Fallen Heir

Fallen Heir

Easton Royal has it all: looks, money, intelligence. His goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He never thinks about the consequences because he doesn’t have to.

Until Hartley Wright appears, shaking up his easy life. She’s the one girl who’s said no, despite being attracted to him. Easton can’t figure her out and that makes her all the more irresistible.

Hartley doesn’t want him. She says he needs to grow up.

She might be right.

Rivals. Rules. Regrets. For the first time in Easton’s life, wearing a Royal crown isn’t enough. He’s about to learn that the higher you start, the harder you fall.

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Top Reviews

I have so much love for this series – intense romantic YA drama that is also smart and funny. I loved Ella and Reed’s story in the first three books of the series, but like a lot of other readers, Reed’s younger brother, Easton, also completely captured my heart and I have been so excited to get to his story. And this book was exactly what I was hoping for! It took me right back into this world and into the mind of a wonderfully complex, loveable character, and I loved every moment of it!


By Chris Fay


What just happened?
*looks around at other Royal fangirls.*
Did they just...? Did that just...?

Well, at about 75% I thought I had my review locked down. I had plans to say that Easton Royal is a misguided, very flawed, drunken f-boy. (Who I still love, despite these descriptions!) Who becomes infatuated with Hartley Wright. A girl who is attracted to him, but not interested in the least in "a Royal," and all that comes with that last name. She wants to get ...

By Elvina Stracke

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