Page 42

BDSM Club Series Box Set Page 42

by Claire Thompson

After Marissa had looked at everything she wanted to, and they’d agreed upon a small purple single tail for their purchase, Cam led her to the glass jewelry counter. “Today,” he informed her, “we’re getting a second ring.” He had thought about how he would phrase it, as a question, or as a statement, and had decided on the latter. It was time to resume his role as Marissa’s Master, and to trust her enough to know she would respond in kind.

“Oh,” she said softly, bending over the glass to examine the jewelry displayed on black velvet shelves inside.

Cam pointed out a ring identical to the one he’d first picked out for Marissa prior to the piercing ceremony at Jack’s place. “We’ll take that one,” he informed Celia. “Oh, and a spool of that pink satin ribbon.”

Marissa turned a questioning face toward him. “What—” she began.

Cam smiled and placed his finger lightly over her lips. “You’ll see,” was all he said.


Marissa tingled with anticipatory excitement. Though she hadn’t even realized it until now—she’d been waiting for Cam to come back to her. Or no, that wasn’t precisely correct. She’d been waiting on a subconscious level for him to bring her back. Dana’s talk with her couldn’t have come at a better time, and she couldn’t help but wonder if someone—maybe Jack?—had talked to Cam too. He was different, or rather, he was himself again.

On the subway ride back to Queens, Marissa had examined the second tiny gold ring perched so prettily in its blue velvet box. But what had really intrigued her was the small spool of pink satin ribbon. Cam refused to say what it was for, only that she would see. He did share that he was going to pierce her second labia when they got home. She was aware he’d pierced many slaves-in-training, and knew exactly what he was doing, but still the thought of the sharp needle piercing her delicate labia sent a shudder of delicious fear through her, as did his promise of what would come next.

“To celebrate your second piercing, we’ll try out the new single tail. It’s been too long since you were marked, slave girl.”

She’d melted into a puddle of lust at his declaration, the words out of her mouth before she realized she was going to speak. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you.”

Now she climbed into the shower and soaped her body before reaching for the razor. She stroked her mons with the blades so she would be perfectly smooth for the piercing. Drying herself quickly, she came into the bedroom. Cam was lying naked on the bed like a Greek god, his large, thick cock casually fisted in his hand as he read a magazine. He looked over at her, a sensual smile on his handsome face.

“You will go to the dungeon to wait for me,” he said in a deep, sexy voice. “You will wear your collar and your wrist and ankle cuffs. You will wait in a kneeling, forehead press position until I come for you. Is there anything you want to say before you go?”

“I love you, Sir.”

Cam’s radiant smile warmed her from the inside out. “And I love you, sub girl.”

In the dungeon, Marissa buckled her thick black leather collar around her throat, and welcomed the mantle of submissive serenity that settled itself over her senses. It was the strangest feeling, one she was hard-pressed to put into the proper words. Just beneath a deep and abiding sense of peace lay a simmering excitement, like water in the seconds before it rolls to a boil.

She retrieved her leather cuffs and clips, and wrapped the soft leather bands around her wrists and ankles, using the O rings on each to clip the cuffs closed. She positioned herself on her knees on the carpet square in the center of the dungeon. She leaned slowly forward until her forehead was resting on the floor, her arms stretched out on either side of her head, and waited.

It wasn’t long before she heard the dungeon door open. She didn’t move. She heard Cam enter the room, his bare feet sliding over the smooth hardwood until she felt his presence in front of her. His hand moved slowly over her bare back, his touch sending a shiver of pleasure to her core. He tapped her shoulder, and she rose as gracefully as she could, keeping her eyes submissively downcast.

Cam held the new whip, along with the velvet jewelry box and the spool of satin ribbon. He moved toward the small end table beside the spanking bench and set down the items. Returning to her, he took her face into his hands and kissed her mouth with a possessive growl as she melted against him. He took a step back, his hair falling sexily into his eyes, which were staring hungrily at her.

“Are you ready for my second ring, slave girl?” he asked softly.

