Page 17

Black Heart Page 17

by R. L. Mathewson

"No, I'm not so let it go," he warned with a hard glint in his eyes. It was the same look he’d used to get when he was a child and someone mentioned a hospital to him.

"Please tell me that you're not still afraid of hospitals," she said with a heavy sigh.

"I'm not afraid of anything," he said evenly. "I'm just not going to waste my time going for something that a little ice and a few aspirins can handle."

"Okay, sure whatever," she said, having had more than enough for one day. If he was going to be stubborn then that was fine with her. She had better things to do with her time than to waste it by arguing. "I'm going home. See you in the morning," she said, moving to walk out of the kitchen when he stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

"We need to talk, Marty," he said, once again looking nervous.

She shook her head as she moved to step around him. "Whatever it is will have to wait until tomorrow."

"It can't," he said, moving to block her, again.

"It can," she said, managing to step past him and once she did she kept going.

"Marty, wait!" he said, following after her. "We really need to talk."

"No, we don't. What we need to do is stop playing these games. You don't want to work with me and that's fine, because we won't be working together for much longer anyway," she said, reaching for the door, but once again Tristan managed to cut her off.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he demanded as he maneuvered her away from the door.

"As soon as I get my degree, I'm going to be looking for a job far away from here. So as you can see there's no need to give me a pointless lecture or try to drive me off. Consider the message well received, Tristan. I'll be out of your hair in a matter of months," she said, forcing herself to sound firm when grief slammed into her at the thought of never seeing him again.

"You're leaving?" he asked in a hollow voice.

"Yes," she snapped as she moved past him and once again reached for the door, more than ready to end this conversation and go home and enjoy a hot bubble bath with a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream while she did her best to forget that this day ever happened.

"Marty, you can't leave."

She snorted at that. "Watch me."

He placed his hand on the door just as she managed to open it and slammed it shut. "We really have to talk."

"No, we don't," she said, trying to open the door, but he was clearly a heck of a lot stronger than her. "Let me go, Tristan."


"Why the hell not?" she snapped, whirling around to face him. She was sick of his games, sick of the way he made her feel and most of all she was sick of being in love with him. She wished she had never-

"Because I'm in love with you." The words rushed out of his mouth, clearly taking them both by surprise.

He looked stunned by the admission, which probably matched her own expression, but she was also pissed. Something snapped, something she'd held back all these years and once she opened her mouth she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"You love me?" she demanded, moving closer to him.

"Yes?" he said, making it sound like a question and further pissing her off.

"Did you love me all those years ago when you shoved me aside and pretended that I didn't exist?" she demanded, getting in his face.

"Yes," he said, swallowing nervously as he shot an anxious look around the large foyer as if someone or something would come and save him from this conversation.

"So all these years while you treated me like I was nothing and no one, it was just an act?" she asked, her voice getting louder with each word.

"Yes," he said, looking back down at her for a brief second before he started looking around again and taking her irritation to a whole new level.

"Silly me, because when you acted like I didn't exist and then started to treat me like crap when we were forced to work together, I just assumed that you hated me. But of course I should have known that all the crap you put me through was just your way of declaring your undying love for me," she snapped, her tone thick with sarcasm.

Tristan winced as he admitted, "Something like that."

"Something like that?" she repeated with disgust. He really had to be kidding her. She narrowed her eyes on him as she glared up at him. "I'm through with these games, Tristan, and I'm through with-"

You, she thought as Tristan took her mouth in a kiss that robbed her of the ability to speak until all she was left with was the overwhelming need to hold onto him and never let him go.

Chapter 19

He hadn’t meant to kiss her. They needed to talk about so many things, but the moment she’d started her rant, he knew that she would never listen to anything he had to say.

The kiss wasn’t gentle. He took her mouth possessively, showing her that she belonged to him. She was his. Always had been and always would be. To his utter delight she met him stroke for stroke. She kissed him like a woman starved. Her hands fisted in his hair, holding him prisoner in their embrace.

Marty gasped into his mouth when she felt his hands cup her bottom, lifting her off her feet. Her legs instantly wrapped around his waist. He used his hold on her bottom to grind her against the painful erection that was trying to break through his pants to get to her. They moaned as she tightened her hold around his waist.

Without breaking their kiss, he moved towards the stairs. They were halfway up the stairs when he broke away from her mouth to press kisses along her jaw and down her neck. She dropped her head back, giving him more access as her eyes closed in ecstasy.

She hadn’t realized they’d moved until she was gently laid down onto a soft bed. Tristan continued to kiss his way down her body as his hands pushed her jacket off. He only stopped kissing her long enough to pull her shirt and bra off and then he was back on her within seconds.

They shouldn’t be doing this. There were so many problems between them. They needed to talk them over and see if there was any way to work things out between them, but she couldn’t force herself to stop. Nothing had ever felt as good as Tristan Black’s mouth on her. She wanted more. She needed more. She’d never felt so desperate to have a man before. When his mouth closed over her nipple, that need exploded.

