Page 21


by Stephanie Brother

Elliot is right beside us now and he leans in to kiss me. I remember how amazing his lips felt on mine from that first kiss in the gym. I was uncertain then. Worried about what Grant would think and what this would mean for my life with the McGregor’s. I feel light years away from that point now.

I kiss him back and the moan that comes from his throat when I do it mind-blowing.

He’s pushing his swim shorts down and damn. His thighs are phenomenal but his cock is something else. Perfectly proportioned and hard as baton.

“Let her lick it,” Barret says. His voice is horse with lust, his cock swelling inside me as he utters the words.

“You want to?” Elliot asks.

I nod because what else can I do.

It’s like being in a restaurant, faced with the dessert menu and wanting everything on it.

Elliot kneels in front of me, holding his cock tantalizingly near. He’s shower fresh and stunning, every muscle of his abs perfectly toned.

“You ready?” he asks, running the head of his cock over my lips. I lick out, the skin there hot and silky smooth. He’s not pushy like I thought he might be. He lets me set the pace which I like. I start slow, licking down the length, nuzzling into the small patch of trimmed hair at the root. He moans when I inhale the scent of him, that primal need to involve all the senses, setting the hairs rising on the back of my neck. Barret’s going slow, obviously enjoying the view.

It’s only when I take Elliot deep into my mouth that they both start moving faster.

I know I’m being spit-roasted. That term is one that boys in high school used to throw around when they were trying to one-up each other about the porn they had watched. It’s a term that had always disgusted me. I imagined it being an abusive situation where the woman was being forced to take two men into her body. I couldn’t ever imagine wanting this, but I do. I want it so badly.

I can taste when Elliot is getting close, the salty-sweet evidence slickening my tongue. Barret feels huge inside me, every thrust taking me closer. Blake is holding my hair back from my face and watching his brothers fucking me. It’s crazy that this is his first time. I hope it doesn’t screw him up for life.

I know I’m close to coming. I just need something more to get me over the edge. It’s as though Barret reads my mind just at that moment and he slaps my ass hard. It’s such a shockingly good feeling that I can’t hold it back. I come and come and come, my pussy clamping down on Barret’s cock and my mouth moaning around Elliot’s.

Barret is there with me, thrusting a few more time before he unloads inside me.

Then it’s just Elliot left. He goes very still, his ab muscles contracting, his thigh’s thighs flexing, then I feel him spill over my tongue.

I swallow and he groans, low and loud, as though he can’t hold himself together any more.

My arms are like jelly so I collapse onto the bed, rolling onto my side. Barret slips from inside me as I do, and my pussy is leaking cum all over the lounger. I’m wrung out and totally overwhelmed.

I never imagined I would do these things.

This was for other more adventurous people than me. In my more judgmental moments it was just for girls who didn’t give a shit about their reputations.

I never imagined that would be me.

Now I can’t imagine every going back.


I’m late to pose for Donnie. After I recovered my senses by the pool, I made my excuses and went for a shower. The boys were all so sweet; hugging me, kissing me, telling me that they’re so fucking happy that I’m here and want to be with them.

It was all perfect until I shuffled away to the shower, cum still dripping down the inside of my thighs and I realized I’m seven brothers in.


As I showered myself clean, running my hands over my swollen sex, my mind started with its stream of doubts.

I tried to push them away, but heart and mind don’t always sing from the same hymn sheet and I’m not very good at knowing which one to trust.

I don’t feel used.

I should but none of the boys have made me feel anything other than desirable.

They’ve all been so welcoming.

It’s just me with my own preconceptions.

I knock at Donnie’s door – he’s shut it this time, maybe conscious of Danna being in the house – and he opens it with a flourish.

“I was about to come and find you,” he says.

“And here I am.” I curtsy and he laughs, leaning in to kiss me softly. It’s such a tender and familiar gesture, but my heart feels guilty. I’ve just been kissing, sucking and fucking his brothers and he has no idea. Or maybe he does. Gossip travels like wildfire in this house.

