Tylan and his entire team sat at Fernai’s chatting, eating and drinking and over the next few days, they all started work on the line and they called it – ‘Rina’.
After about a week, the news of Torina being hired by Tylan gained some interest when people started seeing her there regularly. The only person who know what she was doing was Tealia. Tylan told her Torina was to be let in the building at any time night or day.
Tylan and the team was going out to do some scouting for fabric samples and much to the demise of Torina, some photographers pushed their way through security to get a glimpse at the newest addition.
Tylan guessed what would come next and he was right. The headlines in several newspapers were awfully insulting and they were all aimed at Torina.
‘M-Studios hires Torina the tow truck.’
‘M-Studios gone over to the wide side.’
‘Tylan V hires Fat Farm.’
The next morning as Torina was walking into the building, she realised people were pointing at her and whispering. As she got inside everyone in the foyer looked up. Some snickered, some nodded in approval but this one particular girl, made it her business to actually say something out loud.
“Look it’s Tow-rina.” A few of them laughed.
Torina kept walking. When she got to the receptionist, the lady looked up and smiled.
“Ignore them. The others are already here, go on up.”
“What’s this all about?”
“You don’t know?”
“No. What is it?”
“Oh dear. Look.” She handed her all the magazines and newspapers. Torina slowly looked at each one of them.
When she was finished, she closed her eyes and let out the breath she was holding.
“Can you please make an excuse to the others, I think I am going home.”
With that she turned and walked out of the building. She got into her car and left.
Tealia the receptionist punched Tylan’s number.
“Sir, we have a problem, Torina came and she left go back home, sir she was so hurt, can you go after her just to make sure she is okay or if you can get someone to fill in for me I will get her address from you and go see her.”
“Why are you concerned for her Tealia? You only met her yesterday.”
“Sir, she has been here a week and every morning she brings me a fruit, or a muffin or juice. She is so sweet and she never looks down on me like the models or photographers do.”
“Understood. I think we need a break anyway, I will tell the others. Call Jona and tell him bring around the bus. Be down in ten minutes.”
“Thanks sir.”
“Yes sir?”
“As of now, you no longer need to call me sir, Tylan will do just fine.”
“Okay sir.” She giggled.
“Stop everything we have to rescue Torina.”
“Headlines got to her?”
“I am afraid so. Let’s go.”
“All of us?”
“All of us.”
The fully loaded M-Studios branded tour bus pulled up to Torina’s drive way. Her car was there.
Everyone got out and rushed up to the door.
Torina saw the bus from her balcony and slowly made her way down to the ruckus at her front door. She unlocked it and stepped back.
Cari walked past her and attempted to locate the kitchen.
Tylan watched as the others filed in and made themselves comfortable.
Cari came out of the kitchen with every single piece of junk food she could find and rested them on the coffee table.
“Today just happens to be cheat day. Dig in.”
The others pounced on the snacks and within minutes they were all gone.
“Did you leave anything in the fridge?” Asked Tylan.
“Good. Torina, you start training tomorrow.”
“I can’t. I don’t want to work there anymore. Do you have any idea how I am hurting right now?”
Aldo stood up and pulled out his wallet, he fished out a newspaper clipping of him and Tylan. It read ‘Buffalo Spotted In Italy.”
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m not. It made me work harder. Remember I told you not to think about the weight! I used to get so depressed but these guys here stuck right by me and we will do the same for you.”
“I can’t, I don’t have the energy for this.”
“What I do not understand is why back down now. You have given us ideas for something great and now that it starts to get tough, you want to back out? Fine. The line is cancelled. Let’s go.” Tylan got up and strolled through the door.
The others never uttered one word. They cleaned up the snack wrappers and bags and started going out to the bus. Torina broke down in tears. Chiara paused at the door but the look she got from Tylan made her continue.
When the door of the bus closed the driver reversed and slowly moved out of the driveway.
All of a sudden a banging was heard on the side of the bus.
“WAIT!” More banging.
The driver spotted her in the rear view mirror and slowed down. He opened the door and Aldo peeked his head out.
“What’s wrong?”
“If I am to I start training tomorrow, I need to go shopping for clothes.”
