ass and filling her with every inch of his dark, steel-hard erection.

Jared felt every muscle in his body tighten at the primal demand in her voice. She was poised on an agonized peak of need, a peak he wanted to push her over. The sight of another man’s cock up her ass, stretching that little entrance, tormenting her with the pleasure/pain of every thrust was driving him crazy. Would she enjoy a ménage with the same brutal hunger?

Jared rose from his chair in the secluded corner he had chosen hours ago when he entered The Club. His first night there he wanted to get a feel for the place and the members, but he hadn’t expected the shocking scene that had unfolded.

Kimberly had walked in as pretty as you please, ordered a drink and stepped over to the tall, dark engineer for Delacourte Electronics. For the first time in the year Jared had known her, she was without makeup, her expression displaying honest, bare emotion, even if it was lust, and the thin veneer of cold haughtiness she presented to the world was gone. This wasn’t the ice princess he had come to know. This woman was wild, fiery hot, a witchy temptation no man could resist.

“Harder. Please, Sax, please.” She was nearly in tears now, begging for release. She strained against the bonds that held her, her hips writhing against the hard penetration of a thick dick tunneling up her ass in increasing strokes.

Her clit was swollen, peeking desperately above the folds of flesh that protected it, the little knot of nerves red and glistening in hunger.



“What’s with her?” Jared finally questioned one of the other members sitting close to him.

He thought he knew her, had thought that seducing her into his hungers would take time and finessing. He had been wrong. But he suspected that the woman he was seeing now wasn’t the total picture of who and what Kimberly was, either.

“Red?” Lucian Conover’s voice softened as he glanced at the scene. There seemed to be an odd note of affection in his voice, distant, sympathetic. “Too much stress usually. She shows up about every three months, usually after the forced physical to prove she’s still a virgin, and lets off some steam. She’s a good kid.” Kid? She was twenty-four years old and screaming now for release, begging another man to fuck her ass harder, deeper. If it went much deeper, she’d be giving the bastard a head job as it came up her throat. She was tiny, barely five four, delicate and as fragile as a fairytale princess. Or so he had thought. No fragile princess could take a cock up her ass like that and beg for more.

“Forced exam?” he finally found his tongue long enough to ask.

Conover grimaced. “That’s Senator Madison’s daughter. Her mother’s will stipulated that she had to be a virgin on her wedding night to collect whatever the hell her inheritance was. Evidently Daddy dearest wants it,” he sneered. “He had a judge order the quarterly exams to prove she was still eligible to inherit upon her wedding, whenever that may be. Should she fail the test, the good ole Senator collects it all.” Jared clenched his teeth at the information. He knew Madison was a bastard, but even this was more than he had expected from the man. The tension in the Madison household was always elevated when Kimberly was there. She had rarely spoken more than a few words in his presence, and was more often than not arriving late and leaving early to whatever function she showed up for. Why his mother had married the bastard he still hadn’t figured out. And though he knew about the exams, he hadn’t been entirely clear on why.

“Damn you, Sax,” she screamed. “I can’t stand this.” 7

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Jared barely controlled his own flinch. Her voice echoed with a dark hunger that he knew the other man would never quench.

She was being tortured with her own sexuality. He could hear the dark cravings in her voice, the carnality that made his loins tighten with his own hunger.

“She needs clitoral stimulation,” Lucian told him, his voice low. “Sax will have to delay it until he gets her to the point that he can get her off easily. The only members here today, besides him, are married.” There was a thread of amusement in his voice.

“Except you.”

The Club wasn’t a brothel. It was just as the name implied, an atmosphere where men whose base desires went deeper than most. The married men there had never been known to touch another woman, but the unmarried men were often thirds in occasional ménages with the other men’s wives. They were drawn together because of their need to dominate their women’s sexuality, to bring them the ultimate release, the ultimate pleasures. It was a men’s club, but one created as a support base for those whose desires often crossed the line of acceptable depravity.

It wasn’t a swinger’s club. The married members of The Club, so far, had no desire for any women other than their wives. Fidelity was one of the cornerstones behind The Club’s existence. Just as female pleasure was.

Jared stared back at Kimberly then. She was bucking, begging, as Sax fought his own release.

“What does she need?” he asked then, knowing he was damning himself.

“Not much.” Lucian shrugged. “Smack her pussy a little and she’ll come like the Fourth of July. After that, she’ll have a drink, play a few hands of cards and take a room for the night to sleep.”

That might have been what she usually did. Tonight though, her schedule was about to change. He would slap that pretty little pussy, for now. But his cock was raging for more. Soon he would fuck it just as hard.



As he crossed the room, Sax looked up; the strain of holding back was clearly reflected on his dark face.

“Help her,” he panted. “Fuck, I’m not going to last.” The other man was panting, so close to his own release that his expression looked pained. Between Kimberly’s thighs his dick powered hard and thick inside her.

