Page 56

Alphas Confess All Page 56

by Shayla Black

“Lily.” Her name dripped off his tongue like warm honey. “Come to my office.”

“Your office?” she repeated, not entirely sure she was awake. This was a dream. She was still in bed. This couldn’t possibly be real. She fumbled with a paperclip, scratching it over the tip of her finger and wincing.

“For now,” he said simply. “Do you need me to come and find you?”

He had to know that the news of him taking the vacant corner office would spread like wildfire.

“I know where it is, Sir,” she whispered, glancing over at Caroline, who was obviously straining to hear the person on the other end.

“Sir?” His low laugh trembled through her. “I rather like that for public use, but I think I’d prefer you call me Master in private. Come now.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said before hanging up.

Caroline cocked her head to the side, studying her like she was a puzzle. “What was that?”

“Mr. Quinn asked to see me in his office.” Lily did her best to sound innocent, as though this request was completely unexpected. In a way, it was, making it an easier task to pull off.

“He what?” Caroline grabbed her arm. “Put on some lipstick.”

Lily was too dazed to argue and began to dig around her handbag for something. She didn’t look bad today. She’d put her hair up into a bun, leaving a few wisps around her ears. Her simple sapphire dress was plain but pretty enough. She wished she’d worn heels. She suspected he would like that.

“Lily!” Caroline snapped her fingers and Lily startled. “I said you look hot. Don’t keep him waiting.”

“I shouldn’t,” Lily mumbled, stumbling to her feet. She looked around and grabbed a notepad.

“What, does he want you to be his secretary or something?” Caroline asked.

“I don’t know,” Lily said honestly.

“If you don’t want to…” Caroline winked at her.

Lily shook her head. “I better go.”

“Okay, but I want details later!” Caroline called after her.

Lily couldn’t imagine sharing any details about Brock with her. What would Caroline think if she knew about The Library or what had happened to Lily last night during the assessment? Lily could barely believe it herself.

And what did Brock want with her now? Maybe Caroline was right and he planned to use her as a secretary. That would make sense. She didn’t want to consider what else he might be calling her into his office for. She shouldn’t get her hopes up.

But that was practically impossible. All night she’d dreamed of Brock’s hands, his eyes, his cock. They hadn’t even shared a kiss yet and she’d already been more intimate with him than any other man she’d known. She didn’t quite know what to do with that realization.

The blinds were pulled in the corner office, probably due to the number of people ogling the boss. Hesitating outside the door, she glanced around the hallway for curious eyes, but her co-workers were absorbed in their own business this morning. Before she could knock, the door opened and Brock motioned her inside. She stepped through and he closed the door behind. Lily’s heart began to pound, her tongue darted over her suddenly dry lips, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. His presence alone was enough to send her body and mind racing.

“Am I interrupting your morning?” he asked, maintaining a professional distance. Despite the space, her entire body was aware of him. The sensation felt magnetic, as though she was being pulled in his direction.

“No,” she said, clutching the notepad to her chest. “Most of my day is busywork.”

“Busywork?” His eyebrow curved into the shape of a question mark. “Is that all?”

“I do what others don’t want to do,” she explained, feeling suddenly small and uninteresting. There was no mask or blindfold to hide behind here. “I make the phone calls, submit requests to the city, redirect media questions.”

“It sounds like you keep this place running,” he said smoothly.

“I’ve never looked at it like that,” she admitted. “Is there something you need me to do?”

“Something I don’t want to?” he asked wryly. “No—and yes. Let me be clear, I need you to do something for me, but it’s something I very much want to do.”

“Oh.” She bit her lip, feeling a swell of excitement in her chest. “What is it?”

“I should save it for tonight,” he hedged, moving a few steps closer to her. She could smell the spicy notes of his cologne.

“Pain?” she whispered. He’d warned her that was what tonight would bring.

“Later.” He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth. “I am going to make your body sing a song it’s never heard before.”

Lily swallowed, her eyes widening as he kissed the tip of her index finger.

“Later,” he repeated. “Now? I want to show you more pleasure. I realized that I haven’t tasted you yet.” He closed the final bit of space between them so that his body pressed to hers, then he guided her hand to brush over her own lips. “These.” His other hand pressed against her skirt, cupping the mound of her sex. “This. May I?”

It struck her as very polite to ask, given that she wouldn’t have fussed if he’d skipped the permission and taken what he wanted. She’d already given herself to him. Later, she would find new ways to do so. Right now, he could have anything he desired.

“Anything,” she said softly.

He blew a stream of air from his lips, his eyes flashing as he kissed another fingertip. “Out there, I can be Sir or Brock or Mr. Quinn—whatever you prefer. In here? In private,” he clarified, “I am Master Q.”

“Yes, Master,” she said breathily, and in that moment, he transformed into the man from the club. He wore no mask now, but he radiated the primal energy that had taken her past her boundaries.

“Very good.” He dropped his hold on her and stepped away. “Take off your dress.”

Lily’s hand snaked behind her, searching for her zipper. She tugged it down, her eyes finding the ground.

“Show me your eyes,” he commanded her.

