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Bound Hearts 01-12 Page 10

by Lora Leigh

Hard and deep, Ella, but my cock is a hell of a lot thicker than that baby pecker you picked. When I push inside you, you’re going to be so damned tight you’ll come from the pleasure/pain alone. Come for me now, Ella. Come for me baby, so we can discuss this rationally.” Ella couldn’t bear it. His voice was enough to make her juices flood her pussy, making the vibration echo along her sensitized flesh.

“I can’t.” She fought to hold onto her control. She couldn’t do this. It was too horrifying, too humiliating.

Dear God, how had he opened a locked door?

He leaned closer, his legs loosening from around hers, his hand moving between their bodies as he watched her. She twisted against him as he forced his hand between her slick thighs and gripped the end of the dildo.

“I’m going to fuck you, Ella.” He pulled it back as she cried out, staring up at him, seeing his grimace of hot, desperate lust. “Like this.” The vibrator was thrust into her pussy, squishing through the thick juices,

pounding into her womb as he began to fuck her hard and fast with her own dildo.

Her eyes widened. Her body stiffened as ripples of electricity began to flare through her womb. She could have survived it. She fought for control and it was nearly in her grasp when his head lowered to her nipples.

It had been nearly a decade since a man had touched her. Nearly ten years of fantasizing about this, aching and dreaming of his dominate touch. When his teeth gripped her nipple, his tongue rasping over it as he fucked the vibrator hard and deep inside her pussy, she lost all sense of control.

An orgasm unlike anything she had ever known ripped through her body. She felt the juices spray from her pussy as James groaned, fucking her harder with the latex toy, pushing her thighs apart and heading for her clit. When his lips covered it, his tongue stroked it, she screamed. Her hips arched, her pussy greedily sucking at the vibrator as her clit exploded, and she was flung into a vortex of pleasure that horrified her with its force.

It wouldn’t stop. Her upper body jerked from the bed as her muscles contracted, her pussy exploding so hard, so deep, every bone and musclespasmed in response. She shuddered, feeling the muscles tightening on the vibration inside her as she shook in the grip of her orgasm.

Moments, hours later she collapsed to the bed again, though her womb continued to contract in deep, hard surges as the thick cream flowed from between her thighs.

“There, baby,” James soothed her gently and she realized she was crying. His lips feathered over her cheek as he slowly lowered the speed of the vibrator, bringing her back to sanity. She could smell the slight earthy scent of her pussy on his lips, and shuddered at the knowledge of it. “It’s okay, baby,” he whispered again. “Ease back to me, Ella. It’s okay now.” He eased back to look at her as the tears welled from her eyes, pouring down her cheeks. “Don’t cry, Ella,” he whispered gently. “It’s okay, baby, it’s what we both needed for now.”

She shook her head, fighting now to be free of him, to remove the proof of her need, her own perversions from the dripping channel between her thighs. She rolled to her side to escape him, but before she could get away, he pushed her down again, on her stomach, the vibrator once again trapped inside her quaking flesh.

“No, Ella.” His voice was hard, tight with lust as his hand smoothed over the quivering cheeks of her rear. “You won’t run from it, and by God, I won’t let you hide from it any longer.” His fingers ran down the cleft of her ass as he hummed in approval.

The juices that flowed from her pussy had slicked the area, giving his fingers greater ease despite the tightening of her muscles.

“James. No,” she cried out as he circled the tight opening of her anus. Horror and shame streaked through her system, because despite her embarrassment, she could feel the entrance relaxing, her betraying body sucking at the tip of his finger.

“For now.” He was breathing hard at her ear, his chest laboring under his breaths. “For now, Ella. I’ll leave you, this time. But you have fifteen minutes to bring that pretty ass out to the living room where we can discuss this with relative sanity. You will not run, Ella. You will not hide. You’ve come in my mouth now, and I’ll be damned, but I won’t wait much longer to feel you coming around my cock. Fifteen minutes.

