

Her only hope for survival... Handsome, wealthy and respected, Sir Mark Turner is the most sought-after bachelor in all of London and he's known far and wide for his irreproachable character. But behind his virtuous reputation lies a passionate nature he keeps carefully in check...until he meets the beautiful Jessica Farleigh, the woman he's waited for all his life. Is to ruin the man she loves... But Jessica is a courtesan, not the genteel lady Sir Mark believes. Desperate to be free of a life she despises, she seizes her chance when Mark's enemies make her an offer she can't refuse--seduce Mark and tarnish his good name, and a princely sum will be hers. Yet as she comes to know the man she's sworn to destroy, Jessica will be forced to choose between the future she needs and the love she knows is impossible.

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Top Reviews

I went through a phase where romance novels were just irritating me and so I got out of the habit of reading them. Now that I'm reading more of them again, I still find a number of them irritating, but sometimes I happen upon one that I truly enjoy.

This was one of the truly enjoyable ones.

Courtney Milan has built a beautiful series of stories here. I'm loving the Turner brothers and having such a great time reading about their romances. The characters never do the expected thing, whic...

By Deidra Yundt

The author posits an explanation for the madness of Mark's mother in her multimedia notes that colored my enjoyment of this book throughout and caused me to read with a jaundiced eye. Ultimately, it was never mentioned in the text and I trust that it was just a wild hair.

We first encountered Sir Mark Turner in Unveiled. I enjoyed his character and was quite curious about what sort of woman would be his ideal mate. He mentioned his want of a lioness. Well, he got her. Jessica is a quite a ...

By Becki Barrows

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