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Bound Hearts 01-12 Page 163

by Lora Leigh

With everything she was, everything inside her.

His jaw clenched for long seconds. "No condom," he whispered. "I want to take you there, bare, Kia. I'm dying for you. Just bare."

Khalid seemed to still behind her. A second later, his fingers slid free of her as Chase eased his cock from her lips.

She was dazed. She watched Chase as he straightened her until he could cup her face, lay his lips against hers.

"I'm protected," she whispered. "You can take me. Come inside me. However you want."

His eyes closed. Clenched.

"Just like this." He kissed her, pulled at her lower lip, stroked his tongue over it. "Like this, Kia."

He turned her to Khalid.

Gentle black eyes stared back at her as she straddled his hips. Her breath caught as she felt the first touch of his sheathed cock against her.

Khalid brought her head down as Chase moved behind her, until his lips were against her ear.

"Close your eyes," he said tenderly.

Her eyes closed as he slid deeper inside her, his hips working his cock into her.

"He has never, in all the years I have known him, taken a lover in such a way. With no covering.

With no distance." Khalid's voice was so soft she could barely hear the words.

"Kia." Chase touched her rear, spread her cheeks, and watched as Khalid finally lodged inside her to the hilt.

"He sees me inside you." He kissed her ear with the utmost gentleness. "Ah, sweet one. There will be few times he will allow me this pleasure."

She clenched around his cock as she felt the hard crest of Chase's erection tucking against her rear opening.

"Hold on to me, little one."

Her hands were pressed against his shoulders. Her nails curled against them at his order.

She whimpered at the feel of the hot, iron-hard flesh moving against her.

"His face is twisted in ecstasy," Khalid spoke against her ear. "Tight. Savage. He will lose control once he buries inside you."

She shivered, shuddered as she heard Chase groan behind her.

"I will enjoy being gripped by your hottest flesh this one time." He kissed her cheek. "I fear, never again."

"Chase!" She cried out his name as the head of his cock sank within her, passing the taut, tight ring of tissue, flaring it open as he snarled her name.

"Kia, little one. Easy." Khalid's hands tightened on her hips as he bucked beneath her. "Chase.

She's too snug for this," he groaned.

"No. No." Her nails dug into his shoulders. "Don't stop. Please. Please don't stop."

Chase was bare, hot. She could feel every ridge of his cock, every throb of blood through the heavy veins as he worked the thick flesh inside her.

"Kia. God, how does he bear this pleasure?" Khalid was panting beneath her. "So sweet. So sweet."

She clenched, milked the cock she held captive as Chase burrowed deeper into her ass, taking her, sliding inside her, slowly, easily. Until she held every hard inch. Bare. So hot. So wicked.

Hard hands clenched on her hips, her waist.

She felt sweat drip on her back.

"Kia. You must tell me," Khalid panted. "If it's too rough. You must tell me."

She could feel the tension in the air, tight in their bodies.

"Ah God." Chase seemed to shudder behind her.

"Chase!" Khalid's voice was like a whip. Equal parts tormented pleasure and concern.

"Shut up," she cried.

She moved, feeling them both groan, hearing it. Their cocks moved inside her, shifted, throbbed.

She could feel herself incinerating. So close to release. So close to losing that last edge of desperation.

"Chase." Her back bowed as Khalid's hands slid up her waist, cupped her breasts. "Fuck me.

Take me, damn you. Give me this at least."

At least the pleasure.

She felt him move, cover her, his forehead pressing into her neck when he finally snarled her name. And he moved.

As though the fragile threat of control that held them back had snapped, Khalid and Chase erupted with savage, male sounds of hunger.

They began to move, thrusting, stroking. It wasn't easy. She didn't want easy. It was hard and deep. They plunged inside her, cocks pumping, thrusting in synchronous rhythm. The slap of flesh, wild moans, hers or theirs, she didn't know which.

She knew the pleasure was too much. She knew she was dying, burning alive and begging for more. Harder. Faster. Anything to burn through the tight knot of torturous need ripping through her.

Pleasure and pain didn't compare. There was so little pain. The burn, the need, the agonizing hunger for more. That was pain. And pleasure. There was no word for the pleasure. It was pure ecstasy. It was wrapped in blazing heat. It was destroying her from the inside out and re-creating some part of her that she wondered if she should fear.

"So sweet." Chase was kissing her neck, her shoulders, impaling her ass with blistering, hard strokes. "Ah God. Kia. Baby. I need you. So fucking need you."

