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Bound Hearts 01-12 Page 13

by Lora Leigh

My life,” she sighed wearily.

“You have to figure that one out on your own,” he growled, his hand moving until he could brush back the lingering strands of hair that clung to her cheek, her neck. “You should have already figured it out, Ella, but you refuse to look beyond your own fears. I won’t allow that to continue.” His eyes softened only marginally as she stared up at him. In the soft light of the lamp, his features were shadowed, savage yet softening with tenderness. She lifted her hand until she could touch the roughness of his beard-shadowed jaw, loving the warmth and roughness of his flesh.

“I dreamed of you,” she whispered bleakly. “For so many years, I dreamed of you, James. You’ll break my heart if I let you. I can’t let you.”

His gaze became shuttered. “Go to sleep, Ella. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He moved then, turning out the light before lying down beside her, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her close. Ella stared up at the dark ceiling, feeling the warmth and vitality of his body as he held her. Feeling the hard length of his cock against her thigh.

She breathed out regretfully. “I’ll miss you when you’re gone, James.”

“Go to sleep, Ella,” he warned, his voice soft yet commanding. “You don’t want to push me much further tonight.”

“But I will, James.” She shook her head, the wistful sadness inside her heart too much to bear. “I was used to being alone.”

Silence met her words. He wasn’t asleep; his body was too tight, too tense for her to believe that. His anger thickened the air in the room, though, and she realized she didn’t really want him angry. Keeping him angry was to keep him at arm’s length, a safe distance from making her body torment her with its

needs. But he was close now, he had already taken her, more than once, and the little aches in her body proved that.

“I used to fantasize about you.” She frowned as she thought of the years that had passed. “How silly is that, James? That’s when what little satisfaction I had found withJase in all those years was gone. The moment you stepped into that room destroyed it all.” His cock jerked against her thigh.

“I warned you, Ella. I won’t warn you again.” She shivered at the dominating tone of his voice.

She turned her head to look at him, seeing only the shadowed impression of his form beside her. Her eyes lowered as she wondered what it would be like to see him out of control. All that cool purpose burned away. Could she do it? Could she make James Wyman, master of women, lose control? Her pussy gushed with the thought. She had heard rumors for years. Women talked, and unfortunately she heard the tales. And they talked about James and his cool control, his sexual deliberation. None had broken that calm. None had made him lose control.

She rolled on her side slowly, shivering as she felt him adjust his erection to her new position. His body tightened further.

“Maybe having a boy toy would be nice.” She smoothed her hand up his chest, her nails glancing his hard male nipple as she scratched lightly over it.

He caught her hand, holding it still against his chest as he stared at her through the darkness.

“Do you think I’d make a good toy, Ella?” he asked her, his voice silky, dangerous. “It could blow up in your hands, sweetheart. You don’t want to continue on the course.” She was just tipsy enough to smile. To lean forward and swirl her tongue over the sensitive nub of his nipple. She heard his breath catch, felt his body tighten further.

“Isn’t that the point?” she asked him as she moved lower, her tongue stroking down his hard abdomen as the muscles there clenched tightly.

His hands threaded through her hair, clenching on the strands as she nipped at his flesh, trying to halt her movements. Ella couldn’t halt her gasp. The prickling heat in her scalp was more exciting then she wanted to admit.

“Ella.” He spoke her name sharply, a demand, a command to stop, warning her in the sheer dangerous throb that lingered in the tone.

“What, James?” she asked him softly. Her head held still just below his heart, but her hands were free.

She raked her nails up his thighs, loving the sound of his breath catching in his throat.

“You don’t want me to lose control, Ella,” he warned her softly.

“Of course I don’t,” she whispered, her teeth nipping at his skin as her nails ran alongside his bulging cock.

It was exhilarating, exciting. He was breathing harder now, his heart racing beneath her ear. She tugged

at the grip on her hair, whimpering with the stimulation, that sharp flare of pleasure that raced through her body. Her head lowered until her tongue was able to reach the flared, hot crown of his cock. He jerked as she licked it.

The grip he had on her hair was fierce, the burning along her scalp intense, but it only fired her body as a distant amazement pierced her brain. The pain was a fiery cascade of sensations that nearly broke her.

She was out of control. She, who had kept her control wrapped about her like a mantle of protection, had fallen as easily to this man as a virgin with no knowledge of the heartache awaiting her.

She pulled further against his grip, crying out as she felt hercunt clench at the ache. Her lips capped the turgid head of his erection, slurping noisily as her tongue licked, stroked. She wanted him deep within her mouth, wanted to feel him fucking into it, unable to halt his own spiraling pleasure. To destroy his control as he had destroyed hers.

One hand gripped the thick shaft as his hips jerked, burying the smooth crown in her suckling mouth.

She heard his strangled moan above her, felt his erection throb with a deep, hard flex of the tightened muscle.

“Enough.” His voice was thicker now as he pulled at her hair. When that didn’t help, he gripped her head, pulling her up as she cried in protest.

He flipped her to her back, jerking the blankets off the bed as he came over her.

