Page 14

Act Your Age Page 14

by Eve Dangerfield

Ty laughed. “You little liar, saying you don’t want it while you rub up against me. I bet your little good girl pussy’s throbbing, isn’t it?”

“No,” Kate lied, now so wet her thighs were slick. She pressed a palm to Ty’s forehead, noting the softness of his hair even as she fought to free herself. “This is bad.”

Ty shoved down the front of her leotard, exposing her breasts. “Yes, it is, sweetheart. And it feels good to be bad, so enjoy it.”

Without warning, he bent forward and drew her right nipple into his mouth. Kate screamed. “No, please stop.”

He released her, his gaze black with impatience. “Either you shut up and take it or everything will get ten times harder, understood?”

Kate nodded and he lowered his mouth to her nipple once more, moaning as his tongue traced her. He was as good at that as he was at kissing, sucking her first hard and then soft, laving and gently scraping his teeth over the swollen bud. It felt like she had a billion nerves inside that peak, all of them firing at once. Lubrication surged between her legs and she began to worry he’d think she’d wet herself.

The TV was still blaring but Kate wasn’t absorbing a word. She hadn’t needed a sex-friendly show, after all. The screen could have been playing a clip of impending armageddon and she wouldn’t have noticed. All her awareness was in her nipples, her cunt and the pulse, pulse, pulse of blood in her ears.

How long they stayed that way, Kate didn’t know. Until she was soaking and shuddering with need and moaning so continuously it might have been her native tongue. It hurt to want him this much, to have her nipples sucked until they were crimson, to have her swollen labia crushed against Kevlar jeans, but it was a good pain, a sweet pain. Given a choice, she probably would have stayed there forever. But it wasn’t her choice. Ty gave her right nipple an extra hard suck then released it with a pop. “I think it’s time I got to work on your cherry, sweetheart.”

Genuine fear rippled down Kate’s spine, less because she was immersed in her character’s fake virginity—more because she was finally, finally going to have sex with Tyler Henderson, an event she’d built up to such mythical proportions it felt like he was suggesting she leap of a cliff and fly.

“Please don’t,” she whispered.

“Sorry, baby I’ve gotta know what your pussy feels like, but don’t worry…” Ty ran his tongue over her nipple, the sensation crude and somehow more obscene than him sucking them like they were peppermint candy. “…I’ll be gentle.”

“You can’t do this to me! I’ll…I’ll tell my mum!”

Ty licked her other nipple, a slow leisurely stroke. “Tell her what? Tell her you’ve been wet for your new daddy since the day I walked through the door?”

“I’m not! I haven’t—”

“You think I haven’t seen the way you look at me?” He dropped his mouth to her neck and began planting small, somehow mocking kisses on her sensitive skin. “You think I haven’t noticed how you’re always blushing and ducking out of whatever room I’m in? I bet you’ve spent hours rubbing yourself raw thinking about me.”

Kate, who knew this to be true, felt a fresh surge of delicious humiliation. “I don’t want to do it. I don’t know why I do it.”

Ty smirked down at her. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, Daddy likes making your pussy tingle. He likes that you want him to kiss you like a prince in a storybook.”


“Yes,” Ty whispered. “And it’s okay. Daddy’s happy to kiss you like that, but he’ll fuck you like a dirty biker fucks a roadhouse whore, too.”

Before she could protest, he’d cupped his hands around her breasts like circles, bent his head and began to suck her with such force she cried out loud. A thick syrupy feeling cascaded from her breasts to her groin, and she found herself gripping Ty’s shoulders, chanting “oh god, oh god, oh god.”

She’d had a friend—well, more of an acquaintance— at uni who swore she could orgasm from nipples stuff alone. That news had made Kate feel very inadequate. She felt enough pressure to orgasm during sex without the added pressure of orgasming from having a mouth on her boobs and yet now, illogical as it sounded, she might actually achieve that impossible goal.

Ty is dry-humping me though, she thought in some foggy corner of her brain. Maybe that’s what Angie meant. Nipple stimulation and dry humping at the same time.