She could feel it, tightening.

"Sweet baby. God, I love your body, love…" His teeth bit into her shoulder, and she came apart in their grip.

Kia gave herself to it, tried to scream, but only managed a desperate wail of completion as she felt the tight knot of her clit, the tortured tension in her womb, simply explode. It shattered inside her. Fragments of who she had once been melted beneath a cascade of whoever she was now.

Behind her, Chase cried out her name, bucked, jerked, and she froze.

The pleasure was still a white-hot shower of intensity, and it magnified.

His semen pulsed into her rear. Liquid heat, spurting inside her as he turned her head to the side, bent to her, and stole her breath with a kiss that threw her higher, hotter, that stole her soul.

She was only barely aware of Khalid's release, of his shuddering breaths, the thick throb of his cock as he spilled inside the condom he wore.

But behind her. Behind her she felt Chase. She felt him at her lips. Felt him inside her, a part of her, and she felt the tears that eased from her eyes.

Because she knew she would never be the same again. She had wanted to be what she thought could hold the man who now spilled his seed inside her.

She had wanted to be wild, courageous, and she had wanted to be a woman who could just take the pleasure he had to give.

She wasn't that woman.

Chapter 10

Chase was in the bathroom, likely hiding out, as males are wont to do when they are in a cowardly frame of mind, Khalid thought mockingly.

Kia lay in the center of her huge bed, a small,
huddled little form who had cried silent tears as she climaxed between him and Chase.

Khalid finished dressing and sat down on the edge of the bed, staring back at her until she lifted those damp lashes and looked at him miserably.

He remembered being here two years before, realizing her screams and her tears weren't those of an aroused woman, and feeling fury shaking his soul. He had nearly killed Drew that night. He had wished more than once that he had left the bastard lying in his own blood.

He leaned closer and brushed her hair from her cheek, watching her tenderly.

"Tell him," he told her gently.

Her breathing hitched.

"Do you believe it would harm my feelings to know you do not wish my presence here any longer?" He waved his hand to the bed, feeling his chest tighten again as her eyes filled with tears.

"My dear, as tragic as forgoing such pleasure would be, this is not what you need now. Tell him.

Demand your due."

She looked away from him, but he saw the flash of steel in her eyes. She was already there, he realized. It was the reason for the tears.

"As men, there are times when we are pitiful excuses for lovers." He sighed. "We wound the tender hearts placed in our keeping, because our own lusts often rule us before our hearts learn how to lead us. His head fights what his heart knows."

She shook her head. "It was only for the pleasure," she whispered, her voice rough. "I thought I could do it."

Khalid shook his head. "I always knew differently, little one. Your heart rules your lusts, and always, Chase has drawn both your eye as well as your desires. I've known this for many years.

It was Chase who did not wish to see. To see would have risked his own heart, his own purpose. Ofttimes, men such as we are, we do not see the truth of our own destinies."

He ran his fingers down her pale cheek. "If he does not spend this night with you, and the darkness grows unbearable, I'm but a phone call away."

"I can't…"

He placed his fingers on her lips. "I can hold back the darkness," he promised her softly. "Not your need for the one you love. I won't try to arouse you, little one, merely hold you. Sometimes, we just need that warmth in the dark, yes?"

Her fingers touched the back of his hand, a sad smile shaped her lips, and he knew she would never call.

"You deserve a very special woman, Khalid," she whispered.

He shook his head. "I deserve far less than you believe."

He stared around the room, and wondered if his debt to her had been eased yet. A part of him felt it had not. The night he had nearly participated in the most horrific event a woman could be forced into still seared his memory.

He had sworn to himself he would never take so much as a smile that a woman did not wish to give him. That he would bring them only pleasure, never pain. Yet this delicate woman, so young, so winsome and sensual, he had nearly helped to destroy.

He heard the water in the bathroom shut off.

"I will go for now." He rose from the bed. "Should you need me, Kia…"

She nodded as she rose up in the bed and glanced at the door before turning back to him. "I'll call."

But he knew she wouldn't, just as she knew it.

He sighed at the thought and nodded before turning and leaving the room, and then the apartment. What more could he do at this point? This night? Tomorrow might be another matter entirely.

Kia watched as the bathroom door opened and Chase walked out, tucking his shirt into his pants. She stood by the bed belting her robe, and when he stared at her silently she stifled a sigh.