“You don’t want this, Ella,” he bit out fiercely. “You don’t want to tempt me this way.” She undulated beneath him, raking her hard-tipped breasts against his chest, rubbing her aching pussy against the thigh wedged between her legs.

“What will you do, James?” she asked him, tempting him, tempting fate and the dark visions suddenly rushing through her head. “How will you punish me? Will you share me then, to show me my place? To regain your control?”

He stilled. His hands held her wrists to the mattress as he stared down at her, his savage expression only barely discernable. He was breathing hard and fast now, fighting to regain the upper hand, and now she knew how to make him lose it.

“Can you bear it, James?” she asked him softly. “Will you join in, or merely watch as another man takes me, making me scream as you do, fucking me like you do…” Before she could anticipate him, his control broke. His legs wedged between her thighs and his cock pushed inside her swollen pussy in one hard, long stroke. She screamed out at the invasion, at the instant, fiery pleasure.

“Do you know what you’re tempting, Ella?” he groaned as she fought to accept the heavy girth buried in hercunt . “Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

He wasn’t still. His hips moved, his cock thrusting in and out of her in long smooth strokes as he fought to hold back. She didn’t want him to hold back. She didn’t want to hold back. Not any longer.

“How will you do it, James? How can you make me accept it? I dare you to try.”

She didn’t expect the consequences of those words. His lips slammed down on hers, slanting across hers as his tongue drove deep into her mouth. At the same time, the thrusts of his cock inside her vagina increased in strength and power.

Ella cried into the kiss, her tongue tangling with his as she tilted her hips to take him deeper, harder inside her sensitivecunt . She could feel her muscles gripping him, the thickness, the heat of his erection thrusting past the sensitive tissue, stroking nerve endings already enflamed with a lust she had never thought herself capable of.

And with e
ach stroke, each demanding invasion into the core of her body, she was reminded of what caused his loss of control. The thought of her with him and with another. Two cocks, hard and strong, pushing into her over and over again…

Her body tightened, hercunt clamping down on thepistoning power of his cock as she exploded to the images twisting through her mind, her body. She tried to scream, but her mouth with filled with James.

She tried to buck him away from her, to escape the driving pleasure, the knowledge, but her pussy was filled with James. Filled with him until he groaned hard and deep, powered into her one last brutal thrust before he exploded.

The wash of his hot seed inside her channel triggered another, smaller climax as she whimpered beneath him. Her body shuddered, her womb rippling with the orgasm as the ice that had once encased her heart shattered.

She loved James Wyman. And Ella knew to the farthest depths of her soul, that the love filling her would be her ultimate destruction.

Chapter Eleven

“I’ll be back in three hours.” Ella lay face down on the bed atnoon the next day, breathing through the fiery fullness that invaded her anus.

James had taken her again when they woke up. He had been quiet, almost reflective as they showered and ate breakfast. Later they had lain around the pool until after a light lunch that he had prepared himself. They hadn’t talked much, but the silence hadn’t been uncomfortable.

Ella had been wary, though. He wasn’t pushing her, for anything. He was contemplative as though his loss of control the night before bothered him in some way. An hour after lunch he laid out the box that contained a mild anal douche and ordered her to use it. His voice had hardened, sending heat streaking through her pussy.

“So what am I supposed to do for three hours?” She turned her head, watching him with narrowed eyes.

Preparing her for the anal invasion had left her hot, wet. She wanted him now, before he left.

“Wait on me.” His voice brooked no refusal. “Leave the plug in. I’ve removed the inflator, so you can

dress, do what you normally do. Just do it as it eases the muscles there.” He had inflated it farther than before. Through a tormenting hour of heated touches, burning strokes of his tongue in and out of her pussy, but never enough to push her over the edge. She was burning with lust now and reluctant to move. The thick intruder buried in her anus stretched the muscles there with fiery precision. He had given her all she could take, yet had assured her that it still had not been fully inflated.

“Oh, that’s fair…” She stopped. The look in his eyes was almost frightening.

She settled back on the bed, watching as his brooding look eased only slightly.

“You pushed last night, Ella. You may think you’ve gotten away with it, but you haven’t. When I get back, I’ll show you just how you haven’t. If you get yourself off, I’ll punish you, Ella. I’ll tie you down to this bed and leave you there for the remainder of the night, and I’ll make sure you know how painful arousal can really be.”

She trembled at the sound of his voice. She had no doubt he would do it, too. If she was restrained, there would be no tempting his control, no pushing his personal limits. He could torment her as long as he liked. He had proved that in the last hour.

He released the restraints that held her, leaving the chains attached to the bed as he moved away from her.

“Wear a dress. Something loose and light. When I get back, we’ll see how much control you have, baby.”

Something about those words had trepidation skittering through her body. She eased up slowly on the bed, feeling her pussy clench, drench further as the plug bit at her tender anal muscles. She stared up at him silently, watching as his eyes darkened, his body tensing at the sight of her swollen, hard-tipped breasts, and the arousal that she knew was obvious in her expression.

“What are you going to do, James?” she asked him softly.