One of Ty’s hands was between her legs now, flirting with the lines of her leotard. One fingertip passed lightly over her velvet-covered cunt and she jolted as though she’d been electrocuted.

“That’s it,” Ty muttered. “Doesn’t it feel nice, giving Daddy what he wants? First he’ll make you come in your panties, then he’ll see about fucking your tight little snatch.”

Kate whimpered, her clit burning, her pussy clenching in on nothing. “Please, I don’t want to do this.”

“How many lies are you going to tell tonight?”

“I’m not—”

“You’re soaking wet. I’ve never felt a pussy so wet in my life.”


“I’ve heard you hovering outside your mother’s bedroom door at night, wishing I’d take care of you the same way I take care of her.”

Kate pictured herself doing just that, how disgusting and messed up it would be. And yet the wrongness coursed through her blood like chemicals far more volatile than Ritalin, getting her higher than she’d ever been. “Ty. Please.”

He bared his teeth. “My name’s not Ty, little girl. Call me what I am.”

Kate opened her mouth but the word wouldn’t come out.

“Fine.” Ty seized the waistband of her skirt. “Just remember you asked for this.”

With that he tore the material from her body, the worn cloth barely protesting as it reduced itself to shreds. Though she’d been thoroughly warned, Kate couldn’t help but moan her horror.

“Shut up.” Ty balled up the cotton and threw it aside. “You could do with less fucking clothes.”

Then he frowned, his fingers tracing the crushed velvet covering her stomach. “What’s this?”

“A-a leotard?” Kate asked, a little confused.

“I thought it was a top,” he said, sounding much more like her boss than her fake perv stepdad. “Girl clothes are so fucking wild.”

His hand brushed over her navel and Kate squirmed uncontrollably.

“Oh, sorry!” he said, pulling his hand away. “I didn’t mean to tickle you, sorry!”

The wide-eyed horror on his face was such a strange contrast to what they’d been doing, Kate couldn’t help but giggle. “It’s okay, you just surprised me.”

Ty gave her a rueful smile. “I had no idea it was a one piece.”

“I’m sorry, I should have chosen something more practical.”

“No, I like it,” he said quickly. “I just wish I’d known it was tugging on your pussy this whole time, if I’d known I could have done a lot more with it.”

She flushed, very aware she was half-naked and lying beneath him. “I’m…you still could?”

“When you go red like that, it goes all the way down to your tits,” Ty said conversationally. Then before she could die of mortification, added, “I wanna keep going. You?”

“Yes, please.”

“Good.” He bent down and kissed her again, fast and businesslike, an agreement between equals. It warmed some part of her that she hadn’t known needed warming. She didn’t have long to enjoy it, Ty seized a fistful of the material at her stomach and pulled it tight. The velvet constricted, drawing up between her legs, compressing her most sensitive tissues.

“Please, stop!”

Ty tugged the material, so it pulsed against her clit. “Call me ‘Daddy’ and I’ll think about it.”

Kate drew her lips into her mouth and bit them for good measure.

“Have it your way.” He released her leotard and cupped her cunt in his palm. “I’m going to play with thi
s now. Moan if you want to.”

He shoved the soaked velvet aside and traced his fingers along the source of her wetness. He wasn’t rough as she’d expected him to be, but the gentleness was more unnerving. “Wet,” he said, gazing down at her. “Wet and red as a shiny new apple. What a little slut this virgin is turning out to be.”


Ty clapped his free hand over her mouth. “That’s enough talk out of you, sweetheart.”

With his gaze locked on hers, he began to slide first one, then two fingers into her damp pussy, easing her apart with exquisite slowness. Kate gave a half-hearted attempt at closing her legs, but Ty only forced them wider with his knees. “No escape Katie, not until I’ve gotten what I want.”

Kate let out a low frustrated whine, her insides were hot, and her vision was shimmering like a mirage. She’d been on edge for so long now, too long. Her orgasm was welling up inside her, tight and full and slippery. She needed more. “Get off me,” she told him.

