The Nanny and the Playboy

The Nanny and the Playboy

Wayne Myers is a playboy, and doesn’t have time in his life for children. When a little boy is handed to him with the claim to be his son, Wayne knows without a doubt that he’s not the father. Until he can prove it, though, what the hell is he to do with a damn kid?

Temperance Michaels has been a nanny for twelve years, and she’s tired of the constant heartache when she has to walk away. She knows she has to find something else to do with her life, so when she gets a call from Wayne, her first instinct is to turn him down. But after hearing about the young boy who has lost his mother, she caves.

Now that Wayne has a nanny, he intends to lead his own life again. But he didn’t anticipate being attracted to the raven-haired beauty. Temperance is not like any of the women he’s ever been with, and she’s getting under his skin. With Temperance and Timothy in his life, Wayne has the chance to find out what it’s like to have a family of his own, at least for a while. After temporarily enjoying having a woman and a kid, he intends to give them both up.

Will this playboy take a chance or return to his womanizing ways?

A brand-new series that will have the theme of men falling for their nanny.

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Top Reviews

This is such a wonderfully touching story! I’m not going to lie, I felt tears in my eyes several times as the story progressed. I absolutely loved the characters! The author made them real enough to step out of the pages and I was enthralled by the story and the struggles the characters faced. This was one HEA I was not sure of, but I enjoyed every minute on the way to getting there.

By Delfina Kessler

I have read quite a few books by Sam Crescent and enjoyed them all. However this first book in Crescent’s “The Nannies” series is a bit different and much tamer than her normal darker fare, and well, despite being a bit vanilla for my tastes I can’t say I hate it. In fact quite the contrary, as I rather liked the more heartfelt, emotionally centered story about an unsuspecting billionaire and the baby that throws his life into turmoil.

Here with, “The Nanny and the Playboy”, Crescent gives...

By Sun Hane

”All of his life all he’d ever really wanted was a family of his own, and yet he had nothing. No woman he trusted or even loved, no kids, nothing.”

Great story! Sam Crescent rarely lets me down! I wouldn’t do much call Wayne a playboy as much as a selfish workaholic. I also liked that Tempe wasn’t some fresh faced 20 year old nanny but a 30 year old woman with 12 years of experience who knew exactly what she was getting into. It was so sweet watching the two of them fall in love not only w...

By Collene Conroy

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