Page 20

About a Vampire Page 20

by Lynsay Sands

Curious to see how this played out, Justin did just that rather than imagine another setting as he had in their earlier dream. While he had joined her in the kitchen in what had obviously been her dream then too, he was the one who had first moved it to the table and then to his own bedroom back in Canada. This time he followed her deeper into her dream, moving through the crowd and following her off the dance floor to a hallway that led to the bathrooms. Holly paused there and turned to lean back against the wall and smile at him wickedly as she waited for him to reach her.

When he stopped in front of her, she reached out to run her hands up his chest over his black T-­shirt, then caught her fingers in it and drew him roughly forward so that she could lean up and press her lips to his. Justin smiled against her mouth and then braced his hands on the wall on either side of her head and kissed her back, allowing his tongue to slide out and explore her mouth in a fashion that he’d intended to be leisurely, but that quickly turned hot and wild.

“What are we doing?” he growled against her lips when she reached between their bodies to rub his burgeoning erection.

“I want you,” she growled right back and the next thing he knew his pants were undone and she had him in hand, right there in the bloody hallway where anyone might see. Though a quick glance around proved that no one was there with them at the moment.

Turning back to peer down at her, he bit the inside of his cheek to try to damp down his excitement as she caressed him, and growled with amazement, “You like to take risks.”

Her response was to catch his hand and pull it down under her skirt as she claimed his mouth once more. Justin wasn’t strong enough to refuse that invitation. He rubbed her lightly through the silk of the panties she wore, capturing her groan in his mouth as he did, then eased the cloth aside to touch her warm, damp skin. This time he was the one who groaned as he felt how hot and wet she was for him. The woman was seriously turned on and he knew right then that taking control, going slowly and driving her out of her mind with need was out the window. Somehow, this woman had turned the tables on him. He was the one suddenly out of his mind with need and completely lacking control.

Tearing his mouth from hers with a curse, he tore her panties off with one quick jerk then clasped her by the waist to lift her up and press her back against the wall. He then lowered her onto his erection. Her skirt caught between them, riding up the few inches necessary to be out of the way.

They both hissed, “Yes,” with pleasure as he entered her. It was the last word either of them spoke, the next few moments were filled with moans and gasps and grunts as he pounded into her. Jason felt her nails digging into his shoulders through his T-­shirt and that just spurred him on. When she broke their kiss to bite into his neck with excitement, he growled and buried his own in her shoulder. That’s when she suddenly pushed him back.

Startled, Justin fell back against what he saw with some confusion was the backseat of an open convertible. Blinking, he turned to peer at Holly. She was sitting up in his lap and smiling, her hands clasping each side of the top of Gia’s black vest. As he watched blankly, she suddenly tore the vest open, baring herself just inches from his face.

She’d changed the dream, he realized. He’d been about to have an orgasm and she’d changed the damned dream. She gave a little shimmy as her nipples pebbled in the cool night air and Justin responded automatically, his hands coming up to clasp her sides as he leaned forward to close his mouth around one sweet bud.

“Oh, yeah,” Holly breathed, grinding against him. He was no longer inside of her, but back in his pants, he noted absently as he suckled and nipped at her nipple. And she had her panties on again, he found, when he slid a hand under her skirt to touch her again. Holly gasped as he caressed her, her hips moving with his touch, then gave a small cry of pleasure when he tugged the panties aside so that he could caress her with his thumb while sliding a finger inside of her. She let him do that for a minute, her body shuddering and dancing for him, and then suddenly she was sliding off of him to crouch between his legs. A real car wouldn’t have been large enough for her to do that, but this dream car was and before he quite realized what she was up to, she had his pants open and had taken him, not into her hand this time, but her mouth.

“Ai-­yee!” Justin shouted, bucking on the leather seat.

Holly removed her mouth long enough to say, “Drive the car,” then claimed him again and Justin blinked his eyes open to find they were shooting down the freeway and he was behind the wheel with her now crouched in the passenger seat and her head in his lap. She’d changed the dream again midstream. Christ, the woman was going to kill him, he thought faintly and despite knowing it was a dream, instinctively grabbed the steering wheel.

For a moment, Justin actually tried to drive while she drove him crazy. Her warm wet mouth rode his length, her tongue swirling around the tip as she raised her head, then sliding his length again as she lowered it. Justin groaned and then growled with irritation as someone shook his shoulder, determined to get his attention.



His arm was shaken again and Justin snapped his eyes open and turned to glower at the intruder. He then blinked in surprise when he saw Dante straightening away from him in the light spilling through his bedroom door.

“What the . . . ?” Justin sat up and glanced around with confusion. He was in his bed, alone. Holly was gone. Instead, Dante and Tomasso stood at his bedside, concern on their expressions.

“You screamed in your sleep,” Dante explained when Justin turned his bewildered gaze back to him.

Justin’s confusion faded and dismay replaced it as he realized—­ “You woke me up!”

“We were concerned,” Dante said with a shrug.

“You screamed,” Tomasso reminded him.