Ty didn’t even answer, just curved his fingers in a way that made her scream with pleasure.

“You’re an-an asshole!”

“Oh yeah?”

“You’re making me do this.”

“Maybe,” he said in a measured voice. “But you knew what you were doing with your puffy lips and your long hair, teasing my cock day in and day out just because you could. You’re getting exactly what you deserve.”

Ty’s fingers began to work faster, he was now so deep it was almost painful, almost and yet entirely not. As he rubbed inside her, Kate did something she did in almost all of her fantasies—she started to cry. That first burst of feeling was like an orgasm in and of itself, wet and clean and pure. For a moment she tried to contain the outpour, worried Ty would stop, then she remembered his promise that without her safe word, nothing would stop. Absurdly reassured, she let her tears fall freely.

“I’m sorry,” she said, not knowing exactly why. “I’m so sorry.”

Ty’s face was even meaner than it had been before. “Not sorry enough. But you will be, now call me Daddy.”

More tears ran down Kate’s cheeks, and all she could think was that he was so good at this. So good, better than she’d ever hoped for. “No. I don’t want to do this.”

“Too bad, I intended to fuck you the minute I laid eyes on your jailbait ass. Call me Daddy, and it’ll be our little secret. Don’t, and I’ll fuck you anyway, then I’ll tell your mother all about it.”


“I will.” Ty’s breath was hot on the side of her face, his fingers massaging deep within her pussy. “I’ll tell her that her cute little daughter got drunk and said she wanted to know what an orgasm felt like. She’ll believe me, you know she will. Now say it.”

“Do me,” she sobbed. “I want you to do me.”

“That’s a good start, now the rest; who am I?”

Kate rolled her head from side to side, wanting to answer but unable to shape the word with her lips and tongue. “Please…”

“Say it.”

Ty’s fingers clamped down on her nipple and the jagged nail of pain was just what she needed to get it out. “Daddy!”

Ty’s fingers tightened. “Who’s daddy?”

“M-My daddy.”

“That’s my good girl.” A grin, all the more sinister for being plastered on that beautiful, all-Australian face. He leaned back and pulled a condom from his pocket. Kate closed her eyes. They both knew the man he was pretending to be would have taken her bare, but since there was no chance of that, she pretended she couldn’t hear the sound of latex rolling down his shaft, pretended he wouldn’t take precautions to protect them both. Ty’s cock rubbed her entrance. With her eyes closed, it felt as broad as a concrete bollard.

“You ready?”


“That’s too fucking bad.” Ty spat in his hand and slicked himself down. “Hold still.”

Despite his cruel words, he didn’t go fast. He moved gently, allowing her delicate folds to expand. She was so wet he slid in much easier than she’d have expected. Soon it was better than easy, it was…amazing. She hadn’t been counting on that. Sex had often been uncomfortable for her, a primal but rarely pleasant experience. This was something else. There was the fantasy, but there was also the delicious satisfaction of being split open by Tyler Henderson, her gorgeous boss. She never wanted to believe that her feelings for him would make sex better—especially when her feelings were so lame and unwarranted—but she couldn’t deny the fact when it was staring her in the face. Or entering her vagina. He was less than halfway inside her before she began arching her back trying to take him deeper. Ty chuckled and pressed a palm to her abdomen. “Easy, girl.”

A few more slick pulses and he was there, fully seated within her.

“Oh yeah, that’s nice,” he groaned, thrusting deep. “Nice pussy.”

He withdrew and plunged in once more, grunting like an animal. Kate squeezed her eyes shut. It felt raw but good, realistic. As she stretched to accommodate him, he picked up speed. One of his feet was planted on the floor so he could fuck into her more deeply. He was still fully clothed, still wearing his motorcycle boots.

“No,” Kate moaned. “Please stop.”