“That’s more like it.” A voice from behind her spoke.
She spun around and saw Tylan.
“You cheeky devil, you knew I wouldn’t give up.”
“You want this project more than any of us, this is your baby and we are just here to see it through.”
“Thank you, all of you. Come on, I will take the bus back to work and go shopping later for clothes.”
The program Cari designed for Torina was gruesome and extreme, the first thing they did was remove all the mirrors in the house. Then she assigned an assistant to her. If she needed food, clothes, to get to work, he made the arrangements and he never left her alone, he slept at her house and followed her everywhere. She was blindfolded to and from work. She was taken to the office and never went to lunch or dinner outside of what Cari allowed, she was given a personal chef, and a maid. In the 10th week of the program, Torina was allowed her first look in a mirror. They made a huge deal out of it.
Cari decided she would go all out. She brought everything to Torina’s house. Hair dresser, massage, manicure pedicure the works. What Torina didn’t know was that the maid had been secretly replacing her big clothes with ones that suited her size. Cari told her Torina would be so busy with work she would not notice and she was right. Torina’s assistant picked out all of her clothes so she never knew what was coming next.
The final reveal came where she had first met the team. Tylan arrange a private party. He even invited Tealia.
They blindfolded Torina and took her to M-Studios.

“Torina honey, before we take the blindfold off, I just want you to know that I am so proud of you.” Aldo said softly.
“Yes Torina, we all are, come Cari she is about to burst with anticipation.”
When Cari took it off Torina’s eyes were closed.
“Open them honey, we got you.” Cosimo said.
She opened her eyes.
She began to tremble. Cari took her hand.
“Yes honey, that is all you. Congrats!”
“Uh oh, she’s gonna cry, tissue box!!!”
Torina burst into tears. They all hugged and kissed her but Tylan stood and just watch, silently. When the tears finally stopped she looked at her boss.
“Boss, you haven’t said anything.”
“No need. Back to work, we have a line to launch this weekend.”
With that Tylan left the others staring with their mouths open.
“What did I do wrong?”
“You don’t know?” Aldo said.
“Know what? Cari asked.
“The boss has a thing for Torina, he has been hiding it. He doesn’t want to get hurt again so he has said nothing. These changes in her have nothing to do with it, he loves her enthusiasm, her honesty and she doesn’t pretend to like him for his money.”
Torina looked at Aldo.
“No it’s more than that and I don’t see him that way, he is special to me yes but….. oh dear, I need to fix this.”
Torina, left the floor and made her way to Tylan’s office. He was standing at the window looking out into the town.
“Boss? You got a minute?”
“Sure. What’s up?” He responded without turning around.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
“Everyone has complimented me except the one that matters most.”
“I thought I knew you Torina, the one thing I valued in you was your honesty.”
“I have not lied to you about anything.”
“Who is Amondo?”
Torina gasped.
“He is my husband.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”
“Why did that matter, you said from the first night we met you were not interested in a relationship because of Genai, I have never lead you on or given you any impression that I wanted to be with you, so don’t put your anger on me.”
“He called me here and told me to stay away from you or he would end my life somehow. He said he always knew where to find you and any attempt to get you into bed would end in disaster. The cops are on their way to search his house.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? He and I have been separated for almost three years. I ran from him with nothing, I hitch hiked all the way here. When I met you I was just beginning to recover my finances. I was deep in debt and I needed a better job. I have stayed away from men because I know how Amondo is. He used to beat me, he cheated on me with my mother of all people, then my boss, then my sister and best friend. He is a good looking man and the women can’t resist his advances. I ate myself to the size I was. I felt like a total failure and useless. When you left that night I really wanted to seduce you but I knew you would never even think about making love to someone like me. So it was work work and more work. I am sorry I didn’t tell you and I will deal with Amondo.”
“I am not angry because you are married and I am jealous, I have grown to care about you, if Amondo came after you, those people in there would turn his ass inside out. Four of them carry guns, three are black belts and one was in the army. This is why I ask for complete honesty. You need to divorce him, I will send you to the company attorney. Now for the us issue. I do love you but as one of my team, nothing more. That ship has sailed for me and I would never use the friendship we have to make it into more.”
