Angry God Featured

Angry God

Vaughn Spencer.They call him an angry god.To me, he is nothing but a heartless prince.His parents rule this town, its police, every citizen and boutique on Main Street.All I own is a nice, juicy grudge against him for that time he almost killed me.Between hooking up with a different girl every weekend, breaking hearts, noses and rules, Vaughn also finds the time to bully little ole’ me.I fight back, tooth and nail, never expecting him to chase me across the ocean after we graduate high school.But here he is, living with me in a dark, looming castle on the outskirts of London.A fellow intern. A prodigal sculptor. A bloody genius.They say this place is haunted, and it is.Carlisle Castle hides two of our most awful secrets.Vaughn thinks he can kill the ghosts of his past, but what he doesn’t know? It’s my heart he’s slaying.

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Top Reviews

Wow! A great ending to such series! I loved the ending. I loved the story especially second part of it! The ending was beautiful light and very happy! Shen just plowed through with new information, angles and facts and she never quite gave up until the story was finished.
In this book I loved that descriptions they were fun.
I didn’t expect a lot from Vaugh, as I didn’t LOVE Vicious in his own sorry and I didn’t LOVE Lunas story but i just couldn’t stop reading it until it’s over💖. Shen jus...

By Lorinda Berge

I adore messed up characters. You know, the ones who are gritty, rude, and vulgar? I love them because there’s always a reason as to why they are the way that they are, a backstory that makes me believe in them, root for them, and cry for them. A character so on the outskirts of society that no one knows how to deal with them or knows what to think of them. They’re usually popular, for all the wrong reasons. See, people are attracted to the unknown, the mysterious, the individuals who are so ...

By Theresa Schaden

Toda a série é muito interessante e a gente fica com gostinho de quero mais.
Nosso querido Angry God é uma doce lembrança de seu inesquecível papai Vicious e não nega que herdou os encantos de sua mãe e carranca do pai. Muitas surpresas boas com a segunda geração dos HotHoles e outras inimagináveis que chegou a partir meu coração, mas que com a misericórdia da Shen tudo foi resolvido da melhor e única forma que deveria ter sido.

Torcendo pra que tenhamos mais espiadinhas na vida dos morad...

By Maximina Barton

“I am hell bound, and you are heaven sent”

You,” he whispered, kissing my cheeks, “are so effortlessly yourself”

Slow burn

*check trigger warnings this book deals with sensitive subjects*

Wow. This book. I devoured it- couldn’t get enough. Vaughn Spencer is the son of Baron “Viscious” Spencer. He is soooo like his dad in so many ways but also has the artistic talent and flair of his mum Emilia. I loved how unique a character he was, how we unpacked all ...

By Lanell Rogahn

The plot thickens thickens and you just cant stop reading..... I love Ljs's narration how every character in the story has their importance... Have been reading since two weeks and i still want to read that is the magic of these books... If you havent read... Do read. Dont miss.. Its.. Just magical...

By Melodi Barton

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