Knights of White Bundle

Knights of White Bundle

Caught in an ancient battle between good and evil, the Knights of White have for centuries walked the line between darkness and light. As this army of immortals battles to protect humanity from the Darkland Beasts, soulless demons intent upon destruction, each Knight is torn between the beast he carries within his soul and the goodness he longs to embrace. And his only salvation lies in finding his chosen mate, the woman who can calm his beast for all eternity. Enter Lisa Renee Jones's spellbinding world of fantasy and adventure in this enthralling bundle, which includes The Beast Within, Beast of Desire, Return of the Beast and Beast of Darkness.

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Top Reviews

I enjoyed every moment of this tale of reincarnation, love, battle, & beasts. It had every thing wrapped into one and there was never a dull moment. Every page was filled with even more and I just didn’t want to put it down. I loved it and I will definitely be reading the other books in this series. Bravo!!!😊

By Stephnie Lindgren

The Beast Within by the very talented author Lisa Renee Jones is the first book of a new series by nocturne called The Knights Of White. I found it to be a very interesting read and the character developement was quite good, but the story does contain more sex than actual romance, which may be due to the fact that the main characters loved each other in another life. All in all I enjoyed the book very much and look forward to reading more of Lisa Renee Jones' work.

By Celestine Donnelly

This story was not for me. I truly struggled to get into the book, I struggled through the book and ended up skipping a lot of pages. It has a good concept, and world. Understanding the plot/characters, following along with it, and relating to the characters I truly struggled with. I would not continue with the series.

By Myong Bogisich

Jag leader of the Knights of White lives with the fear of giving in to the beast that lives within him and the seductress in his dreams isn't helping his cause, he feels she will be his damnation. When he bumps into the real life version of his dreamy delight he doesn't know if he should grab her and kiss her, or kill her before she seduces him like in his dreams... This can't be real, but if he and his men who exist to eradicate the Darkland Beasts are real, then why not this dream vision. W...

By Summer Veum

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