While Tristan suckled her breast, his hand squeezed and played with the other one. She began running her fingers through his hair, urging him on. It didn’t take much for him to get the hint. He devoured her breast, licking and suckling it as she moaned and panted.

Tristan moved away from her nipple and began to hungrily lick the rest of the breast. He moved to the next breast and practically devoured it, making the ache between her legs throb.

A soft curse grabbed her attention just as her mind registered the loss of Tristan’s mouth. She looked up to find Tristan absently rubbing a hand over his injured shoulder as he skimmed his fingers over her breast. Realizing that he was still in pain was like a bucket of ice being poured over her, effectively pulling her out of her sexual haze and giving way to common sense.

No matter how badly she wanted this, he was hurt. She just couldn’t do anything to cause him any more pain, even unintentionally. So she backed away from his touch as she desperately tried to convince herself that it was for the best.


"We shouldn't be doing this, Tristan. For that matter, you should be in a hospital.”

Tristan stopped rubbing his chest to move closer to her. "I'm fine, sweetheart. It's just a little sore. That's all," he said soothingly, which was somewhat true. It also hurt like a bitch, but he wasn't about to tell her that and wreck this moment. They’d waited too long and wasted too much time to get here and nothing and no one was going to wreck this for them.

Marty shook her head stubbornly. The action cascaded her gorgeous brown hair around her face, making her even more beautiful. Tristan leaned down and traced a line from her navel to her right breast with his tongue, earning a small gasp from Marty as she trembled.

"If I feel any pain we'll stop, okay?" he said, k
nowing there was nothing on this earth that would stop him from having her. Not after almost losing her for good.

"You promise?" she asked on a soft moan and he knew that he had her.

"I promise," he said, flicking his tongue over one very hard nipple.

He moved back up her body and pressed a kiss against the corner of her mouth, making her breaths come quicker. “I’m going to make this good for you. I swear it,” he swore. Before she could respond, he was yanking her shoes, pants and panties off.

She suddenly realized that she was naked, naked in front of Tristan Black who was still practically dressed. She moved to cover herself only to find her hands suddenly pinned down by her sides. She watched nervously as Tristan looked her over and realized that she was afraid that he’d be disappointed with what he saw.

“You’re so beautiful….so beautiful….” he murmured reverently as he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss against her stomach.

Marty choked back a sob as he continued to press soft kisses against her stomach. She’d never seen a look of such devotion and love on anyone’s face before and the fact that it was for her shocked and amazed her. Tristan quickly broke through her thoughts with the first lick, damn near making her jump off the bed.


He couldn’t believe they were doing this. Years of fantasies didn’t even come close to the real thing. She was so beautiful, so responsive, so his. He nearly came in his pants when he saw those neatly trimmed bronze curls between her legs. He fought for control as he pressed a soft kiss to the curls and then because he really couldn’t help himself he ran his tongue over her slit. Her hips bucked, almost throwing him off. He released her hands and grabbed her hips, keeping her pinned to the bed. There was no getting away from him now.

Twenty-nine years old was too old to lose his virginity, he decided as he greedily licked her. There was no finesse or skills involved in this, much to his shame. This was pure unadulterated hunger and he was ravenous.

Never in his life had he tasted anything sweeter than Marty’s juices. He greedily lapped her up, barely aware that her legs had opened wider to give him more access or that she was gripping his hair and screaming his name.

He suckled her little firm nub between his lips and flicked his tongue against it, somehow knowing that she would love it before he licked her thoroughly and dragged his tongue down to her core. He was on automatic when he flicked his tongue around her core before he slid it inside her slowly, making her moan. He thrust his tongue inside of her the way he wanted to with his cock. He swirled it around and retreated only to do it again. The walls around her core began to tighten around his tongue. He did it again and again until he heard Marty’s scream and felt her walls tremble around his tongue. Still he didn’t stop. Not until Marty was trying to drag him away by his hair and he was close to exploding in his pants.

Tristan wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before moving up her body. He kissed and licked his way up until he was once again kissing Marty’s beautiful mouth. She kissed him desperately as her hands roamed over his back. He pressed his hips between her legs and thrust firmly, desperate for the motion.

“Please, Tristan,” she sobbed against his mouth as she pushed up to meet his thrusts.

Still kissing her, he raised up and with one hand, freed himself and tried to push his pants down, but his damn left arm wasn't co-operating. Marty helped as best she could, shoving his pants down with her hands and feet until his pants were pooled around his knees. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she pulled him down towards her seconds later.

Nervousness surfaced as he positioned himself at her core. His entire body shook with excitement as he tried to force his mind away from what they were about to do. It didn’t matter that it felt like the most natural thing in the world for him to do, he couldn’t get past the fact that he’d never actually done this before. He was going to make love to Marty for the first time in his life and he was going to be horrible.

He pressed another kiss to her lips before pulling away. “I’m really sorry,” he said, panting hard as he fought for control. The tip of his erection was now at her hot wet entrance. Shit. He wasn’t going to last very long.

“Why?” she asked as she writhed beneath him, demanding he do more than just hover over her.

Through clenched teeth he said, “This isn’t going to be very good.”