“Yes, Sir,” Marissa moaned. Her clit was already throbbing, and she knew she was sopping wet with anticipation. Cam led her to the spanking bench. She sat on the edge and he pressed her gently down onto her back on the padded leather.

“Scoot your ass to the edge of the bench, and keep your feet flat on the floor on either side,” he instructed. “You will not move from that position until I’m done.”

As Marissa adjusted her body on the bench, Cam stepped out of her vision. She could hear him rummaging in the supply cabinet at the back of the room. He returned a moment later with his piercing kit, which he set on the end table.

She couldn’t stop the tremor of lust that shivered through her when he gripped her left outer labia between thumb and forefinger, and gently cleaned the area with a sterile pad. He selected a needle and pulled it from its protective plastic sheath, holding it so Marissa could see. “This piercing has no less import than the first, my darling. Even though there’s no one else to witness this ceremony today, I will ask you again—are you ready to take my needle, and to wear my ring as a symbol of my ownership and possession of your heart, body and soul?”

“Yes, Sir,” Marissa whispered, her heart beating like a small drum in her chest. “Please, Sir.”

The needle was sharp, and she felt the burning sensation as she had the first time, and then the ring was in place, and it was done. As before, a rush of pure joy hurtled through her body, along with a fierce sense of pride and empowerment.

She lifted herself to her elbows to see Cam kneeling between her knees, his eyes bright with a blend of lust and adoration that nearly took her breath away. “You’re ravishingly beautiful,” he said, his voice husky with emotion.

He reached for the spool of satin ribbon. “Do you know what this is for, slave girl?”

Marissa suddenly realized its intended use, but she wanted Cam to say it, and so she said only, “Tell me, Sir.”

“When you’re properly healed, I will lace this ribbon between the rings and tie it into a little bow at your cunt.” He reached out and touched the tip of his finger to her swollen, aching clit. “Only I will be allowed to untie the ribbon, when I decide to allow you to pee, or when I want to fuck you, or to whip your hot, sweet cunt.”

Marissa could only moan in response.

Cam stood and with an evil grin, extended his hand to her. “But that will have to wait a few days. Meanwhile, I want to christen your new whip. Since your sweet cunt needs to heal, I’ll be using that pert little ass of yours after you’re properly marked. I assume you have no problem with that?”

“No, Sir,” Marissa answered fervently and with complete sincerity. “No problem at all.”

Chapter 13

BDSM equipment had been cleared on one side of the inner room, and a special dining table had been set up with a snowy white linen tablecloth, china and crystal, on which a sumptuous meal had just been served and consumed. Jack, Tony and Cam sat on chairs spaced around the table. Jesse, Dana and Marissa knelt on silk cushions beside their respective Masters. Two members of The Power Exchange waitstaff moved quietly around the table, unobtrusively clearing away the dishes. Jack had enlisted Stella, in her black leather apron, gold hoops dangling from her large nipples, and Steven, in his black leather vest and matching pants, to serve the meal, which Jack had had specially catered for the evening.

The club wouldn’t be opening for another hour and a half, giving them ample time for the after-dinner ceremony the three Doms
had planned. Cam looked down at Marissa, his heart surging with happiness. Though he’d always wanted someone to love, he had actually convinced himself over the years that being a BDSM trainer was nearly as fulfilling as having his own slave girl to cherish. What he hadn’t realized was that love didn’t just enhance a D/s connection—it transformed it.

Marissa must have felt his eyes upon her, because she looked up at that moment, her face breaking into a radiant smile. Her back was straight, her lovely breasts thrust proudly forward. She was wearing a sheer white dress that did little to hide her naked body beneath it. Her expression was serene, her hands resting easily on her thighs. Gone was any trace of nervousness or trepidation. She seemed completely at peace and happy in her role as his sub girl. And tonight, he hoped, they would take the next step.

Jack lightly tapped his crystal wine glass with a spoon, and all eyes turned to him. “Thank you all for joining me this evening. I know I speak for Tony and Cam when I say how deeply honored and proud we are to have such devoted and loving submissive partners.” He looked down fondly at Jesse. “To honor our subs, we’ve agreed each of you should go up to the dais in turn to allow your Master to demonstrate your submissive poise while undergoing an exercise of our choice.”

