Raine on Me

Raine on Me

Brit wants to get on with her life and leave her rough past far behind. Most of the cowboys who end up in her care are cranky old ex-rodeo stars. But not the new guy. He’s a tall, mouthwatering hunk with the hottest body she’s ever seen. And she can see it all, since not one inch of that incredible flesh is hidden from her gaze. The blunt, crude man shocks Brit a bit when he flat-out tries to get her into his bed... immediately. Brit is the sexiest woman River has ever come across. Every time he thinks he’s starting to tame her, she tries to bolt from his life. He’s a man who always gets what he wants and the more time he spends with the mouthy, stubborn woman, the more convinced he becomes that he can never give her up. Good thing for him he’s not above chaining a woman to his bed if that’s what it takes to keep her right where he wants her—under him.

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Top Reviews

This is a great continuation from book one. Loved the danger interspersed with romance. Loved the family connections. Great exciting read.

By Izola Balistreri

I love all of this author's work, but this ended too abruptly. I like an epilogue, and a hint of what to expect next. Series are my preference, and this author's never disappointed. This is a great series and I hope there is more to come for the Reine brothers!

By Maura Bruen

This is a great continuation from book one. Loved the danger interspersed with romance. Loved the family connections. Great exciting read.

By Carri Bosco

Good sequel to the first book, but not really a five star for me. I really dislike the heroine`s flight instinct. I understood the whole "sacrifice myself for the sake of everyone else" vibe, but it irritated me around third and fourth time she tried to bolt. I really hope that the author will continue this series, as the next brother`s long lost love is hinted to be returning. I enjoyed the book, and would recommend it to anybody.

By Leandra Pollich

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