He moved quickly from her, stalking to the door. “And the next fucking time you try to lock a door against me, I’ll break the son of a bitch down. Fifteen minutes.” Chapter Five

James was shaking as he stalked to the pristine, perfectly organized living room. His hands, his entire body, were nearly shuddering in reaction, in lust and need, and he feared the loss of his own control.

Never. In his entire sexual life his own control had never been so sorely tempted as it had been in Ella’s bed, watching her push that pitiful excuse for a dildo inside her tight pussy.

The vibrating toy was slender, soft to the touch, a teaser. A toy to use to drive her to distraction and make her hungry for more, and she didn’t even know it. But he intended to do his best to instruct her on the best toys for the job. The job of preparing her, opening her, driving her insane for his final possession.

Jerking the cell phone from his waistband he made a quick call. His eyes watched the door carefully as he put in the order to the online supplier of adult products. A collection of toys, of devices, and he alone would show her the proper use of them.

He wouldn’t have long. It would take her five minutes, he guessed, to work herself up. Another five to struggle back into her clothing as she fought the lethargy of her orgasm. Damn. He shook his head as he gave the owner of the adult products store the list. Damn, she had climaxed like nothing he had ever seen. Her pussy had gripped that dildo so tight, so hard, he’d had to struggle to fuck her through the rippling pleasure.

He had watched her abdomen, seeing the convulsive shudders of her womb beneath her flesh as she cried out his name. But she hadn’t screamed it, and he swore before the week was over, she was going to scream his name.

He had just flipped the phone close and pushed it back in its slim holder when she stormed into the room.

“You dirty son of a bitch!” she screamed with rage and fear. “You dirty, perverted bastard. This is my home. Mine. And you can fucking leave now.”

No control. She flew at him, her face flushed, murder in her eyes, intent on knocking the hell out of him.

He didn’t think so. He had seen that bruiseJase had sported for a week years before their divorce.

Before she could land the blow he grabbed her wrists, shackling them together in one hand behind her back. His arm went around her waist and he jerked her against him. Before she could curse him again, his lips slanted over hers.

She bit at him, but he nipped at her lip warningly a second before his tongue plunged into her mouth. She was heat and anger, and desperate, hungry lust. She groaned into the kiss, fighting his hold though her lips opened for his tongue, then suckled it tight into her mouth.

James groaned, his cock jerking beneath his zipper at the thought of her mouth enclosing it in such hot pleasure. But for now, his mouth had her, and the taste of her was indescribable. Sweet and warm, filled with the heady, aroused whimpers of a woman overcome with her own desires, pleasured, hungry for more.

He allowed his tongue to stroke the inside of her mouth, to twine with hers as his head slanted, angling closer to allow his lips to stroke hers. She was trembling in his arms, and he knew her pussy would be dripping, wet and aching. And tight. He groaned at the thought of that as he lifted her closer. She had been so tight on that damned slender vibrator that he could barely fuck her with it. She would strangle his cock. His body tensed, his tongue fucking her mouth as she growled in greedy passion beneath his kiss.

He couldn’t get enough of her. She arched to him, her breasts unconfined beneath the loose silk shirt she wore, her pants-covered thighs plastered to his as she pressed her mound hard against the thick erection beneath his slacks. The soft cotton
pants she wore would do her little good, he promised himself. She would soak them with the juices from her sweet littlecunt just as she had the silk slacks.

With a muttered groan he pulled back from the kiss and stared into her face. Her eyes were dazed, her expression slack with sensual need. He could have her now if he was willing to take her. To give her no time for thought, to allow her to believe he had forced the control from her as he had in the bedroom.

That would only hurt his intent. It would do nothing to further his own personal goals.

“Enough,” he growled, holding onto her as he pushed her into the recliner at his side. “Sit there. And don’t get up, Ella, or I promise, you’ll regret it,” he warned her as she made to do just that.

