All Grown Up Featured

All Grown Up

A new, sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.When I first encountered Ford Donovan, I had no idea who he was…well, other than the obvious. Young, gorgeous, successful, smart. Did I mention young? If I did, it bears repeating. Ford Donovan was too young for me.Let’s back up to how it all started. My best friend decided I needed to start dating again. So, without my knowledge, she set up a profile for me on a popular dating site—one that invited men ages twenty-one to twenty-seven to apply for a date. Those nicknamed Cunnilingus King were told they’d go straight to the top for consideration. The profile wasn’t supposed to go live. Another point that bears repeating—it wasn’t supposed to. Nevertheless, that’s how I met Ford, and we started messaging. He made me laugh; yet I was adamant that because of his age, we could only be friends. But after weeks of wearing me down, I finally agreed to one date only—my first after twenty years of being with my high school sweetheart. I knew it couldn’t last, but I was curious about him.Though, you know what they say…curiosity kills the cat.

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Top Reviews

Hands Down, All Grown Up is the BEST ROMANCE OF 2019 💗 Ford Donovan is a Romance Revelation

If you do nothing else to soothe your soul this summer, you must read All Grown Up, a uniquely modern, deeply resonant, hopelessly romantic story, from the brilliant storyteller and wordsmith of love Vi Keeland.

All Grown Up is a love letter to Keeland's fans and anyone who savors true love’s journey, who enjoys wry humor and a dirty mouth, who relishes in the great conversation between men and w...

By Reta Gibson

Vi Keeland’s All Grown Up is a fun and flirty take on the forbidden age-gap romance, filled with steam, wit, and just the right amount of drama. While I usually like my novels to cause me a little more pain (I’m a sucker for damage and tragedy), I thoroughly enjoyed the light-hearted and romantic nature of Val and Ford’s story. Their chemistry, paired with the unique conflicts, made this a 4 star read for me.

All Grown Up is the perfect steamy beach romance to touch on all of your emotions...

By Melinda O'Conner

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