Magnolia by Diana Palmer

Magnolia by Diana Palmer

Atlanta in 1900 was a city of contrasts: a bustling place where commerce and high society flourished amid the languid rhythms of the sultry South. Claire Lang loved her life there, but one man's presence unsettled her very soul. John Hawthorn's dark eyes and lean, handsome face captivated Claire more than she wanted to admit. And when tragedy struck, Claire found herself desperate enough to marry him—a man who couldn't return her passionate love.

As the fragrant scent of the magnolia wafted on warm breezes, Claire aroused fierce, unexpected desires in her elusive husband. And once she had tasted his kisses and savored his lovemaking, she dared to fight for him as a sizzling scandal threatened to engulf them and the love she began to believe could be theirs….

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Top Reviews

a woman in love with a man and he not return it became almost unbearable to Claire and watching another woman flaunt herself in front of almost everyone almost drove her away I enjoyed this romance novel with all its turns and mystery of theft of money and a chase to find the truth. thanks to many good friends all ended well. this book was easy to follow and well written with a plot that held my interest and in as blue to put it down. PrAise to Diana Palmer for another good read.

By Celia Renner

Huge fan of Diana Palmer writing. This book is in line with her set up of romance. They meet, he is mean or unfeeling towards her but needs her for something, then she leaves and he doesn't have a clue why and then OMG, he gets it and they live HEA! DP usually has the man rather tacky towards the woman and this one was no exception. Woman stands up for herself in this one and isn't a doorstop. She does have her moments and he does recover being mean fairly quickly in this one.

By Anisa Rosenbaum

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