“With passion!” he snapped furiously. “We were—­shared dreams,” he finished meaningfully, and when both men merely raised an eyebrow, Justin growled with frustration. “Oh, for the love of—­” Grabbing a pillow, he tossed it at the pair of them. “Get out, get out, get out! Christ, Holly was—­ And you’re ruining it. Get out!”

“Ah,” Dante murmured and turned to exchange a glance with his twin. The two men then shrugged and walked out, pulling the door closed behind them.

Justin fell back on the bed with a weary sigh, and closed his eyes determinedly. He had to get back to sleep and back to Holly.

Holly gasped with surprise when Justin suddenly caught her arm and turned her away from the fridge. One minute she’d been in the car with him and the next he’d been gone. She wasn’t sure how she’d got back here in the kitchen, except that she’d been hungry.

Justin stepped forward, and Holly took a step back, glancing around with surprise when her back hit something solid. She stared blankly at the kitchen table with some confusion, wondering how the hell they’d got over by the table.

The feel of his lips moving up her thigh drew her attention from her thoughts and she peered down the length of her body to see that she was on her back on the kitchen table, her legs dangling over the end and that Justin was—­

“Holy crap!” she gasped, and tried to sit up as his tongue found and suddenly rasped over the center of her. Justin prevented that with a hand at her chest, urging her to lie back again as he continued to lave her with his tongue. He was stronger than her, which she thought was completely unfair considering it was her dream. But there was little she could do about it and after struggling against his hold for a minute, she fell back weakly and grabbed at the sides of the table, clutching at the wood desperately as he licked and suckled and thrust his tongue in and out, driving her wild until she screamed her pleasure.

Unlike the first dream, this one didn’t end there, however. Instead, Justin rose up to stand between her legs like some victorious warrior, pulled her to sit upright on the edge of the table, then clasped her
to his chest and kissed her as he thrust into her. Holly cried out into his mouth with that first hard thrust, and then wrapped her legs around his hips to urge him on as her excitement came screaming back to full-­blown life.

She let him pound into her half a dozen times, then unwrapped her legs and pushed him back. Smiling at his startled expression as he stumbled back a ­couple of steps, she slid off the table and turned to bend over it, then glanced over her shoulder at once.

“Witch,” Justin breathed as he stepped up behind her. Straightening, she ground her butt against him and tilted her head back in a silent demand for a kiss. The moment his mouth covered hers, she grabbed his hands and pulled them around to cover her breasts. He began squeezing and kneading them at once as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. When she broke the kiss and bent forward to brace herself on the table, he released her breasts to clasp her hips and thrust into her from behind. Then he bent to reach around and began caressing her as he continued to thrust into her, first fondling her breasts as he nibbled at her neck, and then as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, sliding one hand down between her legs to find the center of her excitement again.

Holly gasped and then cried out and slammed back into him hard as he pushed her over the edge into orgasm. Justin’s hand clenched on her hip and he thrust into her one last time, and then froze, crying out his release as well.

Holly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry herself, avoiding her own reflection in the mirror. She knew what she would see if she looked . . . accusation. She’d spent the entire night having one dream after another where she did things to Justin, and let him do things to her that no married woman should even think about doing with a man who wasn’t her husband. The worst part was, she hadn’t a clue why.

Sure, she thought the guy was good-­looking, and yes he was sweet with his flowers and his attempt to cook for her and such. But she didn’t even know the guy, not really. Besides, James was good-­looking and sweet too and not only did she know him, she had known him all her life . . . and they were married.

She really had no idea what had brought on the round of crazy monkey sex dreams. Outside the bathrooms of a nightclub? Where anyone might see them? In an open convertible in a parking lot, again where anyone might see them? Driving down the highway where any passing semi driver could glance down and see them? And on the kitchen table right here in this house where Dante, Tomasso, and Gia could have seen them? Sure, they had all been dreams, but still . . . who knew she had this streak of exhibitionism? She hadn’t known. She was pretty pedestrian when it came to sex. At least she had always been pretty pedestrian when it came to sex with James. It was usually in bed, lights out, and missionary position. She had never stopped him partway through, turned over and had him take her doggy style like she had with Justin. She’d never gone down on him in a moving vehicle either, or in a car at all, really.

But in her dreams she’d . . . well, she’d felt powerful and sexy and adventurous. She’d taken control instead of lying passively back, waiting for him to handle things. What did that mean?

Perhaps the sex in the dream hadn’t really represented sex at all, Holly thought suddenly as she finished drying herself and began to dress. Maybe the dreams had more to do with Justin’s efforts to woo her in front of the others. Anders and Decker knew about his determination that they were life mates. Gia had seen the flowers in her room, and Holly was sure Gia and the twins all knew about the aborted picnic attempt.

Perhaps the dreams were saying that Justin’s attempts at wooing her made her feel attractive and powerful. Perhaps her rebuffing him made her feel in control and even sexy. That kind of made a sort of sense, Holly supposed.

It also made it so that she didn’t have to admit that she was subconsciously lusting after Justin Bricker.

Holly grimaced at that thought and knew it was true. She’d thought the man was attractive from the start, but ever since he’d kissed her . . . She let her breath out slowly. Yes, she was lusting after Justin Bricker like a bitch in heat. She wanted to experience more of his kisses and enjoy his caresses for real, see if they felt as good in reality as they had in her dreams.

