Page 23

Act Your Age Page 23

by Eve Dangerfield

She licked her lower lip. “Are you sure?”

“Would I have called you in here if I wasn’t sure?”

In his mind Ty had imagined every minute of what was to come. He would grab Middleton around the waist, bend her over the desk he’d cleared off, spank her until she cried, then fuck her from behind. He was going to both hurt and pleasure her and in doing so it would release some of his tension. And yet when she came to him and laid a cautious palm on his chest, something else happened entirely. Ty folded her into his arms and kissed her full on the mouth.

They stood there for god knows how long, swaying from side to side, making out like a couple of teenage virgins. A voice in his head asked him what the fuck he was doing but he ignored it, ignored it and kept kissing Middleton as though all he’d ever intended to do to her in this storeroom was kiss. She was so fucking sweet, a balm on injuries he hadn’t even known he had. In the end it was her who ended the kiss. She leaned back, puffy-lipped and dazed and said, “This is amazing but I’m so scared Collins or someone is going to come in looking for Xerox paper and we’ll be screwed”.

Ty chuckled. “Only two people have the passcode to the door and both of them are in this room right now. I changed it before you got here. You’re safe with me, Middleton, I swear.”

She smiled up at him. “I know.”

A warm tender sensation, blazing between his ribs like fire. Ty pulled away, knowing if she kept her hands on him he would only want to kiss her some more. He tapped a hand on the desk. “Bend over and pull up your skirt.”

She did what he asked, and when her skirt rose, Ty saw she was wearing thick black tights that went up to her waist.

“I’m sorry,” Middleton said, clearly embarrassed. “I didn’t wear garters or anything, I didn’t think we would—”

Ty silenced her with a smack on her ass. “I don’t care about your fucking tights. I care about you sending me slutty photos in the middle of the day, like you don’t know what that does to me. Like you think you can control my dick. Can you control my dick?”

She looked over her shoulder, the yellowish light of the desk lamp turning her eyes the colour of ochre. “No.”


“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

If he lived a million years, Ty was sure that word would still affect him the same way, like a pleasurable punch to the stomach. “Not as sorry as you’re gonna be.”

He yanked down her tights and panties, exposing the round swells of her ass to the musty air of storeroom. She said nothing, just waited with bated breath for him to continue, his perfect little doll. Ty raised a palm and then lowered it again. Something about this didn’t feel right. He didn’t want to be the bad man spanking his sweet, confused submissive for no reason. He wanted to be the righter of wrongs, to feel justified in punishing her. He seized the base of Middleton’s plait. “Tell me something that’ll piss me off. Something that’ll make me want to spank you.”

Most women would have said ‘what the fuck?’ Middleton didn’t so much as blink before screwing up her brow, clearly thinking hard. “I used to put sand in my sister Claudia’s lip balm?”

“I said, ‘something that’ll piss me off,’ not ‘something adorable.’”

“A guy at JB Hi-Fi once gave me five dollars’ change instead of two and I didn’t tell him, I just kept the money.”

“Middleton, I’m fucking warning you…”

“But I feel really guilty about that! Okay, okay I…um, once spat in Dutchy’s coffee.”

Ty almost fell the fuck over. “What?”

Middleton turned and looked at him, her cheeks blazing with mortification. “I spat in Dutchy’s coffee, when I was getting him coffee from—”

“Yeah, I fucking got that, why did you spit in his coffee?”

“I didn’t plan to do it,” she said, chewing on her knuckle. “But he told the whole break room that women who go home with football players should expect to have sex with them ‘one way or the other’ and I felt so guilty about not saying something at the time. Then I was carrying his coffee and thinking ‘what a stupid, horrible thing to say,’ and then I just…spat in his caramel latte. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences. I wanted to go back and get him a new one but I’d already been out of the office for twenty minutes… I Googled it and I don’t think I could’ve, you know, given him anything, it was just kind of a gross thing to do.”

Amazingly, ridiculously, Ty started to laugh. He couldn’t help it; the idea of Middleton, sweet Katie McGrath, opening the lid on one of Dutchy’s caramel lattes and spitting inside was just too fucking funny.

Middleton covered her face with her hands. “Please don’t tell on me,” she said through her fingers.

“I won’t, but you are never getting me a coffee again.”

“I wouldn’t do it to you!” She said it with such earnestness, Ty cracked up all over again. He made a mental note to tell Georgie about this, then realised Georgie would see it as more proof that he and Middleton should make a proper go of things. The thought was instantly sobering.

“Are you mad at me?” Middleton asked, no doubt sensing his change of mood.

“No. If Dutchy wants to tell a room a girl can’t say no to sex, he shouldn’t be surprised to find his coffee full of spit.”

Middleton smiled and for some reason it made his heart skip in his chest like he was a fucking milkmaid. Furious with himself and aware their time was running out, Ty re-gripped Middleton’s hair. “You’re a cute girl, I get that, but I don’t want cute right now. I’m pissed off and I want to make something of it, so give me a reason to spank you like you’ve never been spanked before.”

Middleton chewed her lower lip. “You were a firefighter, right?”