Jack pushed back his chair and stood, nodding to Jesse. “Jesse and I will start. We’ve been working on some bondage techniques we’d like to show you.” Jack picked up a long duffel bag he’d placed on the floor before the meal, and together the two men ascended the set of portable stairs beside the small stage.

Jesse was wearing his usual outfit of a pair of loose white linen pants, his feet bare, the green leather and gold slave collar around his neck. Jack placed the duffel on the stage while Jesse untied and let his pants fall to the ground. He stepped out of them and crossed his arms behind his back. Jack stood beside him, a small single tail whip in one hand, a coil of thin, red rope in the other.

“Who do you belong to?” Jack asked Jesse in his gravelly voice.

“You, Sir,” Jesse replied.

“What do you want me to do to you?”

“Whatever pleases you, Sir.”

“It pleases me to bind you and mark you.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

During this exchange, Jesse’s cock rose as if being inflated by a tire pump. As it extended to full erection, Cam could see jewelry from his piercing glinting on the underside of Jesse’s cock. Jack touched the handle of the whip to Jesse’s lips, which instantly parted. Jack placed the whip handle between Jesse’s teeth, which clamped down on it.

Moving behind him, Jack bound the sub’s arms, working quickly. When he was done, he tapped Jesse’s shoulder, and the younger man pivoted gracefully so his back was facing the group. Jack, a Shibari expert, had executed a series of beautiful knots that bound Jesse’s arms in a box position with what looked like a butterfly made of rope inside the box. Another tap had Jesse turn frontward again, the whip still caught between his teeth.

Jack took the whip from Jesse’s mouth. Reaching into his pocket, Jack pulled out a long, thin strip of supple leather, dyed the same rich green as Jesse’s collar. He looped and knotted one end through the ring of Jesse’s cock jewelry. Pulling the leather strip upward, he touched the other end to Jesse’s lips. Jesse opened his mouth and then closed it again on the leather, biting down.

“While I whip you, you will keep the leather in your mouth,” Jack informed his sub, who nodded.

Jack took a step back. The whip whistled and struck Jesse’s smooth, white chest, leaving a red stripe in its wake. He struck the man’s thighs, leaving even, parallel lines along each leg. He tapped Jesse’s shoulder, and Jesse turned, again showing the beautiful knot work along his back. His hands were clenched into fists, the only sign of any stress.

Jack wielded the whip with expert finesse, painting welts along Jesse’s shoulders and drawing a crosshatch pattern over each firmly-muscled ass cheek. He tapped Jesse again, and when Jesse turned this time, Cam could see the sheen of sweat on his face, and the heave of his chest, but through it all, Jesse hadn’t made a sound, and the leather strip remained clenched in his teeth, pulling his cock tautly upward.

“Are you ready for the final strike, slave boy?” Jack growled.

Jesse nodded.

As the whip struck his cock and kissed his balls, Jesse’s eyes fluttered shut and he swayed a moment, as if he might fall. Jack dropped the whip and gently took the leather from Jesse’s mouth, replacing it with his lips. Jesse opened his eyes as Jack stepped back, and even from his vantage point several feet away, Cam could see the love light in Jesse’s adoring expression.

Jack bent to unloop the leather strap from Jesse’s cock jewelry. “You may thank me,” Jack said with a wolfish smile.

Jesse lowered himself to his knees and leaned forward to fervently kiss the tops of Jack’s black boots. After a few moments of this slavish devotion, Jack tapped his lover’s shoulder once more. Jesse stood, and Jack moved behind him, quickly untying the ropes that bound his arms. Jack turned to the group and smiled, his eyes glowing with pride. “Thank you all for witnessing my slave’s grace.”

With a nod from Jack, Jesse descended the stairs and walked back to his cushion at the table. Jack remained on the stage. Cam could feel Marissa tense suddenly beside him. Catching her eye, he shook his head. Not yet, he mouthed, and she relaxed.

Tony pushed back his chair and stood. He looked down at his wife and held out his hand. “You ready, darling?”