Yes, he was leaving. She hadn't expected anything more. She felt the tightness around her eyes, the tears that wanted to fill them, and pushed her fingers through her hair before leaving the bedroom.

He followed, watching in silence as she came to a stop beside the door.

Letting him go without begging him to stay was the hardest tiling she had ever done. Not because she needed him to hold back the night. Because she needed him to hold her. Because she was learning she needed more than just the pleasure.

"Don't bother coming back unless you come back alone."

She saw the surprise that surged into his eyes. But how could he be surprised? Surely he hadn't thought it would continue like this indefinitely. That she would always be the little plaything that he could share with his friends and she would never ask for anything more.

"You haven't enjoyed it?" His eyes narrowed, his expression tightening. Not in anger. Strangely, she thought she might have sensed a small flicker of knowledge instead.

She could not afford to let herself care for him any more than she already did. Her heart was getting twisted up in this, her need for more, for something deeper, was beginning to gnaw at her like a hungry beast. Watching him leave each time, never knowing the softer, gentler side of having a lover, was starting to hurt too much. She wanted to laugh in bed with him. She wanted to wake up beside him and argue over the blankets, and how stupid was that?

And she was falling in love with him. She knew she was. Soon he would have the power to destroy her in ways that Drew could have never imagined.

She stared back at him, eye to eye, and whispered, "I don't have the strength for a broken heart right now, Chase. And this is going to break my heart. I need more than a few hours, whenever."

"What the hell does a broken heart have to do with us?" His jaw clenched, the muscle flexing within it dangerously.

Of course, to him, her heart didn't have anything to do with it. They weren't even involved in a relationship. She was nothing but a fuck buddy, she told herself, as painful as that thought was, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"It has everything to do with me," she answered him. "You can come to me alone, or not at all.

As hot, as wicked, as being with both you and Khalid has been, I'd like to see, just once, if you know how to fuck without him."

A frown snapped between his brows. "This is insane, Kia. What we have is something we'll not find without a third."

"Well, now, wouldn't I just like to find that out myself," she drawled painfully. "If you truly believe that, Chase, then you can walk right out this door and find another woman to be the filling in your and Khalid's little sandwich. You don't really need me at all. Any blond twit would work."

"You're not turning this into something it's not, Kia," he warned her. "Emotion isn't going to play a part in this. That was the agreement. For the pleasure. That was the deal we had."

"It's your deal then, because I've had enough." She lifted her chin, her breathing harsh, painful.

She could feel the knife stroke of pain slicing through her at the knowledge that she couldn't have even this much of him because of her own pitiful emotions. "You can return here alone, or not at all."

Falling in love sucked. She realized that the day she had known her marriage was over, which came even before the night her husband had attempted double rape, but it hadn't hurt like this.

This was all Chase wanted from her, though, and that had the powe
r to break her.

Chase shook his head, as though bewildered.

"Look, you just need a little time." He cleared his throat and dragged his fingers through his hair as she watched him in astonishment. "You're obviously upset over that confrontation with Drew today. I know that's enough to throw you off balance. Once you figure out what we have here and that you don't want to let go, all you have to do is call me."

Call me. Khalid had made that offer. Her lips curled mockingly.

Of course, he didn't truly know why she was upset. He was a man. And this was just for the pleasure. She was just for the pleasure. She wasn't woman enough for his heart. And God help her, but she needed the emotion, the heart to go with the man.

"It won't make a difference," she finally told him softly as she opened the door. "If you change your mind, though, perhaps you could put yourself out to go to the effort of calling me."

Chase pondered her words silently. He couldn't risk it. He knew he couldn't risk it. Kia had a power over him that no other woman had ever had. Sleeping with her, making love to her—and it would be making love, he knew with an instinct he didn't fight—would bare him to her completely.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked, moving to her slowly, cupping her cheek in his hand and watching her lashes flutter in pleasure. And in pain.

"I'm sure."

She didn't sound sure. She sounded lost and alone, like a woman fighting her tears. But her eyes were dry, though her face was pale.


"Just go, Chase," she whispered. "Please. Just go."

He left. He forced himself to walk through the door, forced himself to keep moving as it closed quietly behind him. Just as he forced himself to walk into the early evening cold, hail a cab, and order it to Squire Point.

But he left something behind, he thought to himself. Something he might never regain.

Cameron sat back in his chair when his brother strode into the office the next morning. Late.

In the years he and Chase had both been working for Ian Sinclair, Cameron couldn't remember the last time his brother had been late. For anything.