Evidently she heard the strain of his own fight for control in his voice. She pressed herself tighter against the back of the chair, staring up at him with wide eyes.

James drew in a tight breath. His cock throbbed beneath his pants, pleading for a touch, no matter how timid, no matter how forced. He gritted his teeth and moved back from her.

“Ten years,” he bit out, watching her broodingly. “I’ve wanted you for ten years, Ella, and I’m tired of fighting it.”

She shook her head, shock darkening her eyes. “That’s not possible.” Her voice wasthready , desperate.

“Oh, it’s more than possible.” Disgust welled inside him. “I’ve wanted you until I could barely breathe, ever since I walked into that damned house ofJase’s and saw all that careful control as you fought to give him at least part of what he wanted.”

Her face flamed and her eyes looked wild.

“Did you think I couldn’t see who you were, Ella? Every time I saw you, you watched me as though you were terrified. Your nipples would harden, your face would flush, and I knew you wanted me. Me, Ella.

And I fought it, fought it just as fucking hard as you did until I walked into that playroom.” He remembered it clearly. Seeing her strapped down on the cot,unaroused , but trying, asJase fought to pleasure her. He had seen her smallcunt ; dry yet looking so soft, so tender, asJase touched it. Then she had seen him. She had foughtJase , screaming at him, crying, but James had watched hercunt . And within seconds it had glistened, her juices spreading over the delicate lips.

He had left. Turned and stalked from the room because he couldn’t stand to see her lying there, crying brokenly as she cursed her husband.Jase had given up. He hadn’t loved her, and James knew it. What he needed sexually drove him, until he began to bring other women to his bed as his wife moved to the solitary comfort of a downstairs bedroom.

Never in my home. Never again, she had said earlier. He had seen the humiliation flash in her gaze.Jase had brought other women to her home, had taken them to his bed, destroying the pride that was so much a part of her.

“I want you to leave.” Her voice quivered as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, refusing to look at him. “I want you to leave now.”

James snorted. “Do you enjoy wasting your breath, Ella? You don’t want me to leave. You’re just too fucking scared for me to stay.”

“No.” She shook her head desperately.

“Yes,” he all but snarled. “Prove it then. Stand up, Ella, and drop those pants. Let me sink my fingers into that tightcunt and see if you’re still wet and ready for me, because I bet you are. I bet you would come again, Ella…”

“Stop it.” She jerked to her feet, her voice raspy, hoarse. “You’re younger…”

“I’ll fuck you harder than any man your own age could ever hope to.” He stood in front of her, staring down at her furiously. “Better yet, Ella, I’ll fuck you like you need it. I’ll make all those nasty little fantasies of yours reality, and then I’ll teach you some you could have never imagined.”

“I won’t listen to this,” she raged heatedly. “I let you come into my house as a guest…”

“And I’ll come in your pussy as your lover,” he bit out, breaking over her outraged declaration. “Your pussy, your mouth, your ass. Wherever I can get my cock in, Ella, I’ll fuck you until I can fill every inch of your body with my cum.”

She collapsed back in the chair. He could see her trembling, fighting herself as well as him.

“But we both know it’s not that easy, don’t we, baby?” He stooped in front of her, his hands going to the button of her pants. “We both know that what I want will be more intense, and a hell of a lot more serious than anythingJase ever asked of you, and that’s what’s scaring the hell out of you.”

“James.” Her hand covered his as her voice broke. “Don’t do this to me, please.”

“Don’t do what, Ella?” he asked her, tenderness—fuck, love —welling inside him so deep, so strong it nearly strangled him. “Don’t give you what you need? Don’t satisfy your fantasies, your desires? Don’t show you how damned good it’s going to hurt when my cock pushes inside your tight pussy? Sorry, baby, but I think I just reached the end of my control. I won’t let you run anymore.”

