Phoenix Unbound Featured

Phoenix Unbound

In this USA Today bestselling novel, a woman with power over fire and illusion and the enslaved son of a chieftain battle a corrupt empire in this powerful and deeply emotional romantic fantasy.

Every year, each village is required to send a young woman to the Empire's capital--her fate to be burned alive for the entertainment of the masses. For the last five years, one small village's tithe has been the same woman. Gilene's sacrifice protects all the other young women of her village, and her secret to staying alive lies with the magic only she possesses.

But this year is different.

Azarion, the Empire's most famous gladiator, has somehow seen through her illusion--and is set on blackmailing Gilene into using her abilities to help him escape his life of slavery. Unknown to Gilene, he also wants to reclaim the birthright of his clan.

To protect her family and village, she will abandon everything to return to the Empire--and burn once more.

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Top Reviews

This was fantastic and I loved the entire thing. This won’t be for everyone since it is brutal in places but for me it has everything I really love in a book.

#1 - Characters that have been through some heavy stuff.

Azarion has been a gladiator for ten years, is now the Gladius Prime and the unfortunate toy and brutalized play thing of the Empress for almost as long. He is a slave and but has held on with the hope of escaping the pits.

***Beautiful, soft, and perfumed, Dalvila of Kra...

By Clelia Dietrich

I checked it out of the library.
The book has good world building and character development. I enjoyed the book, the hero was legendary. His home the steppes sounded like Mongolia and the empire reminded me of Rome.

I’m not sure why it wasn’t a 5 star book for me but here are some reasons which were minor but added up. The evil empress and workers were depraved and their cruelty was descriptive. The coincidences in the story were eye rolling but made a happy story; I don’t know if the her...

By Harriette Purdy

This first novel in the Fallen Empire trilogy sets up the story and world of Gilene, Azarion, and their respective peoples who live bound by some truly malevolent rulers. Each year the exceedingly evil Krael Empire demands young women as sacrifices from outlying villages sent to the capital to die in a horrible manner. All this happens for the entertainment of the rulers and citizens as well as ostensibly appeasing the gods. After gladiators fight to the death, the next level of atrocity come...

By Marvella Mohr

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