“In high school me and these boys I used to hang out with lit bottle rockets in the middle of summer and accidentally set a paddock on fire. No one found out it was us. We got away with it.”

Ty digested the story. That Middleton could have sparked a massive bush fire did piss him off, but not as much as knowing she’d been friends with the kinds of boys who lit bottle rockets. “Were you friends with a lot of boys, Katie?”

He expected her to say no, but she didn’t.

“Yeah, I was.”

Another ripple of jealousy flooded through him. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, taking immense satisfaction from the way Middleton’s thighs clenched.

“Interesting, I thought you were shy,” he said, pulling the leather from his belt-loops.

She mumbled something he couldn’t hear.

“What was that?” Ty asked.

“I’m…I’m only really shy around girls.’”

“More and more interesting.” Ty folded his belt over and shook out his hand, making sure she could see him doing it. Spanking wasn’t just about pain, it was about building tension, making sure the periods before and between strikes were just as electric as the blows themselves. He’d never used a belt on her ass before but Middleton had a pain threshold unlike anything he’d ever seen. It wasn’t that he couldn’t hurt her, it was that she relished the pain. The sessions which had reduced her to tears and marked up her ass had gotten her so wet, her inner thighs were slippery afterward. A belt would be well within her limits and would go a lot easier on his hand.

“These boys try to fuck you?” he asked, trailing the leather over her backside.


Ty felt his temper rise exponentially “Of course they did. The real question is, did you fuck any of those boys?”


“I don’t believe you.”

“But it’s tr—”

He brought the belt down on her ass, the sharp crack like music to his ears. A pink stripe declared itself across Middleton’s backside. Mine, it said, she’s all mine. “When did you lose your virginity, Katie?”

“At uni,” she said, her voice already quaver
ing. “My first year.”

Like me. A strange feeling swept over Ty, not quite nostalgia, but with a similar floating quality. He shoved it aside. “Lift up your arms so I can take off your top.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

She held up her arms, and he yanked off her heavy jumper, revealing a cream-coloured camisole. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples were hard against the silk. Ty frowned. “Did you wear this for me?”

Middleton’s cheeks went as pink as her ass. “No.”

Of course she hadn’t. He hadn’t known they would be doing this until half an hour ago. But that didn’t make sense; why wear such thick, unattractive tights and go topless? Then it dawned on him. “You like the way it feels, walking around, getting wound up by your clothes all day, don’t you?”

She nodded, but he could see there was more. He clasped a gentle hand around her throat. “You pretend a man’s doing it, don’t you? Telling you that you need to stay turned on all day for him and you’re not allowed to finish?”

Middleton whimpered. “Yes…”

“Yes and what else?”

She shook her head, breathing hard.

Ty cracked the belt across her ass, causing another rosy band to bloom across her cheeks. “Fight me and you’ll only make it worse.”

Middleton’s eyes were glossy with tears. “I used to pretend it was for you,” she whispered. “I used to pretend you were making me wait.”

“Of course you did. I bet you went home and fucked yourself afterward, am I right?”

“No.” She squealed as he spanked her again. “Yes.”

“You know what that makes you?”


He laid another fat stripe across her ass. “Tell me.”

“A bad girl.”

Ty huffed out a laugh. “Why does it make you a bad girl?”

He expected some throwaway line about her being dirty, more dialogue to keep the spanking going, keep both of them cranked up, but then she looked right at him and said, “Because I knew you didn’t want me and I wanted you anyway. I made you a part of everything and now I don’t know what to do.”

A single tear fell from her right eye and lay glittering beside her nose.

Ty had never understood the expression ‘took my breath away.’ Inhaling air was the only thing humans did all day, every day, without fail, but in that moment it was like all the oxygen in his lungs had been sucked out. Like his body was caught in a backdraft.

“Ty? Was that too much?”

He inhaled. It made him feel as though his rib cage might burst through his flesh, but he did it. Then he brought the belt down so hard the sound reverberated around the room. “That’s not what you call me when we play like this, is it?”

“Sorry, Daddy,” Middleton said, fresh tears welling in her eyes.

“You think I didn’t want you?” Ty demanded, bringing the belt down again. “You really think I wasn’t panting after your ass, hating myself because I was your boss and old enough to be your…” he spanked her again “…fucking father?”

“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m so sorry.”

He spanked her again and again, telling himself it wasn’t because what she said meant anything. It wasn’t because he felt like he’d brought a ravenous demon to life and now he had no chance of ever getting rid of it. He used the belt and then his hand and then a discarded wooden ruler he found on an old photocopier. He spanked her until his hand grew numb and then he did it some more. Eventually, when her cries started to carry the faint edge of strain he stopped, his chest heaving, sweat budding all over his brow.

Middleton turned to look at him, her face shining with tears. “More? Please?”

He ignored her. Any more and she’d be limping back to her desk and besides, they were almost out of time. The folds of her cunt were gleaming, beckoning him to take his prize. It took all his willpower not to fuck her bare, slam into her soaked pussy and feel her freshly-spanked skin blistering against him. He unzipped his fly, pulling out the condom he’d stashed in his pocket. “You ready?”

Middleton arched her back. “So ready.”