“You know, Ella.” He pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he watched her, his voice throbbing with an emotion she didn’t want to name. “I’ve waited ten years, and in those years you have refused to take my desire for you, or my needs seriously, let alone your own. Tonight, you will take those needs seriously. You’ll take me seriously, Ella.”

Had she ever seen him look so powerful, so commanding? Suddenly, she felt much younger than him, and definitely much less experienced. His command of his own power, his own control, went beyond age or experience, and entered that unknown realm of supreme self-confidence. He knew what he was doing, she realized suddenly. James had a plan, just as he always had, she knew now. But why and what that the plan was, she couldn’t decide.

“No other men.” She shook her head, her hand trembling as she pushed her fingers through her hair. “I mean it, James. No one else.”

His lips quirked. “You no longer set your own limits, Ella. I do. You’ll learn that tonight. Whatever I want, however I want it, and you’ll love it. Or you can continue to be a coward and deny what I know you feel for me. If that’s the case, my bags are packed. Set them on the porch and I’ll never bother you again.”

She stared up at him, fear suddenly shaking her soul. “So I’m part of an orgy or I’m nothing to you, period?” she asked him, feeling her heart thunder in her chest. But what really terrified her was the clench of arousal that rippled through hercunt .

“No, Ella. I would never put you in the middle of an orgy,” he promised her smoothly. “What I will put you in the middle of is more pleasure than you’ve known could exist. Pleasure I know you want. Need.

Even now, after the past three days, you aren’t satisfied. You climax until you nearly pass out with the pleasure of it, but you need more. And, by God, tonight I’ll make sure you have what you need, or I won’t bother trying anymore. I love you, Ella. Love you until my heart breaks with it, but I won’t beg you, and I won’t let you deny either of our needs. Now think about that.” Shock exploded through her body as he turned and left the room. She could feel her face paling, her body weakening at a knowledge he had possessed, and yet she hadn’t.

It made sense now. James wasn’t a man to chase after any woman, to care one way or the other if his desires weren’t returned. Yet, he had chased her for ten years. Not in an obvious, lovesick manner, but in his own controlled, brooding way. He had made her aware of her own body, her own desires, even as she tried to hide from them, and made her more than aware of him.

She bit her lip, staring at the door, remembering his driving demands, his loss of control the night before.

No other woman had managed that. Had it happened, she would have known about it. And his need for her wasn’t diminishing. Like hers, it seemed to be growing stronger.

Even after the excesses of the past days, the fiery heat and lust that flared between them. He was right, she had kept reaching for more. Something, some unknown dark desire kept pushing her.

She shook her head, fighting the awakening realization. For years she had foughtJase , not because she secretly wanted what he offered, but because he didn’t satisfy her. He didn’t bring her to the mindless orgasms James could bring her to. He didn’t make her pussy drench with a look. His needs hadn’t filled her with this strange excitement and nervousness. She had never wanted to break the control he thought he had.

She eased from the bed and walked slowly to the shower. A cool shower. She needed to think, she needed to make sense of the past and of the present. But more than anything, she had to decide if the desires that filled James were truly a part of her own needs, or just a part of her desperation to keep him now that she had held him. She had to know, before she took the chance of losing him forever.

Chapter Twelve

“I need to talk to you.” Of the five friends Ella had kept over the years, Terrie was perhaps the freest; the one Ella felt would be the most likely to understand her present predicament.

Silence met her request for long minutes. “Charlie called th
is morning, too,” Terrie finally said softly.

“Are you okay?”

Ella closed her eyes. Of course Charlie had called. Terrie, andMarey and most likely Pamela as well.

Just what she needed, everyone to know who and what she was doing. Her parents would know, too, if they were still alive. Poor Charlie, she couldn’t keep anything from their small group of friends, no matter how hard she tried.

“I’m fine,” she finally whispered. “I just need to talk.”

“I’ll be right over then.” She could almost hear Terrie’s sharp nod.

Ella hung up the phone, sighing deeply. Terrie would know James the best. She had been married to one of his two brothers, the bastard. Ella, for one, was glad to see his final demise. Thomas Wyman had been a stone cold prick.

As she waited for the other woman to arrive, Ella made sweet iced tea, moved about the kitchen preparing glasses and fought to ignore the heat in her rear. The plug was driving her crazy. Her panties were damned near drenched from the moist heat of her pussy and no matter what she did her nipples wouldn’t soften and just go the hell away. The scrape of the light cotton fabric of her sundress over them was about to drive her to distraction.

It wasn’t long before she heard the front door open then close, and Terrie’s voice calling out her name from the hall.

“I’m in the kitchen.” For as long as Ella could remember, the kitchen was the favored spot for her and her friends to talk, to argue, to visit. Either over coffee or sweet tea, it was there they seemed to find the most comfort.

She set the glasses of ice and the pitcher of tea on the table as Terrie swept into the room. She stopped inside the doorway, looking around curiously. “Is the boy toy in residence today?” Ella winced at the question, though it could have been the tight, erotic tugging of the plug in her rear as she sat down, she thought.