And he probably wouldn’t care. I get the feeling Donnie is chill through and through.

“I’m all ready for you,” he says, waving his hand over to a low bed area that is draped in fabric.

I’ve worn leggings and a slouchy top but I’m not sure if this is suitable attire. “How do you want me?” I pull at my top and he grins.

“Naked?” His silver eyes sparkle and his perfect white teeth flash a grin. He’s cheeky but very cute with it.


I supposed I should have expected it. The picture I saw earlier was very sexually explicit as far as art goes.

And it’s not like he hasn’t seen me without clothes before.

I don’t want to look like I’m nervous about it so I go over to the bed, slip my leggings and panties down, then tug off my top.

Donnie inhales sharply, maybe at my faux-confidence. There is something clinical about this.

I turn, and his eyes are on my body. My nipples harden in the cool room.

There’s a few seconds of silence that feels like eternity.

“How shall I lay?”

“On your back. Can you put one arm over your head and your other hand on your belly?”

I do as he’s asked, keeping my legs flat and straight. My top half feels sexy and relaxed, my bottom half not so much.

Donnie arranges me, moving my hand further across the pillow, relaxing my fingers. He tips my head a little so I’m looking at where a fresh canvas has been set up. He moves my other hand closer to my pussy. “Can I move your legs?” he asks.

“Sure,” I say, thinking what the hell is he doing to do with them. He takes my right leg and lifts the knee so that it’s bent and raised. Then he does the same with the left. My pussy is on show like this, spread open like a rose in full bloom. His eyes flick there but he’s professional today.

“That okay?” he asks.

I’m not sure what he wants me to say. My clit feels hot, the exposure to his eyes enough to turn me on. I wonder if he can see that I’ve just had sex. Is my pussy pinker and more engorged? It certainly feels that way.

“If it’s good for you.”

“It’s perfect,” he says.

He practically runs to the canvas and I can hear him preparing. Every so often his face appears around the side as he takes in my form to transfer it to a two-dimensional representation.

I don’t know how long I’ve been in this position but it feels like an eternity. Trapped in my own head with no distraction is not a good place to be right now and trying to keep my thoughts away from sexy times is way too hard. I’m just about to ask for a break when there’s a loud knock at the door. Donnie freezes and then the door burst open and Casey and Cameron appear.

“Hey Don, you wanna come…”

Casey trails off staring at me with flaming eyes. I’m so damned embarrassed but I don’t want to move in case I fuck things up for Donnie.

“I’m busy,” Donnie says, moving to stand between me and his brothers.

“So we can see,” Cameron says. Neither of them moves and their eyes move over my naked flesh like real physical strokes. There are only three brothers I haven’t had sex with and two of them look like they want to ravish me where I lay. Wonder if Donnie would want to paint that?
I almost laugh but I manage to hold it in. The whole situation in this house is ridiculous.

“So, you wanna leave us to it?” Donnie asks, looking pointedly at the door.

“Not really but I guess that four’s company today,” Casey laughs.

“That’s not what I’ve heard,” Cameron laughs. “Four’s pretty magic, isn’t it, Laura?”

What do they want me to say? ‘Yeah, fucking three of your brothers at a time is pretty damned fantastic.’ It’d be the truth.

“Well, we’re busy right now and I don’t want to mess this up.”

The twins walk over to look at the canvas. There’s whistles of appreciation. “This is fucking amazing,” one of them says. “One of your best,” the other adds. It’s hard to work out who is who just from their voices.

Casey comes back into view. “How much do you want for this?” he asks Donnie.

“It’s not finished yet.”

“When it is?”

“I don’t know. . .I’m not sure I’m going to sell it.”

“Planning on keeping it for yourself,” Cameron asks. “I can understand why you would.”

“I don’t think I’d get any work done if that was on my wall,” Casey says.