“Always, Sir,” Dana said with her usual impish grin.

They walked to the dais and moved up the stairs. Jack stepped back to give them room. Tony removed his shoes and set them on the edge of the stage. Dana, who wore a clingy black dress that revealed as much as it covered, slipped the straps from her shoulders and shimmied sexily out of her clothing, though she kept on her shiny black heels. The diamonds on her nipple rings glimmered in the light. Her body was long and lean, and while Cam admired her athletic beauty and easy grace, in his mind it couldn’t hold a candle to Marissa’s feminine curves and skin soft as satin. He glanced down at his darling. She was watching the stage, her lips softly parted. Soon, Cam thought, you’ll have your turn.

Tony addressed the room. “Dana has been working on focus, and we’d like to demonstrate that tonight.” As he spoke, he unzipped the fly of his black trousers and stepped out of them. Dana knelt in front of him and reached for his underwear, which she pulled down his legs, revealing a semi-erect cock. Meanwhile Jack had retrieved a long, thin cane from his duffel. He stood just behind Dana, cane in hand.

Dana rose on her long, coltish legs. Tony put his hands on his hips and gave her an imperious nod. Dana bent forward at the waist, seeking Tony’s rapidly rising cock with her mouth. She cupped his balls in one hand and gripped the base of his shaft with the other as she closed her lips lovingly over him.

Tony gave Jack a nod, and the cane came whooshing down against Dana’s bare ass. Marissa sucked in her breath beside Cam. Dana flinched as the cane struck her, but otherwise didn’t miss a beat. Jack struck her again, and again her muscles tensed, but her focus remained where it should be—on her Master’s cock.

It took twenty strokes before Tony finally let out a groan and thrust his hips forward as he grabbed Dana’s head to hold her in place. Jack lowered the cane and moved toward the stairs, which he descended quickly, his part of the ceremony completed.

When Tony let Dana’s head go, she knelt back on her heels, her eyes fixed on his cock. Tony retrieved his underwear and pants and pulled them back on. Then he reached for Dana with both hands, pulling her up into his arms. He kissed her mouth lightly and murmured something in her ear. When he let her go, she turned so her back was to the room, and they all saw the dark welts that crisscrossed both ass cheeks like slashes of red paint.

“Oh,” Marissa gasped softly, but when Dana turned back to face them, her eyes were shining, a beatific smile gracing her features.

Cam tou
ched Marissa’s shoulder, his heartbeat quickening. “It’s our turn,” he said softly.


Marissa took Cam’s offered hand and let him pull her to her feet. Though she hadn’t had any of the wine that had been served with the meal, she felt dizzy with nervous anticipation. While she had come a long way on her submissive journey, she had no idea how she would measure up to the stunning grace both Jesse and Dana had exhibited up on the stage.

She was now comfortable with public nudity, and confident in her ability to submit to Cam when they scened both in the outer room and in the privacy of their home, yet the thought of standing on the raised dais, the sole focus of all attention in the room, made her heart quicken and her mouth go dry.

At the same time, she was ready, and determined to do as well as the other two subs had done. Cam believed in her and, more importantly, she believed in herself. He hadn’t told her just exactly what he had planned for her, but Marissa found she didn’t need to know. It was enough that he wanted her to submit. It was enough to know she belonged to him—heart, body and soul.

They climbed together to the stage. Cam took Marissa’s hand and together they faced their friends. “Marissa has been working on trust, as well as focus. She is learning to shut out all outside stimuli, and give her complete attention and submission to the task at hand.” He turned and smiled at her, giving a small nod that was her cue.

Marissa slipped the straps of her dress over her shoulders and let it fall from her body. The pink satin ribbon between her legs was soaked with her juices from the excitement of the evening. Cam often tied it in place in the mornings before she left for work, a small but powerful reminder of his ownership throughout the workday. He had made even the act of using the toilet an erotic event, as she had to seek him out in order to get permission to pee. While she knew those who didn’t understand the lifestyle might be appalled by the restriction, she had to admit it thrilled her to her bones.