Caught By the Dragon Featured

Caught By the Dragon

Miriam Cait seeks love, or rather, her friend seeks it for her. Her friend’s latest date suggestion is refused on account of his dark eyes. There’s something not quite right with them, and Miriam soon finds out why when he comes knocking on her door, and knocking her out.Miriam Cait seeks love, or rather, her friend seeks it for her. Her friend’s latest date suggestion is refused on account of his dark eyes. There’s something not quite right with them, and Miriam soon finds out why when he comes knocking on her door, and knocking her out.Miriam wakes up from the confrontation with more than just a headache. Shackles cover her ankles and wrists, and she’s on her way to being auctioned off to a bunch of self-proclaimed dragon lords. It all seems too fantastic to be real, but as the evidence starts mounting against sanity Miriam realizes she may be in deeper trouble than she thought.

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Top Reviews

This was a alright book. I enjoyed it and I read it thru, I would recommend this book to everyone.

By Margaret Beahan

Admittedly, I was enthralled with this particular adventure. The author delivers the promised romance - and one mildly explicit scene. Miriam, the heroine, is stubborn and willful. As such, we're given thrilling glimpses of the world Mac Flynn has built for our amusement. There are intricately detailed descriptions of the high castle and the woods adjacent. The unfortunate side effect of that prolific description seems to be a bit of a rushed ending.

For the most part, the pacing is very g...

By Sunshine Schuster

A good start to the series. Interested to read more and see where this series goes! On to the next!

By Yang Schaefer

Again I found a good read in this book. I would not mind more stories in this series.

By Delores Zemlak

Not a unique story line but very entertaining. Women being snatched and brought to another dimension to hopefully be mated to a dragon lord.
This was the beginning to a series that promises action, suspense and women learning to fight for what they want. The main female character is snarky with plenty of stubbornness mixed in .
I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

By Brenna Waters

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