“It’s not porn.” Donnie sounds deflated and I look at him worriedly.

Cameron slaps him on the back. “No, it isn’t, brother. It’s amazing.”

“We’ll get out of your hair then,” Casey says.

Donnie turns to me, I assume to check I’m still in position, and when he does, his eyes widen.

“Stay where you are,” he says to his brothers.

Casey and Cameron look confused. “What is it?”

“Her aura. It’s changed since you came into the room. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“You want us to stay so you can paint her aura?”

Donnie nods and waves them to a sofa that’s close to where I’m lying. I’ll have a good view of them both if they sit there and they’ll have front seat tickets to the show between my legs. I close my eyes, my pussy clamping down as though it’s hungry. My clit is burning again; hot and begging to be touched. There is no way I’m going to be able to pose for this painting with them sitting right there and not start to show signs of arousal. It’s impossible.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I say quickly.

“Please,” Donnie pleads. He looks desperate, as though everything he’s ever painted would mean nothing if he didn’t get to finish this composition. I don’t want to say yes but I don’t think I can say no.

I close my eyes again and take a deep breath. Before I answer, Donnie is thanking me and ushering Cameron and Casey to where he wants them to sit. I keep my eyes closed, trying to hold the position that Donnie arranged me into, legs apart for three sets of eyes to see.

“Open your eyes,” Donnie says. “I need to see them.”

I do, glancing over at him as his gaze roams over me once more and he then disappears behind the canvas. My eyes dart to where Casey and Cameron are both sitting like mirror images of each other; legs spread, reclining with matching smiles on their faces.

“Donnie, you’re going to owe us, man,” Cameron says.

“Yeah,” Casey agrees. “I mean, sitting looking at a half-naked woman for a few hours is hard work.”

“Shhh.” Donnie’s brush appears over the top of the canvas as though he’s a conductor ordering silence from the orchestra.

Cameron chuckles and nudges his brother in the ribs. “Don’t disturb the master.”

The room goes silent except for the gentle sounds of breathing and the scratching sliding sounds of Donnie’s brushes. I try not to look at the twins but I can feel their eyes on me. I can feel their gaze between my legs, stroking, stroking, stroking. I feel dizzy, knowing they can see my pussy and imagining what they are thinking. They know what I did with their brothers. They know my pussy’s been fucked by seven of their brothers in so few days that I don’t feel comfortable even admitting to myself. They know that there are only three brothers to go and they’re sitting close enough that if they reached out, they could caress my skin. They could pinch my nipples and stroke their fingers between my labia. They could get on their knees and put their faces between my legs, taking it in turns to taste me, bringing me closer and closer…

. . .oh god. I shouldn’t be thinking these things. My legs have flopped open wider as though my body is searching for the reality of my fantasy. I stay staring ahead until I can’t anymore. My eyes flick to Casey and he’s looking directly at me, fire in his eyes and amusement, too. This is all a big game to him.

“This is great,” Donnie enthuses, drawing both of our attention. “Just keep as still as you can.”

“Most of Laura is really still,” Cameron says.

“Just her eyes and her pussy can’t stop moving.” Casey chuckles darkly and I can feel the rush of blood to my cheeks and between my legs at his words.

He’s right. My pussy clenches again and I feel it; a trickle of my arousal slipping between the cheeks of my ass.

“Fuck,” Casey mutters.

He nudges his brother who also notices and swears under his breath. Only Donnie seems oblivious to my predicament.

“You nearly done, brother?” Casey asks Donnie.

“Nearly. Why? You hungry?”

“Yeah,” Cameron answers. “Fucking starving.”

“Me, too,” Casey says and I’m really getting the feeling they aren’t talking about eating fried chicken.

Fuck. How did I get myself into this situation?

Saying yes to Donnie, that’s how.

Art is one thing but what my body needs has nothing to do with art and what’s on those boy’s minds doesn’t either.