“I can’t. This is what girls are for, sweetheart. This is what you’re for.” Ty pressed his thumb to her clit and began to rub slow, damp circles the way he had in his hotel bed in Bendigo. “I’m gonna make you come now, not because you’ll like it, but because I want you to understand what a dirty little slut you are.”

Kate’s cunt throbbed. His touch was gorgeous, but it was his words bringing her closer than she’d ever been with a man in her life. She closed her eyes, trying to drown in the midnight blue moment. Her distorted leotard was cutting into her thighs, her chest and her back like a beautiful straightjacket.

A slut’s straightjacket, she thought deliriously. Pinned down with all the good parts exposed.

“That’s it,” Ty muttered. “You’re clamping up now, you can’t help it. Next time you won’t fight me so hard, will you? You’ll remember how good it felt to get fucked and you’ll spread your whore legs as soon as you see me coming.”

As Ty continued his stream of dirty talk, as he thrust and rubbed and played her body like the violin, Kate realised something awful—she couldn’t come. She could feel her orgasm welling up like nectar, pooling hot and heavy in her middle but it refused to spill, refused to reach any kind of climax.

She began to rock her hips against Ty’s, slow at first, then faster, so that he moved faster. Then they were fucking like animals, their bodies slapping hard against one another. Sweat budded on her forehead, the back of her neck, her underarms, and inside her thighs. It was so good, he was so big and talented, but she couldn’t get there. She’d spent years wanting to sleep with Ty and now it was happening and he was so perfect and handsome and hung and fulfilling her wildest fantasies and she still couldn’t come. She couldn’t do it. If she ever could have done it with someone, it would have been with Ty, but she couldn’t do it. She was broken. Tears burst from her eyes again, but this time they felt oily and unwelcome.

“Whoa! Easy, baby, easy.” Ty’s hips slowed and he cupped her jaw. “What’s wrong?”

I was crying before, Kate thought. How does he know this crying is different?

“Middleton, talk to me.”

“I’m fine,” she said, rubbing her hands over her forehead and cheeks so he would think she was wiping off the sweat not the tears. “I want to keep going, can we keep going?”

“We’ll keep going when you tell me what’s wrong.” Ty pressed his forehead against hers. “Was I too rough with you?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

She inhaled deeply. “I just…I can’t finish. I keep getting close, but then I start thinking and the feeling goes away. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m taking way too long and you’ll g
et bored and…” She let her voice trail off, embarrassed.

Ty smiled, it was wide and warm—the nicest smile she’d ever seen him wear. “This isn’t a problem; if you’re close, you can get there. You need to relax.”


“But nothing, we’ve got all night. Trust me to do this for you.”

He slid his hand between them, but he didn’t rub her clit; he forked his fingers around her folds and pressed. Everything between his fingers plumped up, the feeling pleasurable, but less intense than direct stimulation.

“Feel nice?”

Kate closed her eyes. The midnight blue of her orgasm was back, swirling behind her eyelids like the painting in his office. “Yes.”

“Good.” Ty stroked in and out of her slowly. “You feel my cock?”

“It would be very hard not to.”

He chuckled. “Just relax. Relax and feel me, feel what I’m doing to you. Don’t think about me. I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing. Just concentrate on your body, on how I feel inside you.”

“What if I take too long?”

“You won’t. I could stay inside you all year and not get bored. Just take your time and come.”

Kate smiled at the thought of having Ty’s body against hers for three hundred and sixty-five days. Then she thought of something that might help. “Ty…”

He paused. “Yeah?”

“Can you kiss me?”

“Of course I fucking can.” And he bent down and did just that.

Perhaps it did take hours for her to climb Orgasm Mountain again, Kate wasn’t sure. She did what Ty asked, feeling him with her eyes closed, trying to think about nothing beyond the sensations in her body. Her pleasure began to throb in big rough spikes, but she didn’t try to shove herself to the peak, she rose lazily, circling and circling until finally… “I’m close. I think I’m gonna…”

Ty’s fingers drew tighter around her clit, compressing the bud so tightly she felt like it might burst. “Yeah, baby?”