“What if I wanted more Tylan?”
“I can’t offer you anything Torina, I have no love left in me for anyone that way and you deserve much better. Aldo is quite taken with you.”
“He was the one who told me you had a thing for you!”
Tylan laughed.
“That dog. He just wanted to see how you felt about me.”
“Have I made a mess of things? I do love you Ty but as a really good friend.”
“No, all the cards are on the table and we both know where we stand. Now, Amondo will be arrested and I will make sure he never bothers you again. You need to find love Torina, you are a wonderful woman and yes the changes were worth the stress. You have a new line on the way and I hope we can create more.”
Torina walked up to Tylan and hugged him, he closed her arms around her and held her tight.
Aldo walked in.
“Boss, I’m gonna have to punch you if you don’t let go of my woman!”
Tylan laughed, kissed Torina on the cheek and let her go.
“She is all yours, treat her well or I just might let Chiara shoot your knee caps out.”
Tylan patted Aldo on the shoulder as he passed and left the two of them in his office.
“Please tell me you are serious.”
“Torina I was in love with you from when you said ‘everything’.”
“That was the first day we met!”
“Yes and?”
“I’m married.”
“We all know, we just needed you to trust us enough to tell us. Do you know who your assistant is?”
“Honey K?”
“A trained assassin, do you know what his real name is?”
Torina looked confused.
“Think honey, have you ever heard anyone call him by anything other than Honey K?”
“Jesus, no.”
“Tylan hired him when he did a check on you and yes he does it to all his employees, so don’t go making a fuss. He protects everyone around him. Now, I am sure he told you to divorce Amondo. So tomorrow we go see Marlon and get started. Can’t have you being married to two men.”
“What?” Torina whispered.
Aldo got down on one knee and presented her with a gold ring with an emerald set in the center of four diamonds.
“Yes, Yes!”
Aldo got up and kissed the woman he dreamt about every single night since he met her.
They got married a year later and during the time they were courting, Torina noticed a drastic change in Tylan. He was becoming depressed and he was drinking more and more and she thought he was on drugs. On her wedding day, Tylan was supposed to give her away since she had no family and he never showed up.
Tylan was 27 when he met Genai, he was now 35 and lonely as ever. His father made it a point to show him every single movie and photograph Genai sent him of Sofea.
“Papa! Why do you make me suffer through this?”
“You did this to yourself son. That child is YOUR flesh and blood and you will be lost to her.”
“You are one to talk!”
“YES, I AM. I woke up and realise that your mama gave herself to me and only me. She gave me all she had and I betrayed that but at least I was man enough to admit I was wrong and she has forgiven me and brought me even more happiness. You will not have this chance!”
“What do you mean by that? Sofea will always be mine!”
“Genai is getting married in a few days. Your mother, your sister and the twin are going. You are not.”
Tylan sat down in the chair with his head in his hands.
“I cannot make up for eight years Papa.”
“Ask Genai to see your daughter, take an interest before it’s too late.”
“I cannot papa, Genai is lost to me and soon will Sofea. I cannot bare to see either of them only to break my own heart all over again.”
Tylan’s father died and he saw Genai and meets his daughter for the first time. The problem was that she brought her entire family including her husband. He could see the love between them and he wanted Genai more than ever. In his foolish attempt she denies him. He starts using drugs to hide his depression and he began drinking again.
Tylan finds out he has aids and he makes a promise to leave everything he has for Sofea but he need to play the game perfectly or he will lose the only chance he has to be with his daughter.
“Daddy don’t leave me please!”
Tylan hears her voice.
“Ah I did not wish for you to see this. Go, wait for your mama, remember me with a smile and never doubt that I love you or your mother. Stick to Pierce he is a better man than I.”
Sofea rests her head on her father’s chest and a few seconds later he stops moving. Tylan V was gone.
Tylan handed the responsibility of his entire estate to Genai because he knew that she would understand in the end and that this is the only way he knew to show his love for both her and their daughter.
Sofea knew her father loved her in his own way and she was glad she got the opportunity to meet him. Every time she looked into the mirror she saw his eyes looking back at her and with her family the universe was hers.
The End
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