* * * * *

Ella watched James, seeing the determination in his eyes, the lust that flushed his face, tightened his features, and she couldn’t find the words to fight him. She trembled before him instead, her body still weak, still vibrating in longing after the climax he had given her earlier. She needed more. Her thighs trembled, hercunt gushing her juices as she tried to find a way to make him leave.

She could make him. She could call the police and he wouldn’t stop her. She could have him thrown out. She could scream if she could find the breath after that kiss. But she knew she couldn’t bear to see him dragged away. Couldn’t bear the humiliation she knew he would face. But she couldn’t give in to him either. She wouldn’t give in to him. At least, not entirely.

“Just us,” she finally whispered, trembling. “Just sex.” His whole body tightened. She had expected him to finish removing her pants, to give her what she needed. She didn’t expect him to draw away from her.

“I take control,” he said broodingly. “Whatever I want to give you, Ella, however I want to give it.”

“My terms,” she bit out desperately, then watched in horror as he shook his head slowly.

“No, Ella. My terms as my woman. Your choice.”

Chapter Six

My terms as my woman. Your choice. The words resounded in her head that night and all the next day.

James was the head corporate lawyer forDelacourte Electronics, and with the growth ofJase’s business, she knew he often put in long hours working, both in the office and at home, she guessed. That left the house silent and lonely that next day.

She wandered through the rooms, tired from the restlessness of her sleep the night before, and torn between her desires and his. She remembered clearlyJase’s demented sexual games. Not that any of them made sense to her at the time. What was the purpose in tying a woman down? Unless your fantasy was rape, which he always swore wasn’t true. She hadn’t had a clue until James walked into that damned room and stared with flaring lust at her naked, bound body.

Ella remembered, clearly, her own agonizing humiliation. Spread open while her husband touched her, as she fought to find arousal in the game he wanted to play. But there had been none. Nothing until James’

eyes had centered on her thighs, spearing past her boredom with an instant, flaring heat. She had creamed herself in seconds, and the terror thatJase , or even James would realize it, had nearly destroyed her.

She sighed morosely as she walked out to the back porch and threw herself into one of the padded loungers there. The late afternoon sun was passing over, but beneath the cool shelter of the low trees and thick vines that wrapped around the porch, Ella was spared the blinding heat. The outer heat. Her inner heat was killing her.

She had finally given up on changing panties. After the second pair, she had thrown her hands up in disgust and stopped. After ten years of no sexual activity, of fighting her desires and her needs, her body was evide
ntly taking over. It wouldn’t stop producing the hot, slick fluid that would ease James’ entrance into her tight pussy. And it was tight. She shuddered in longing. Tight and greedy, anxious to feel James’

thick, hard cock sliding into it.

She was losing her mind. She closed her eyes as she tightened her thighs against the empty ache in the center of her body. Her vibrator had disappeared. She didn’t know how, or why, but somehow James had managed to steal it, or hide it, because it was no place to be found. And she needed it.

“You look pretty there, Ella.” She jumped as James stepped to the doorway, staring at her with those hot, sin-filled eyes.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be working.” She would have jumped from the lounge chair if he hadn’t moved to stand in front of it.

She stared up at him, fighting to control her breathing as well as the desire that shook her to her soul.

“I took the rest of the day off.” He shrugged his broad shoulders as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants. The action only drew attention to the thick ridge beneath the material. “Is your pussy wet?” Ella blinked as the question took her by surprise.

“Are you insane?” her voice squeaked in shock.

“Most likely,” he growled. “Make me crazier. It’s your chance for revenge, Ella. Tell me how wet your pussy is.”

She bit her lip, breathing fast and hard as she seriously considered the request.

“Go back to work,” she finally whispered desperately, shaking her head.

“Ella, remember how nice I was to you yesterday when my mouth sucked that sweet little clit of yours?” How could she forget?

“I didn’t ask you to break into my room, James.”

“I want you to suck my cock like that, Ella. While you’re tied belly down on my bed, my cock thrusting slow and easy in your mouth and I inflate the plug I’m going to push up your sweet, virgin ass.”