Finding the Jewel

Finding the Jewel

Chloe Deems is a plus sized girl with pink hair and an attitude –she owns her curves. Which is one reason she’s so upset when she gets abducted by aliens and forced to live in a Smart House designed to make her lose weight. She has to weigh in every day and the smart-aleck talking scale decides what she’s allowed to eat which is always lettuce and celery and never the delicious Thin Mints she can see peering tantalizingly out from behind the unbreakable glass cupboard in the kitchen. To Chloe, it seems like things just can’t get any worse…until a prospective buyer comes to look her over. Tark is a Beast Kindred who has been on the outside looking in his whole life. A debilitating stutter has kept him from finding a mate or settling down. Finally he gets a prophesy from a priestess telling him to seek for an elusive jewel which can cure his voice and Tark knows just where to look for it—in the house where Chloe is being held prisoner. But instead of the jewel, he finds a feisty, gorgeous plus-sized girl who’s ready to fight for her life. He agrees to rescue her if she’ll help him look in the only other place the jewel might be—the Resort of Resonant Oneness, located deep underground on a planet that straddles the lines between dimensions. Chloe agrees to help the big Kindred out in return for her freedom but she doesn’t know that the resort they are traveling to has some distinctly erotic ideas about “oneness.” Now she and the huge Beast Kindred are stuck doing some incredible embarrassing and intimate exercises that make even the brash Chloe blush. Still, she and Tark seem to be growing closer…until a monster from her past kidnaps Chloe. Tark is given a choice—between rescuing the woman he has come to love, or completing the task he set himself in the first place and regaining his voice. Which will he choose? You’ll have to read Finding the Jewel to find out

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Top Reviews

The crossover was HILARIOUS!!! (You'll have to read it to figure out what I'm talking about...) That made me SO HAPPY! LOLOL

I might be the only one who didn't like the diet house though, heh. Too many years of my own self image issues I suppose. :P HOWEVER, I did not downgrade it for that because ZOMG AWESOME BOOK YAY!!!

Chloe and Tark, SO GREAT!! The fact the *Kindred* himself isn't perfect?! Oh WOW that is outstanding! I have a dear friend who has a stutter (that is under control thr...

By Leola Gusikowski

I enjoyed this book. The diet stuff was a bit much at the start, but I really liked these two together and also how the stutter was included. Sweet story, recommended to fans of this series/author.

By Sixta Crist

A human female who is mistakenly kidnapped by fat shaming aliens. A beast kindred sent by a prophecy to find a jewel that can cure his stutter. He finds the human and rescues her and she acts like his mate to help him find the jewel. You will have to read the book to find out what trials they go through.

By Kylie Kshlerin

Loved the tale of Chloe and Tark, finding love and confidence in themselves. I really got frustrated that they were not communicating their feelings until it seemed all was lost. Tark's speech impairment broke my heart but his determination to heal himself is more admirable. I love that he found the answered that he needed.
Great addition to the Kindred series!

By Glennis Hickle

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