

In Linda Howard’s gifted hands, second chances, unexpected romance, and unrelenting action combine into a riveting new novel of suspense. In Death Angel, bad girls can wake up and trust their hearts, bad guys can fight for what’s right . . . and dying just might be the only way to change one’s life.

A striking beauty with a taste for diamonds and dangerous men, Drea Rousseau is more than content to be arm candy for Rafael Salinas, a notorious crime lord who deals with betrayal through quick and treacherous means: a bullet to the back of the head, a blade across the neck, an incendiary device beneath a car. Eager to break with Rafael, Drea makes a fateful decision and a desperate move, stealing a mountain of cash from the malicious killer. After all, an escape needs to be financed.

Though Drea runs, Salinas knows she can’t hide–and he dispatches a cold-blooded assassin in hot pursuit, resulting in a tragic turn of events. Or does it?

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Top Reviews

This has romance, but it’s mostly suspense, adventure and escape. There is a secondary idea of good works earning a place in heaven.

Drea is smart but has been pretending to be dumb so Rafael would keep her as his girlfriend. Rafael is a drug lord. Rafael wants to hire Simon, a hitman. As part of his fee, Simon asks to have one afternoon of sex with Drea. Rafael says ok. Drea is so mad at Rafael for giving her to Simon that she decides to leave Rafael. She steals money from h...

By Cris Stokes

This is truly a story of redeeming love, and I loved it. Linda Howard has taken some truly unlikeable characters and because of a life changing miracle given us two truly memorable characters. The first few chapters led me to believe it was like some of her other books and I started to put it down. But the cover said something about a miracle so I kept reading and am I glad I did.

Drea Rousseau is the mistress of a mobster. She is smart enough to act very dumb. She was raised poor and dete...

By September Hyatt

Unexpectedly poignant. I like when an author can surprise, and maybe when you’ve been writing as long as LH then you’ve got the chops to write really well thought out anti-hero(ine)s.

Good read. Two thumbs up.

By Carlyn Crona

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