“Which is just too darned bad,” she told her reflection grimly. “You are a married woman, and a ­couple of hours of pleasure aren’t worth risking your marriage over. So get over it, concentrate on what you need to learn and get the heck out of here and home to your husband.”

Nodding in response to her own lecture, Holly did up the jeans she’d pulled on, then quickly tugged on a T-­shirt over her bra and smoothed it into place. She hadn’t gone wild on the clothes shopping. Gia had said to buy as much as she wanted, but she’d restricted herself to two pairs of jeans, a ­couple T-­shirts, a pair of black dress pants, a pair of blue dress pants, and a ­couple of blouses. Basically, she’d pretty much replaced the small wardrobe she’d owned prior to turning and becoming too small for her own clothes. It would do. Once she’d graduated and was working full-­time, she could buy more clothes, but she didn’t want to have to explain to James how she had come by a sudden wealth of clothes now.

After running a brush through her hair, Holly left her room and headed downstairs. She made it all the way to the hallway outside the kitchen door before her courage failed her. Pausing there, she bit her lip and told herself not to be a ninny. Justin would not be able to tell, just by looking at her, that she’d been dreaming of doing the nasty with his naked self all night.

“Dear God,” she muttered under her breath and pushed the door open to enter the room. At first, she thought it was empty, but then a rattle drew her attention to the refrigerator. Justin was standing in the open door, surveying the contents. He glanced over now and smiled at her.

“Good morning.”

Holly felt a shiver run down her back at his husky tone. It was the same pitch his voice had dropped into last night when he’d growled, “Say my name.”

Giving her head a shake, she managed a smile and moved nervously to the table. “Good morning.”

Good Lord, she sounded like a Victorian chick with the vapors, Holly thought with disgust as she heard her weak voice. Really? That was the best she could do? She couldn’t—­

Her self-­flagellation ended abruptly as Justin suddenly grabbed a can of whipped cream out of the refrigerator, tipped his head, aimed the spout into his mouth and shot some of the creamy foam onto his tongue just as she had done in her first dream last night. That had been just before he’d entered the room, and kissed her and then begun to—­

Holly cut that thought off quickly and forced her gaze away from him. “So, training,” she said in strained tones.


She braved a glance in his direction to see him returning the can to the refrigerator and felt herself relax a little. Good, the last thing she needed was to be thinking about what else he’d done with that whipped cream in her dreams . . . which she was doing now, she realized with dismay as her nipples began to tingle. She could vividly recall the feel of his tongue rasping across her nipples as he laved away every last drop of whipped cream and then—­

The refrigerator door slammed closed with a jingle of bottles and Holly jumped guiltily, then instinctively caught the bag of blood he tossed her.

Justin headed for the door to the garage, saying, “Actually, we’re going out today.”

“What?” Holly asked blankly. “Where?”

“To my parents’ place,” he responded, opening the door and then turning sideways for her to precede him out to the garage. “It’s Sunday. They’d never forgive me if I didn’t go see them while I’m in town.”

Holly remained by the table, biting her lip.

“Come on,” he insisted, waving toward the open door.

Holly shifted uncertainly and then said, “Maybe I should just stay here. Dante and Tomasso could teach me to . . . well . . . do whatever,” she finished
lamely, and then rushed on, “And you can visit your parents in peace.”

“Nope.” He shook his head firmly. “Gia and the twins are just backup. Lucian made it plain that you are my responsibility. You’re with me. Besides,” he added with a smile. “I have a surprise for you.”

Holly grimaced and blew her breath out on a sigh. Another surprise. Great. Probably more fish, or flowers, or something to do with nature that she would absolutely hate. Jeez.

Shaking her head with mild disgust, she slapped the blood bag to her teeth and trudged across the kitchen to slip past him through the door.

“Buck up,” he said cheerfully as he opened the door of the SUV for her. “You’ll like this one.”

“Uh-­huh,” she mumbled around the bag in her mouth as she climbed into the vehicle. She did up her seat belt as he closed the door. The bag was empty by the time he’d walked around and got into the driver’s seat. Holly pulled it from her mouth and asked, “Where are Gia and the twins this morning?”

“This afternoon,” he corrected, taking the empty bag from her and tossing it in a small garbage bag hanging from the dash. As he started the engine, she glanced to the clock on the dash, amazed to see that it was indeed afternoon. It was just after two o’clock in the afternoon, in fact. Good Lord, it had only been seven when she’d gone to bed. She’d slept more than seventeen hours.

“Gia and the boys went to bed at dawn and are still sleeping,” Justin said, answering her original question as he pressed the button to open the garage door. Reaching for his seat belt then, he added, “Mostly we’re night owls. Our hours just got messed around a bit after the flight here and everything.”

“Right,” Holly breathed, wondering why the hell she’d slept so long. She wasn’t fighting an illness or something, was she? No, of course not. She was a vampire now. They didn’t get sick, according to Justin. But Dante had said something about her needing a lot of blood for a while, and still being in the turn. Perhaps that was the reason for her long sleep. Perhaps the nanos had been finishing the repairs to her brain.