The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Like a pagan god, Rolfe the Relentless rode into Castle Aelfgar to claim it as his prize--and Lady Alice as his bride. Lauded for his bravery in France, in England he was the hated enemy. Once ensconced in his new domain, Rolfe became determined to tame the Saxon beauty Ceidre, Alice's illegitimate sister, whose spirit and sensuality make him risk treason to have her--not Lady Alice--in his bed...Mysterious and seductive, she was no lady but a spy for the rebel cause of her noble half brothers. Refusing to bow to this arrogant warrior who ignited her forbidden passion, Ceidre was swept into a dangerous liaison tied to the fate of England and kings. Yet with his kisses on her lips, his skillful hands on her body, she would have to struggle not to surrender to... The Conqueror.From the Paperback edition.

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Top Reviews

I love romance, especially when placed in a different context, be it futuristic or in a castle and from centuries ago. Here we have a hated Black Cobra cult that attempts to prevent our heroes' mission from success, challenges that must be overcome with the help of amazing and extremely competent women who just happen to be beautiful yet who are NOT seeking love or a relationships.

I find this to be an amazing series; captivating given the mission of the four heroes to deliver an incrimina...

By Michaele Sporer

Contrary to so many of these reviews, I think this is an excellent book. The heroine's position of power, and it's inherent pitfalls, IS similar to that of Queen Elizabeth I, and while it's perhaps a lofty comparison and a stretch that a woman could hold such a position, I find it to be refreshing; it's taking a step outside the box. And while some may consider the extra sex scenes in this book page filler, I found them to be not only super hot, but a deeper exploration of the power dynamics ...

By Pat Howe

Having read many negative reviews before I started this book, I was pleasantly surprised that I liked it so much. I am glad I did not let them keep me from reading it. Even though the first 40% of the book is dedicated to getting the H/h together, it was interesting and the plot twists and turns for the last 60% kept me reading. I was very glad this h did not keep a juvenileish diary like the one in book 2 did. This h was a fully realized competent adult.
I do have to agree that the sex scen...

By Michele Waters

I have throughly enjoyed the first 2 books in this series, but consider this the best one. I thought after 2 books the plot would get old: a military man traveling from India to England on a spy mission, joined up with a female companion/future wife, battling bad guys to bring down the evil Black Cobra Cult. But Laurens does a great job of shaking things up and and introducing a new type of heroine. Linnet is very likable: a strong, compassionate woman with surprising strengths and skills. Lo...

By Evan Hilll

Way to go, Ms. Laurens! I enjoyed this book very much except the portion where Lillet was having doubts as to if she could marry Logan or not. That portion was BORING! Otherwise, loved the adventure, romance & intrigue. Logan is for sure a keeper! Lillet was wise to see the light & decided to accept her fate to become Logan's wife.
Now for the bad news. I am in no way an English grammar expert, but you need to hire someone to check your punctuation & sentence structure. You can't & shouldn't...

By Ashlee Rolfson

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