He watched as confusion slowly broke through her lust. “Why?” she asked in a daze.

He took a deep breath and pulled back slightly. “Because you’re my first,” he announced as he thrust forward.


Marty gasped as he slid inside of her. He was so large and thick. She felt like she was being ripped in half. She couldn’t believe what he’d just said. He was a virgin? She never would have guessed, especially after he’d just given her three rather intense orgasms. At the moment the burning sensation and feeling like she was being torn to shreds took her mind away from the initial shock.

She dug her fingers into his back as he pushed in further. He kissed her neck. “You are so tight,” he said, sounding pained. All she could do was nod, afraid that any real attempt to answer him would turn into screams of pain. Bob had not prepared her for Tristan. Compared to Tristan, Bob was the size of a toothpick.

“Am I hurting you?”

She opened her mouth to lie to him, but instead a sob broke free. She didn’t want to hurt him. She loved him. No matter how much he pissed her off, she loved him. Always had and always would.

“I’m sorry, baby,” Tristan said as he moved to pull out of her, but she held him right where he was. It might hurt now, but she knew without question that it would get better in time…hopefully soon.

“Just give me a minute to get used to you,” she whispered as she shifted beneath him. She felt so unbelievably full and he wasn’t even in her all the way. That thought was a bit frightening so she pushed it aside for the moment.

“Let me pull out,” Tristan said and she could tell from his expression that was the last thing that he wanted to do, but he didn’t want to hurt her.

“Tell me,” she pleaded. She needed to hear it, needed to focus on something other than the pain. She assumed using Bob would take away any discomfort of losing her virginity. Boy, had she been wrong.

“I love you, Marty. I always have,” he said confidently. He kissed her then, slowly, passionately, making her body melt beneath his. Still he didn't move.

The burning sensation was almost completely gone now, replaced by pure need, something that her body understood and her mind welcomed like an old friend with open arms. She needed him to move soon or she was going to scream in desperation for the pleasure that she knew was waiting for her. She rolled her hips, forcing him in another inch. He hissed, but didn’t move.

After a long moment, he shook his head and moved to pull out. “No, there’s something wrong. I hurt you. I’m sorry, baby. I’m really sorry.”

“Oh, no you don’t!”

There was no way that she was letting him leave her now. Not when he had her wet and aching.

“Baby-oh, fuck!” he closed his eyes as Marty forced him in the rest of the way by shifting her legs and hips up suddenly in a move that had his dick threatening to explode. She watched as he gasped for air. He licked his lips as he looked down at her. His hips moved slightly, causing them both to groan.

“I…I……” She couldn’t help smiling up at him. Tristan Black, one of the most feared, respected and arrogant men in town was at a loss for words. No one would ever believe her, not that she planned on sharing this moment with anyone.

“Shh, just move. I feel better,” she said soothingly.

He stubbornly shook his head. “No, I hurt you,” he said, gasping. She could tell that this was killing him. It made her love him even more. Any other man would have probably just reassured her that it was okay and proceeded, but Tristan cared. He really did love her.

“It’s supposed to happen the fir
st time,” she said with a shy smile. She noted seconds later that he’d gone utterly still. Beautiful green eyes stared down at her in shock.

“I’m your first?” he asked in a tone of disbelief.

“Yes! Now move!” she cried out, not caring how desperate she sounded. Thank God he did just that. She didn’t want to have to kill him after all.

He took her lips in another hungry kiss as he pulled back out and thrust back in, driving her crazy. He kept his thrusts even and slow. She could feel his entire body tremble with the effort it took to maintain control. She appreciated the sentiment, but she didn’t want control. She wanted Tristan. She wanted to see him snap and release everything he’d been holding back.

“You feel so good, Tristan,” she practically purred as she teasingly ran her fingers over his back. He groaned long and loud as his thrusts became a bit unsteady. He stared down at her, watching her hungrily as he moved inside of her.

She needed him to lose control and she knew of only one way to do that. She had to taunt him. She cupped the back of his head and pulled him down so she could press a kiss against his neck, earning a sexy growl.

Marty pressed another kiss right beneath his ear and suckled the skin, making him lose a little more control, but not enough.

“I’ve dreamed of you fucking me for years, Tristan,” she whispered into his ear, making him buck hard into her. “I’ve dreamed of sucking your cock, licking you from your balls to the tip and back again. I’ve dreamed of you bending me over and-“

Her words were cut off by a loud roar as he began to pound into her, hard and quick. It took everything she had to hold onto him as her hips thrust up to meet his. He took her mouth again in a hungry kiss, thrusting his tongue in her mouth with more control.

She wanted to scream, “Yes!” and probably did by the way he grunted. She felt her body tighten around his as her orgasm built inside her. She became wild beneath him, kissing him and clawing at him, desperate for what waited for her. When her orgasm finally broke, she threw her head back and screamed his name.

Tristan stilled above her. After a sight pause he threw his head back and groaned, long and loud. He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head forward, panting. “Marty….oh….God….Marty!” He groaned loudly before he took a deep breath and brushed his lips over hers.