I’m tired of arguing with myself about the rightness and wrongness of everything that has happened over the past few days. The first night with Grant was a big step, and again with Ford and Donnie, but everything since has felt so natural.

Is it weird to trust a man because you trust his brother?

Apples never fall far from the tree, at least, that’s the saying.

I’m not sure any of the McGregor boys are like what I’ve seen of their father, but they all have a central core of something honorable and good that makes me feel more than comfortable with them. Comfortable enough to imagine Cameron dropping to his knees so that he can press his face between my legs. Comfortable enough to imagine Casey pulling away the slip of fabric that is covering the rest of my body and worshiping me with his mouth too. Comfortable enough to do all this while Donnie watches.

Am I crazy?

I know I couldn’t explain any of this to my friends. I couldn’t explain any of this to anyone with a hope of them understanding, but I don’t know if that matters to me anymore. What we do together in the privacy of this home is no one else’s business.

I look up at the two gorgeous men who are currently staring at my pussy as though it holds the secrets of the universe and I feel womanly and powerful. I feel curvy and sexy and desirable. Isn’t this what every woman wants to feel?

I drop my legs open a little more, giving them a better view of how aroused I am. Casey’s eyes flick to mine and he smiles like a wolf. The crookedness of his boxer’s nose gives a roughness to his perfect appearance that I like a lot. His big, strong hands flex in his lap as though he’s imagining using them to touch me and I have to smile back. Maybe he’s getting the urge to punch something with frustration.

I look across to Cameron, and he’s smiling in a similar wolfish way. God, these McGregor men drive me crazy.

For a moment I close my eyes and breathe deeply. I feel as though I should be saying thank you to whatever higher power has sent me all of this joy and pleasure. This whole situation is almost otherworldly in its essence.

When I open my eyes, the twins move and it’s as though they have read my mind. Cameron drops to his knees, his hands going to my ankles. He stares up at me, waiting I sup
pose for me to tell him to let me go. It’s what I’d say if I didn’t want him to touch me, but I don’t say it. I want his big hands on me. I want them to slide up the backs of my calves, to take hold of my knees and push them apart. I want him to cup the insides of my thighs and his thumb to part my labia roughly. I want his brother to drop to his knees next to me, taking my nipple into his mouth while he runs his hand over the warm skin of my belly.

It’s Donnie who makes a shocked sound when he next rounds the canvas and sees a whole different pose from what he’d seen before. My eyes meet his, a wanton woman being serviced by these two hungry brothers and I see him smile. He doesn’t do what I’m expecting him to do. He’s shared me before with Ford so I imagined him coming to join us. Instead, his brush scratches the canvas again, painting this new scene, however he’s interpreting it into art.

Cameron’s tongue touches my clit; hot and warm my hips jumping at the sensation.

He licks me as though my taste is as good as his favorite dessert and his brother matches him stroke for stroke as he kisses me deeply. I don’t know what I’m expecting from Casey and Cameron. Each of the McGregor brothers has had his own style when it comes to fucking and they are no exception. There’s a gruffness about their touch that is new. A fierce ownership of my body that flicks a switch in my head.

“Don’t move,” Donnie says.

“You’re not gonna direct the sex, Donnie,” Cameron says from between my legs.

“Maybe he should,” Casey laughs against my nipple. “I’d like to hear how Donnie would get us to transform Laura’s aura.”

“Mmm.” Cameron’s lips vibrate against my clit and I have to moan.

“Fuck her on the sofa,” Donnie says. He’s already grabbing a large sketch pad, inspiration taking over.

“Now that could be interesting,” Casey says. He stands, still fully clothed and reaches to take my hand. My legs are weak but I manage to get to my feet at the same time as Cameron.

“Cameron, you sit,” Donnie says.

Cameron starts to tug off his clothes, tossing them on the floor and taking a seat on the blue velvet, his cock a tower of arousal between his legs.