Lily paused, her hand already beginning to slip a sleeve off her shoulder, and lifted her eyes. Their gazes locked as she slid the dress free and let it puddle to the floor at her feet. She wished she was wearing something sexier than cotton knickers and a plain bra. Q’s hand shot forward and he caught the waistband of her panties. Yanking her closer, he wrapped a strong arm around her waist and brought his mouth to hers. Electricity surged through her at the contact and she would have gasped if he hadn’t fully captured her lips, her tongue, her very breath. When he finally pulled away, his eyes were wild.

“I’ve been waiting so long for you, my Lily.”

She didn’t know what to say. Instead, she nodded. Somehow as mental as it sounded, she knew exactly what he meant. She’d waited for a man to make her feel something. She hadn’t expected to feel this. She’d never known she could.

Brock’s hand slid down to cup her ass and he lifted her, carrying her to the desk. She didn’t move to stop him when he began to draw her underwear past her hips.

“I should have told you yesterday how lovely this is,” he murmured as he dropped the unwanted knickers to the floor and slowly spread her legs. “Such a soft, pink pussy stripped bare. Did you do this for the club?”

“I did it for you,” she answered. Her response surprised her, but it didn’t embarrass her. It was Q that she had wanted to impress. It was Q that she wanted to please. His praise washed over her and she knew that she would do anything to earn it again.

“I’d like to taste it. Lean back,” he ordered.

Lily propped herself on her elbows and willed her racing heart to calm. That became an impossibility as Q knelt between her thighs. His broad hands swept her open wider and then, with a feral grin, he sank into her.

It seemed unfair that a man as rich and handsome as Q should also have a talented tongue, but Lily bit back a moan as it danced over her aching clit. Her fing
ers splayed across the table as she tried to maintain control but as he continued to lick and suck, she lost it. Falling back onto the desk, she gave up her vantage point and the thrilling view of his dark head wedged between her legs and lost herself to the sensations.

It wasn’t necessary for him to pay this attention to her. If he’d called her in to suck his cock, she would have dropped to her knees and thanked him. She’d never known a man this generous, but then again, he could afford to be. When the first tremors of pleasure splintered through her body, her legs tried to clamp against him but Q held them open wide. Her belly constricted as she fought against him but she quickly lost to the bliss. When it finally began to fade, Q appeared over her, running his tongue over his lips.

“I may never get any work done again.” He gathered her into his arms.

“People might notice,” she said, shyness overcoming her.

“I like when people notice,” he reminded her. “I like when people watch. Does that frighten you?”

He’d mistaken her tremble at her words. “No,” she said quickly. “As long as it’s you.”

“Only me,” he promised. “And tonight I’m going to show off my prize.”

Friday: The Club

Lily returned to her flat after work, the memory of her morning encounter with Brock fresh in her mind, and discovered a package waiting for her. The white box was tied with an elegant black ribbon. She carried it inside to the table and plucked the bow impatiently. Lifting the lid, she discovered a number of lacy black pieces nestled into a bed of rose petals. A small card read:

For my Lily.


She took out a bra and held it against her body. It was impossibly delicate, serving no practical purpose. Rather it was simply beautiful. Hurriedly, she stripped herself and put on the beautiful new lingerie. After padding to the loo, she surveyed herself in the mirror. She had never worn anything this lovely before. She couldn’t imagine what it had cost.

She’d lied to Q earlier. She was frightened or, at the very least, nervous about this evening. She trusted him. She ached to know every touch he could deliver to her flesh. What made her nervous was that people would watch. Before this moment, she’d wondered what they would think of her. He’d claimed he was going to show off his prize, but Lily hardly felt like a prize. Not outside of his presence. When she’d donned his gift, that changed. The lace, though delicate, felt like armor.

Embracing this feeling, she set to doing her makeup, opting to line her eyes with smoky black before painting her lips red. There was no need to get dressed, but she found a string of pearls to loop twice around her neck. After slipping into a pair of heels and cinching a trench coat tightly at the waist, she headed into the night.

The air nipped at her, blowing under the skirt of her coat and dancing across the nearly bare flesh underneath. It was as though it knew her secret and wanted a taste of its own. Instead of chilling her, it only ratcheted her anticipation to another level.

The man at the door to the club took her coat as she slipped on her mask. It was strangely liberating to hide her face while uncovering most of her body. Lily felt as though she was fully aware of every inch of her skin, fully in command of every sensation—she was free to embrace the goddess within her.

Q waited in the lounge unmoving as she sauntered toward him.

“You are stunning,” he said.

“Thank you for this.” She gestured to the lingerie.

“A girl should have a battle dress,” he told her.

“Battle dress?” she repeated. “How far are we taking things?”

“Only as far as you want. There are limits. You set them. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you may say yellow and I will slow down. If you want me to stop, simply say red.”

Lily swallowed. It wouldn’t be hard to remember. A number of the novels she loved had included the same system for the heroine. Still, she worried if she would be able to handle the pain he’d spoken of. She wanted to please him—impress him even—but this was new territory for her. Reading about submission wasn’t the same as finding yourself at the end of a whip.