Thankfully, it was condom-sheathed. Jared was honest enough with himself to admit that he didn’t want another man’s seed inside her body, anywhere. Not yet. Not until he decided who would be the third in the relationship he was determined to build with her.

“No. No. Don’t stop yet. Please…” Her voice trailed off as Jared rounded the table.

Her eyes widened, her face paled then hard, violent shudders began to rack her body as she suddenly exploded, Jared’s name a keening cry on her lips as Sax suddenly thrust inside her hard and heavy, before pausing, his expression twisting with his own release.

Jared leaned close, one large hand framing her face as she gasped for breath. He could smell the scent of her lust, wild, sweet and subtle, making him long to get closer, to taste every spicy drop of her need. And he would. Soon.

“Next dick up your ass will be mine,” he swore forcefully. “No more, Kimber, not without me. Never again…”


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Chapter Two

A rare, unknown rage gripped Jared as he released Kimberly from the wrist restraints and pulled her quickly from the table. He managed to stay silent, just barely, by clenching his teeth and jerking her robe from a nearby table.

She was pushing him though. Before he could wrap it around her shoulders, she jerked it from his hands and shrugged it on with deliberate provocation. A slow, teasing move that made him want to growl with the need rising like a hungry beast in his loins.

“Well, well, well, and here I thought the saying ‘farmers like it dirty’ was just an old wives’ tale,” she said with cool mockery. “Shame on you, Jared. Just think how disappointed Daddy will be.”

He was aware of the silence of the room, the eyes that watched them. Under different circumstances, he really wouldn’t have given a damn, but this wasn’t sexual.

o be honest, he felt like turning her over his knee and paddling her ass in a way that had nothing to do with pleasure, and everything to do with asserting his control over her.

“Considering my daddy helped found this little home away from home, I can’t say he would be disappointed,” he quipped as her eyes widened in surprise. “But I doubt yours would feel the same.”

Her eyes narrowed then, the dark green color sparkling with a surge of anger as he gripped her arm and began to pull her from the room. Reminding her of her father wasn’t guaranteed to garner any points in his favor, but at the moment, he didn’t give a damn. He had played her game for a year now, and it was time to change the rules, as well as the balance of power.

“I’m not one of your stupid cows,” she snarled as she tried to dig her bare heels in and fight his hold on her. “Let me go, dammit!” 10


“Even my stupid cows know better than to argue with the bull in charge, Kimber.” He tightened his fingers around her slender wrist and headed for the stairs. “Keep balking back there and I might show you why they know better.” She paused for just a second but seemed to resist a little less until he crossed the threshold to her room and slammed the door behind them. God help him, he was in such a state of arousal it was all he could do to keep from throwing her to the bed and fucking the hell out of her now.

A fucking year she had danced just out of his reach, her teasing green eyes laughing at his attempts to corner her, her pouty lips curving into a smug “dare you” smile every time he warned her that he wasn’t going to let her escape him forever.

The smile was gone, the laughter in her eyes was dimmed by the anger, and the freckles across her cheeks and nose were readily apparent beneath the pale flesh of her face.

“You have no right to drag me around like that.” She faced him with her hair falling in disarray down her back, the spiral curls tempting his fingers to clench in them, to drag her to him…

Wrong direction, he chastised himself. Thoughts like that would get him zero answers and likely end up hurting his cause right now, more than helping it.

“I took the right,” he growled, crossing his arms over his chest to keep from touching her. “Like I should have taken a year ago.” Her upper lip lifted in a silent snarl that had his cock reacting with a fierce throb of hunger. She had kept him so damned hot over the past months that the hard-on was almost constant.

“Oh, get over yourself, Jared.” She waved a hand negligently before tightening the belt of her robe with a controlled jerk. “The he-man attitude is long out of style. Didn’t you know that?”

He could see the anger trembling through her body though, the glow of it in her eyes. Just as he could see the hard little nipples beneath the silk of their covering and 11

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the flush of arousal on her face. She might be pissed, he had no doubt, but she couldn’t hide the lust now, either.

“That never goes out of style, Kimber,” he reminded her with deceptive gentleness.

“Otherwise, sweet little ladies like yourself would have no place to let off all that steam.”

He locked the door slowly, watching her carefully as it clicked securely into place.

The pulse beat with sudden, renewed speed in the side of her neck, as her pupils dilated just enough to assure him that she wasn’t unaffected. She wasn’t frightened in the least; he could see that in the sudden, stubborn set of her chin. She was excited though. Her breasts were rising and falling at a faster rate, her face flushing a soft, delicate blush that entranced him.

Damn if she wasn’t pretty as hell. Not really beautiful, but damned pretty with her pert little nose, slanted cat’s eyes and all that glorious red-gold hair falling around her shoulders. She faced him like a little enraged goddess, certain of her own power and her determination.

