On A Wicked Dawn

On A Wicked Dawn

E-book extra: From the Lab to the Regency: One Writer's Travels (Part Two): An Interview with Stephanie Laurens."Marrying you will be entirely my pleasure."Amelia Cynster hears these words from the handsome, enigmatic Lucien Ashford and is stunned. It's near dawn and she's risked scandal by lying in wait for him just outside his London house. But he agrees to her outrageous marriage proposal -- just prior to passing out at her feet. Amelia's torn between astounded relief and indignant affront, then decides she doesn't care. She has always loved him - no other man will do - and, frankly, she's tired of waiting.Be sure not to miss the tale of Amelia's twin, Amanda Cynster -- On a Wild Night -- also available from PerfectBound e-books.

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