Q seemed to sense her anxiety. “I won’t take you too far tonight. It will be mostly playful.”

“Is that what you want?” Lily asked.

Q leaned closer. She smelled the spicy notes of his cologne and her legs weakened at the memory of this morning. “I want to take you to the edge of what you can handle. I want to free you from every thought in your head. I want to free you. Someday. We will find those places together. Tonight, I’d like to spank you. May I?”

Lily bit her lip and nodded, growing wet at the thought. “Will you tie me up?”

Q paused, as if surprised by the question, and he let loose a low laugh that sent her stomach tumbling over. “Your books,” he said. “I forgot that you aren’t a complete novice. Would you like me to tie you up?”

“Yes,” she whispered. She wanted to hand him control. Perhaps he was right to proceed slowly. Maybe he sensed that she was ready to speed forward and felt the need for a gentler introduction. “If you’d like…”

“I’d like to tie you up very much.” He drew his index finger over her collarbone. “For now something simple.”

“And people will watch?” Of all the experiences she wanted to have with Q, this gave her the most pause. It was hard to express why.

“Does that scare you?”

“Not exactly. I just… What if I fail?” she blurted out, finally admitting, even to herself, what was wrong.

“There is no failure, my Lily. It’s my job to ensure you feel safe. If I don’t, it’s my failure—and that is not a responsibility that I take lightly,” he promised her. Holding out his hand, he tipped his head toward the hall. “Shall we?”

She placed her hand in his without a word. Q led her past the rooms she’d seen before to a large black door.

“This is my private collection,” he explained. “I’ve waited a long time to share it with someone.”

Lily was vaguely aware of a procession of people following them as they entered Q’s personal space, but what she saw inside made the others fade away.

It was a gentleman’s library. Oak shelves stretched from floor to ceiling, most filled with books. There were a number of cigar chairs throughout. A large Persian rug covered the floor and in the center was a small kneeling bench. Lily’s eyes zeroed in on it, knowing instinctively that it was for her.

It took effort to draw her attention away, but when she did, a second scan of Q’s library revealed that it was much more than some masculine den. The titles on the shelves catered to the erotic and scattered throughout the stacks were relics and treasures of an overtly sexual nature: stone phalluses, bindings, canes.

“Do you like it?” Q asked in a low voice.

Lily nodded, lost for words.

Taking her hand again, he guided her to a cabinet in the corner of the room. When he opened it, her breath caught. She didn’t know the names for half the items in front of her, though some were obvious. Paddles hung from hooks beside long whips that ended in a variety of tips. There was rope and cuffs and many other items that she wondered as to their purposes. A long steel bar with bindings on either end, for instance. Or the variety of shiny metal instruments, laid out across a shelf on the door.

She wanted him to show her each one. She hoped he would in turn.

He removed a simple leather paddle from the wall and placed it in her hands. Lily turned it over, surprised by the rigid body. Q waited as she considered. Finally, she nodded.

He would include her in the process. Someday, she hoped to give herself entirely to whatever whim he felt. Tonight, she appreciated his consideration.

Lily kept her eyes on Q as they returned to the center of the room. A crowd had gathered and she did her best to ignore the blood pounding in her ears. This was some rite of passage. She felt it. Later, she would ask Brock to explain. Now, she chose to trust herself to Q—to her master.

/>   “My Lily.” Q motioned to the bench and Lily knelt on the padded rest, folding her body over the small attached stand as though to pray. A moment later, Q moved in front of her, drawing off his gloves and placing them by her face. She pressed her cheek to the leather, feeling closer to him. Q drew a length of rope from his pocket and began to wrap it around her wrists. Lily felt her anticipation increase with each tightening coil.

She sensed him kneeling behind her and then her skin prickled with excitement as his rough palm glided up her thigh. Q pushed the lacy fabric covering her rear between her cheeks, exposing her ass. There was a murmur from the crowd and she flushed. He bent to her ear.

“Everyone is jealous to see such a perfect ass without a mark. They all wish they were me,” he told her softly. “But they know that you fucking belong to me.”

She smiled slightly, unsure if she should speak, but wanting him to know she appreciated the praise.

His palm circled her bare flesh, slowly warming it, until his hand flew and smacked the rounded bump. Lily’s eyes widened at the sensation—heat prickled across the skin. It wasn’t painful or unpleasant. It was different. The next slap of his hand left the area hotter. She lost track as he continued to spank her, his aim precise. When he paused, the spot blazed and moisture had crept to the corners of her eyes. Q seemed to understand this was enough and began to massage the burning skin. The fire dissipated into a simmering warmth.

“What a lovely shade of red,” he told her, so only she could hear. “It nearly matches your lips.”

She wished she could see it, but before this desire could draw her away from the moment, he turned his attention to the other side.

This time the leather paddle brushed circles over her skin, but she wasn’t prepared for its bite. Lily gasped at the first crack, as startled by the sound of leather on skin as from its sharp sting. The flesh smarted instantly, but Q’s hand massaged away the pain before he delivered another blow.