A Fine Passion

A Fine Passion

The men of the Bastion Club are powerful, loyal, and not averse to overcoming danger if they must. Now, after years of loyal service to the Crown, they each -- one by one -- must face that greatest danger of all ...love.

The last of his line, Jack, Baron Warnefleet, has fled London after nearly being compromised into marrying a dreadful female. Turning his back on the entire notion of marriage, he rides home to the estate he has not seen for years, determined to set in motion an alternative course of action.

But then in the lane before his gate, Jack rescues a startlingly beautiful lady from a menacing, unmanageable horse. However, while he begins by taking command, the lady continues by taking it back. Lady Clarice Altwood is no meek and mild miss. She is the very antithesis of thewoolly-headed young ladies Jack has rejected as not for him. Clarice is delectably attractive, beyond eligible, undeniably capable, and completely unforgettable. Why on earth is she rusticating in the country?

That enigma is compounded by mystery, and it's quickly clear thatClarice is in danger. Jack must use every ounce of his cunning and wit to protect this highly independent and richly passionate woman ... who has so quickly stolen his heart.

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Top Reviews

This was an adventure! I very much loved Clarice as FMC, she was incredibly composed and regal. She reminded me of Honoria from the Cynster series. Jack was wonderful as well, he knew he couldn’t just take charge of Clarice so he assisted her in her triumphs instead. This novel has everything I love most about Laurens’ characters, the power that the women of her novels exhibit is so exquisite. One of my faves from Laurens!

By Leisa Kunde

Lord Jack is on his way home after escaping the London season. He comes upon a carriage accident. That is the first time he sees Lady Clarisa. She saw the accident happen. Another carriage ran him off the road and was about to finish the drive off when he spots Lady Clarisa looking very closely at him. He takes off when Jack rides upon them. This is the beginning of the storyline that will take them back to London to find out and clear the name of a friend and relative of Lady Clarisa's and f...

By Calandra Dicki

Favorite scene with Clarice-

Telling off her ex by letting him have it in the balls. Classic. She sure knows how to take care of herself, despite the fact that she needs, and wants, a little help from Jack.

Favorite scene with Jack-

Trying to discover the identity of a certain man, first at the tavern, and then with urchins. This scene made me think that Jack wanted kids after this. He was so wonderful with the urchins. Jack is a people person. Always calm and gentle, never demanding...

By Sherika Roberts

He drew breath, and spoke quickly. “The truth is…I love you to distraction, and will move heaven and earth, and anything between, to make you mine.” She blinked, no doubt recalling what were almost exactly her own words, but now he’d taken the plunge, he found the rest came more easily. “I know that your family—Alton, Roger, Nigel, and all the rest—need you, that that need is real in its way, but I need you more.” He held her gaze steadily, and dropped every shield he possessed, every veil he...

By Phebe Swift

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