Wicked Cravings Featured

Wicked Cravings

For years, wolf shifter Jaime Farrow has harbored a not-so-secret crush on gorgeous Dante Garcea. But the time has come for Jaime to face facts: despite her best efforts, Dante just isn’t interested. And that’s probably for the best. The last thing Jaime needs is for anyone—particularly Dante—to find out about her little “problem.” The one that haunts her past and threatens to destroy her and everyone she loves…

As the pack Beta, workaholic Dante Garcea doesn’t have time for distractions—especially the kind promised by Jaime Farrow. It’s all he can do to keep her at arm’s length and his desire at bay. Yet when her flirtations abruptly end, Dante becomes suspicious. She’s hiding something, something big, and unless he can convince her to trust him, their entire pack could be in danger. He knows hot-headed Jaime will resist him…but Dante never takes no for an answer.

This book contains explicit content and is recommended for mature readers.

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Top Reviews

Despite having had a crush on Dante Garcea since she was a child, wolf shifter Jaime Farrow figures that it’s time to move on. After all, a female has her pride. If he'd wanted her, he wouldn’t have ignored her flirtatious behavior. He’d made it clear through his indifference that he had zero interest in her, and chasing after a guy who doesn’t want her isn't Jamie's idea of fun. Besides, she has much bigger issues to worry about.

At just twelve years old, she'd witnessed her parents’ murd...

By Patrica Aufderhar

You the it factor you look for in a book. Well this book has it all. And it sets you up for the next book. You think you see things coming at you in this book. A woman afraid of commitment finds a man who is the same. They come together and then BAM something happens you expect but you didn't expect it to happen when it does. And that's after all kinds of ups and downs and tears, yes real tears. Jamie and Popeye got me crying because I felt her pain. Everyone knows the fear of someone giving ...

By Wanda Welch

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