“My ‘steam’ as you call it, is my business,” she reminded him with an attempt at her past icy hauteur. “I don’t need your interference.” Of course she didn’t. From what he had seen downstairs, he was a weakness she was determined to keep to herself. But he had seen the heat, the hunger—hell, the lust that glowed in those brilliant green eyes when he caught her unaware, fighting for her release. He had been the trigger. The hunger had been for him. The need whipping through her body had been for him.

Jared wasn’t untutored in either the ways of lust, or of women. He had known since their first meeting a year before that Kimber was different, special. At least to him. She had drawn him as no other woman had, despite her shield of aloof disinterest; he had known something was there. He was certain of it now.

“You needed my interference downstairs,” he pointed out as he pushed his hands into his pants pockets.



His palms were itching with the need to touch her, to pull her against him and taste the silky texture of her skin. The desire was raging through his blood, tensing his body and reminding him just how long it had been since he had taken any other woman. The need for this one had surpassed even the interest in taking another.

“You surprised me.” She shrugged in an attempt to hide her earlier reaction. “It turned me on. We are after all, family.”

She cast him a wicked, mocking look tinged with a bitterness that ate at his soul. He wanted to wrap her in his arms. Wanted to shield her from the pain he could see in her eyes. The sudden urge to protect her, rather than fuck her, was overwhelming.

Jared snorted. “Be damned glad we’re not family, Kimber,” he warned her.

“Because if we were, I’d be breaking more than one damned rule before this night’s over.”

Something flashed in her eyes then. Regret? Pain? It was so fleeting he couldn’t quite pinpoint the cause of it.

“You won’t be breaking any rules, Jared.” Her voice firmed, the edge of steel that always dared him to see how far he could make her bend, echoing in her voice.

“Whatever thrill you got downstairs will be all you get from me.” There was the pain. It was almost hidden, nearly overshadowed by the cold edge of purpose. She wasn’t willing to give an inch. Jared smiled with slow, easy confidence.

That was okay though, because he had a hell of a lot more than an inch to give to her.

“Oh, I don’t think so, Kimber.” He advanced on her then, narrowing his eyes as she swallowed tightly and began to back away. “You see, baby, I’ve waited almost twelve full months to figure out exactly where your weaknesses were and how to use them to my own advantage. I found them tonight, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you run from me now.”

“Stop, Jared.” Something in her voice had him doing just that. He stopped no more than a foot from her, staring down at her silently. Waiting.


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“This can’t happen,” she told him then, trying to cover the regret in her voice with steely demand. “You have to understand that. What you saw downstairs, that’s all I want. All I need. Whatever you’re offering, I can’t accept, I won’t accept. You don’t have a choice but to let it go. Now.”

Jared shook his head as his lips tipped mockingly. He stepped to her, backing her into the wall she had retreated against as his hands framed her face. It amazed him, how small and delicate her catlike face was beneath his hands. His fingers slid into the sides of her hair as he held her still before him, the tips relishing the cool, silken texture.

“There are choices, Kimber,” he told her. “And then, there is determination. You may as well stop fighting, because I won’t let you go now. My name was on your lips when your body bucked in release. I saw the hunger in your eyes and felt it in the shudders that racked your body. You can’t hide from it anymore than I can.”

“No.” Her hands gripped his wrists as she stared up at him, her eyes no longer filled with anger, pain or regret, only weariness, and the weariness pierced his heart. “I can’t, Jared. Even if I wanted to, even if what you say is tru
e, I can’t accept it. Because if I do, I lose everything. There is nothing or no one worth the risk I would be taking.” Her father. Jared wanted to curse the man for his unjust treatment of his daughter, for the pain, the anger and that damned weariness. But she was going to have to learn that there was more to dreams, more to needs, than the empty satisfaction she was allowing herself.

“I won’t let you go,” he told her again.

Before she could respond, he lowered his head, taking her open lips in a kiss that surprised them both. Flames shot through his body at the speed of light, making his muscles draw tight in hunger as his erection threatened to burst the zipper that held it at bay.

And Kimberly wasn’t unaffected. After her first surprised gasp, her nails bit into his wrists, but her tongue met his with a speed and hunger that had him throttling a savage growl. His fingers threaded into the long curls of her hair, feeling them twine around 14


his hands as he tipped her head back further and began to drink from the passion erupting through her body.

It was like a narcotic, ambrosia, it was the most sensual, most erotic dance of lips and tongues that he had ever known. They ate each other, both ill-prepared for the sudden fires erupting through the other.

She could spout her denials until hell froze over, but here, she couldn’t hide.

Beneath his lips she couldn’t lie, couldn’t refuse the pleasure that burst through their bodies like a firestorm of the senses. And he wouldn’t let her if she tried.

Jared forced one hand free of her hair, lowering it to her back and lifting her against him as he pressed her into the wall. Instantly, her knees clasped his hips, a startled cry erupting from her throat as he pressed his cock against the hot, wet pad of her pussy.

“Feel that,” he snarled against her lips, staring down at her fiercely. “You’re so damned wet you’re soaking my slacks. So hot you burn me alive. And you expect me to take no for an answer?”