Ty sheathed himself and slid wordlessly into her cunt. She was hot and tight as a glove and moaning as sweetly as a man could hope for, but it didn’t feel right. Or maybe it felt too right, like coming home or sinking into a warm bath. Somewhere in all the spanking he’d exorcised his anger and he wanted it back. Wanted to purge away the tenderness that was always brimming inside him when he was around her.

“Tell me something else,” he said. “Something about other men getting to have what’s mine.”

“Wh-What do you mean?” For the first time, Middleton sounded confused by one of his requests. “You want me to talk about other guys?”

“I want you to make me jealous. Tell me something you know I don’t want to hear so I can fucking punish you for it.”

He was well aware he sounded insane but he couldn’t stop. He’d been on edge all day, all month, all fucking year. He wanted to fuck hard and come angry, he wanted to hurt. Middleton understood that, he could see it in her eyes.

“Okay,” she said in a small voice. “When I was at uni I used to sell my underwear to guys.”

Ty was beginning to feel like he’d woken up on a particularly shitty roller coaster. He’d spent the whole day speeding up, dropping down, jolting back and forth until he had no idea what the fuck was happening. “You, what?”

Middleton’s cunt squeezed tight around him and he knew it was out of fear. “I…never mind.”

Ty smacked her ass, hard. Her skin was hot as the surface of an electric iron. “You explain yourself right now, or I will punish you in ways you never even dreamed of.”

“Okay,” she said into her fingertips. “I heard a girl in my psych class talking about doing it. Selling her underwear. She said it paid great and you didn’t need to have sex with the guys you just needed to give them yesterday’s underwear. I was so poor I could barely pay rent. I thought maybe I could do it, too.”

“And why…” Ty barely recognised his own voice, it was so full of rage. “Did you think a thing like that?”

Middleton made a motion as though to pull away from his cock. Ty grabbed her milky hips and gave her a good hard fuck until she collapsed moaning onto the desk.

“Daddy, can’t we talk about this—”

“No,” he snarled. “You’ll tell me why you used to sell your fucking panties with your tights around your ankles and your cunt creaming. I know how good you are at lying, and I want the fucking truth, now speak.”

“I needed the money,” she whispered. “I needed time to study and I thought it would be safe; all I had to do was go out for coffee, sometimes dinner.”

It seemed impossible but Ty’s temper rose. “You met these perverts? Why couldn’t you have mailed them your underwear?”

“A-A lot of them won’t pay for that, they like to see you…”

He spanked her ass, hard. “They like to see what, Katie?”

“They like to see you take it off.”

Ty imagined a young Middleton heading out into the night to meet the kind of guy who’d not only pay a girl for her underwear, but insist she took it off in front of him. That dying ear-cell noise started ringing in his head again. “You didn’t tell anyone, did you? You just went out on your own and met these arseholes without anyone knowing where you were?”

“I never slept with the guys.” Middleton’s tone was pleading. “I never went to their houses or a hotel. We would just meet in a public place and then I’d—”

Ty gave her another rough fuck, pounding his full length into her so hard his balls slapped into her tender flesh.

“Tell me,” he said as he thrust. “Tell me why you would agree to do something so reckless? So fucking dangerous?”

When she didn’t answer he pulled at her hair, turning her scalp so he could see her face. Her lips were trembling but ther
e was a rare look of stubbornness in her eyes.

“Don’t want to tell me, huh? I’ve got a cure for that.”

He smacked her on her already blistered ass and she let out a whimper of pain. “Ty…”

“That’s not my name right now, little girl.”

“Daddy. Daddy.”

He spanked her again, even harder than before. Between this and the belt, he knew he was going to leave serious bruises, but he couldn’t stop. “Why did you sell your underwear, Katie? Tell me.”

“I thought I would like it,” she sobbed into the wood. “I thought it would be fun.”

Ty spread her thighs wider, the ripe scent of her wetness filled the air like perfume. He breathed it in. “Say ‘I’m a lying little cocktease, who was sent to this earth to drive her Daddy crazy.’”

She repeated the phrase back to him as he fucked her, stammering and whimpering and begging him for mercy. When she was done he slapped her ass again. “You liked the idea, didn’t you? An older man telling you what to do. You wanted a daddy, and you thought a sugar daddy would solve two problems in one, didn’t you?”

Middleton nodded, her brown eyes brimming with fresh tears. “But it wasn’t like that. The men…they were so not like anything I wanted.”

“Of course they weren’t, baby.” Ty withdrew from her pussy then slammed himself back inside, making her gasp.

Middleton’s right hand shifted, slipping under her hips to no-doubt toy with her throbbing clit. Ty slapped her hand away. “You won’t come while I fuck you right now, understand? I’m using your pussy to get off, and that’s all there is to it.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Ty smiled, though he’d never felt so humourless in his life. “I am your Daddy, Middleton, your first Daddy. You’d never have found what you were looking for in those men, you know why?”


Leaning forward, he cupped her breasts through her camisole, using them as leverage as he began to work himself inside her, slowly, leisurely. She moaned against the wood, but he didn’t worry she’d defy his orders and get off. She needed someone rubbing her clit to get there, something he intended to use to his full advantage.